NESARA law getting closer to reality

Submitted by jamesarthurmitchell on Fri, 11/15/2013 - 08:47

Greetings Everyone, hope all is well. I learned today that Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts supposedly enacted NESARA last night. This is so important as it will change everything and bring prosperity and honesty back to our banking and monetary system. Please try to focus on this very important legislation. Thanks. National Economic Stabilization (Security) and Recovery Act

Look Will, NESARA is Real. It was develpped in the late 80's , early 90's and it's genesis was way way before that. Sooner or later the announcements have got to be made. Do you really think that the Creator is going to let this world go to hell in a handbasket? People need to be focusing on this and not much else. NESARA will change everything, aswell it should

And even if the NESARA blogsite is innacurate it doesn't matter because it has to happen. It's only a matter of time. Can't all of you see that?

Hello again Will. The blog is not the only site which predicts that NESARA is getting closer to being announced. IThere is something called Alcuin and.. well you can see for yourself if you just google NESARA. I think it is important for people to focus on this very important legislation. I will be focusing on it believe me until it manifests.It is predicted that the announcements will come before the end of this year. We shall see of course