A message from Lucifer: The Story that has never been told... till NOW...

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 14:56


Tue, 03/06/2012 - 05:06

This is simply amazing!   If this is what is meant by to have an open mind and that you should never judge THEN AM COMPLETELY SWEPT OFF MY FEET IN WONDER !

Does this story not make Lucifer such a lovable and loving being that you feel complete sympathy/love/warmth and so on for him ? Why have we misunderstood him for such a long time ? Does  the account in the Urantia Book concerning the Lucifer REBELLION still stand in the face of this statement from Lucifer himself ?

Lastly why did AnaShyNa take so long to tell us this amazing story and how did he discover it ?




May the Blessings of Our Father be upon you all.


Some things to consider:


If Lucifer is God then he needs no one and does not need 'to get back to God' as you said he does. Obviously he is not God, never was God and never will be God.


God as the Creator and Owner of your soul has communicated His will for you and all mankind. It is God who said that there is evil. Obviously mankind is not smart enough to think it up and very unwise to think that there is no evil.


Fear is not of God. (For God does not give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love and peace, Satan/Lucifer/Light Beings has the ability to counterfeit this spirit).


God hates any and everything (sin, evil) that comes between Him, His holiness & those that He loves that belong to Him.


Lucifer is a liar and the father of lies. You err everytime you choose to believe anything he is telling you. His goal is to deceive you. To steal your soul, kill your soul and thence to destroy your soul in hell for all eternity. Ever heard the saying 'misery loves company'? Well Lucifer knows his end is near and he has all eternity in hell and he wants to take as many there with him as he possibly can. He has you and he is not going to let you go - unless and until you cry out to JESUS the CHRIST for Him to save you.


Test Lucifer. Here is how. No Light Being will ever directly refer to Jesus as Lord. They will always speak of Jesus in the third person. Like; 'the one you/they call Jesus' or 'the one called Jesus', etc. but they will never call him Jesus - they cannot.


Here's a website to check out. If your heart is as wide open as you say it is and if you are non-judgemental as you profess to be then you should be able to listen to the programms on this website without fear, anger, resentment or judgment. www.shatterthedarkness.net


May God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and draw you to Himself for His glory and your own good. He loves you and requires nothing of you except your loving obedience which is not cumbersome. There is no fear in loving Jesus - just peace, and joy. His desire is to free you from the bondage of sin and satan.


You were instructed to love your enemy here: Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..." You were also instructed not to judge here: Matthew 7:1-3 "Judge not, that ye be not judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" If you consider Lucifer an adversary/enemy...than I would suggest that you do as your bible (written by men) says to do and "Love your enemy!" -  so that you may learn to fulfill the other command, "Judge not!" Or are you not willing to question your beliefs? Being content, blindly believing what men have taught you. Certainly no man could alter words in a book to suit nefarious political agendas, now could they? How would you know good without evil to compare it to? How would you recognize the light with the contrast of darkness? How would you know pain without having known pleasure? Once you understand the purpose Lucifer has served...you would honor him.  Everything that is known and all that is unknown - come from the same source. I can explain things, but I cannot make you understand them.



Sat, 09/24/2016 - 17:16

Feelings of overwhelming pity and sympathy for him. I want to believe and I want to be alright with certain things, but I am a must see and feel person... I will believe in something one day. If I could only witness it. I have little faith in God or the Devil. I wish I had the ability to believe. 

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