God and Prashant

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 18:51

Note: The dear gentleman who asked his heartfelt questions here, Prashant Kulkarni, Bangladore, India, made his donation to Heavenletters and asked that God's answer be published in Heavenletters. We thank Prashant for his openness, courage, and generosity. His questions represent the feelings of many on Earth. Please note that Prashant's heartfelt questions have been abridged. God’s answer is presented in its entirety. Heavenreaders, before posting your comments, please read and go by the guidelines for posting. http://heavenletters.org/terms-of-use-agreement.html

Prashant wrote:

Dear God,

First of all, I would like Your answer to this letter published in Heavenletters so many would feel at peace inasmuch as life on earth creates danger to so many species.

There are at least 50000 problem faced by human beings and increasing every year. It seems to me that most of the problems are due to how this human body is designed and created with severe limitations, and it is shocking to me.

Since the human body has so many needs like food, accommodations, energy, transportation, communication, entertainment, survival, pleasure etc., it has destroyed ecology. More than ever the human body is disconnected from so many dimensions of true nature, and massive suffering abides.

Why, God, You don't create a body which does not have to depend upon technology but, rather, be connected to Reality and its various dimensions of love, bliss, peace, freedom, contentment , consciousness, emptiness, vastness, transparency and other qualities of our true vast real nature that give all the power to manifest anything it wants instantly without needing anything from earth (including technology and industry which are causing earth destruction) and also a body which will not have these 50,000 plus problems mentioned above. Is it so difficult to create such a body?

Do You want to modify and create new DNA/cells and other things required to manifest such powerful self-sufficient body? Per my reading books on other civilizations in other dimensions and planets in this creation like Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturians, Orion, Andromeda, Zeta, Lyran etc., their bodies are designed so that they last for thousands of years without any single problem and without destroying environment and other species...if You could design those bodies then, why cannot human bodies be designed to eliminate thousands of problems?

Why is population growth not being controlled from Heaven?  Instead, why not reduce population naturally. Why create human beings to destroy this beautiful planet earth which was Paradise earlier? 

I request you to take action and create the proper well-architected, well-designed, well-thought-out human body. Giving importance to only human species and ignoring millions of other species at the cost of human species is foolishness. 

Your Heavenletters are wonderful with a lot of insights and are beneficial to many. I request that future Heavenletters address many of the problems mentioned.

With Love to God and earth and all its species and for saving Earth.

Prashant Kulkarni
Bangalore, India 

God to Prashant:

My Prashant, My Beloved Child, Heart of Love, Delver into Earth Difficulties, Carer of the Universe, Friend to Creation…

My Son, you care about humanity and the world and the future of the world. You are fervent in your caring. My love for you is assured. I do not have to have reasons for My love for you, for I simply love.

In My first thought of you at the beginning of time, you were My beloved. Before I created you, you were My beloved. You can be nothing but My beloved. Love is the Essence of My Being. It is also the Essence of Your Being.

With your understanding and acceptance that you do not have to earn My love, for you already have all of it, let Me say that I decidedly love that you care with all your heart and mind, and I love that you are open to and desirous of having My Words that you elicit published for all the world to see. This is My desire as well.

Clearly, sight unseen, you want your question and My Words to be placed before the world.

You may as well know now that you bare your heart at My behest. You are bold and brave at My behest. Your question is at My behest, for you speak for many.

No human being wants to be told to relax, yet this is My first offering to you. Please accept My offer. I offer you peace and quiet. I desire to lead you into green pastures now.

I offer peace to the world. We, you and I, agree that it's time now for the world to settle down. I ask you, too, to lie down by the still waters and look up at the sky and radiate a bright and brilliant future for the world.

Blessed are you who wants to cure all ills. In peace, dear friend, you make a difference. Believe in peace more than in upset and cause for fear and sense of danger. Excitation and fear stir up the pot of difficulties in the world. Stirring up the fires is not an antidote to the perceived ills of the world. Problems are not the foundation of the world. I repeat that problems are not the foundation of the world. Not at all. I say it again. Problems are not the foundation of the world. Problems of the significance that you speak of are not solved by looking at the problem.

The world sees danger. The world confronts danger. Many see the world filled with danger, fraught with danger. Sense of danger is not to your benefit nor is it My Will for you.

Beloved Prashant, a sense of danger produces fear and anger. Fear and anger tend to produce a sword of righteousness. Put this sword aside. Put it away. The sword of righteousness is an indicter. It is an accuser. It is a sword that seeks victory when there are no sides. In True Reality, there is Oneness. Let Us remember Oneness.

Many are irate at conditions as seen from the world point of view and at those seemingly uncaring ones who are not aflame with passion and vision such as yours. No matter how wonderful it is to care, you are taking a hard line. See with My eyes, for the world is crying for gentleness and kindness and understanding.

Honorably, you are seeking solutions. In the world, before you can seek solutions, problems have to stand out before you. Dear Prashant, you have been focusing on problems. Instead of having your eye on the sparrow, you are desirous of action to fix the world, and fix it now. Harmony comes not from all the action in the world. It comes from Being.

There is no question of your desire to bless the world. Intellect, however, digresses on difficulties. Intellect gets stuck on difficulties. It promotes attention on difficulties. It analyzes them. It researches them. Intellect may build bridges across a river, yet intellect does not build bridges across hearts in the world.

You have a big heart and are dedicated to worthy desires for the world. At the same time, you would also like to teach Me how to be God! Please smile, beloved Prashant. Your eagerness comes from your good will, nothing less. You want only good for the world and the entire Universe and all Beings everywhere. To reach your goals, shine Light, Prashant.

Care for the world and its environment from the depth of your heart. Love the Universe as you do. Other human beings, no matter how differently they may see the world, require your love. They are My children as are you, and they desire and deserve your love. Through your love, you increase the Consciousness of the World. Consciousness beats compliance any day. Raising Consciousness is the answer to all the difficulties in the world.

There is no other cure but love. Enforcement is not love. See Higher Dimensions of Love within yourself and within others as well.

Another way to bespeak love is to say: Inspire. You are here to inspire others. First, inspire yourself. Get away from the arena of difficulties. Rise above the clouds.

When difficulties occupy your mind, difficulties grow. See the blessings in the world, and blessings will grow. Love the planet. Love all Beings no matter who or what they are. Being a caretaker of the world does not mean you are to be the orchestrator of the world.

Read other less finite materials, beloved. Think anew.

It is not in the best interest of Heavenreaders and the world to read about the woes of the world. Woes of the world are not My thing, nor are they yours. Turmoil begets turmoil. Fear not, beloved Prashant. Fear begets fear.

The world and the human body were created in perfect harmony. I gave you a perfect body. I gave it to you as a gift. Love the body as it is created.

The world is already returning to its original state. It is being updated right now as We speak. Bodies are changing. Life is changing. All this that you crave is happening. You will begin to see it more and more. Be on the lookout for it.

Whatever you look for, you will see. Let go of the difficulties. You have greater to do in your service to the world.

You are a sincere reader of Heavenletters. One theme of Heavenletters is to let go of the past. The intellect upholds the past. The intellect bases its thinking on the past. The intellect has strong opinions based on the past. Opinions are opinions, not face. And Truth Alone is Truth.

There is a saying: Take care of today, and tomorrow will take care of itself. This is another way of saying: Stop worrying. No longer worry about the future of the Universe. All is well. Had you My Vision, beloved, you would see this. You would be free of worry.

All this you see before you is illusion. The extant world is only part of existence. It is maya. It is not the whole story. Be cool. Be calm. No longer be anxious. Be assured of the world. You are soul, Prashant. The soul of you knows not worry nor concern. What good does a frown do?  

You have been getting into details. You have been delving into the periphery. You have been delving into the surface. The surface does not go deep enough.

In fact, you do not have to delve at all!

Your assignment is to enjoy. It is My deep desire that you enjoy the world. Love the world. You do not have to whip your horse in order to make him giddyap. Give your love in gentle ways. You have a huge heart for mankind. Give your brothers and sisters in the world your love. Give them your Light.

The world will blossom under your love. Your assignment is to love. Have joy and give joy. Love yourself, you, this fine human being on Earth who cares so deeply. 

Allow Me to be the Teacher. Who holds up the sky? Who propelled the Sun into existence? Who made the Oceans? Who made the waves? Who made you, beloved Prashant?

Within the son exists the Father. You are here to reveal Me in the Wonderment of your Heart.

You value the Earth. Now, value everyone's Life on Earth. Everyone's. Life is a precious gift to all. In Earth terms, no wants to suffer, and, by far, the majority of beings on Earth don't want others to suffer either. Oneness is Truth.

Those with food and housing in abundance also suffer. The world makes comparisons. The world measures. To the world, one suffers more, another suffers less. Yet from the outside, no one knows. People who hunger may view the world differently from you, and they may desire to live with all their might even as they live with hunger. Some who have all their external needs met lavishly may not want to live at all. Who can say who is rich, and who is poor?

From the world point of view, life is not just, life is unjust. This is the world point of view. Surely, there is plenty of evidence in world terms for this point of view. Go higher and deeper, dear friend. Life is unfathomable. Life is amazing in its unfathomableness.

Be not attached to world difficulties nor to naming them. Problems have a low consciousness. Yes, as you say, there is carelessness in the world. You who care will lead without drama. Drama is not of Heaven. Drama is of Earth.

And you are My Light on Earth. Light the world from your heart. This is how you set the world aright. Keep your awareness on higher than trouble. Spread Light far and wide.

Dream your dreams of what you want. May you see your dreams fulfilled. The world will reap your dreams.

Be of good cheer. Lift your heart high.

God is in Heaven, and on Earth too. I am here. I am here with you. Here, I give you peace. Claim peace. Give peace. Be peace. Be.

"In Being, perform action."

I bless you now.

In love with the world, I am your

God of Love

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://heavenletters.org/god-and-prashant.html - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


I just break out into tears and i cant help it, when i read the horrific , the most awful and evil acts that take place and i dont even want to name them but the earth and all her creatures come to mind as i cannot help my heart breaking at the sight of the careless slaughtering taking place. After all i am a human... i dont know how not to be ...

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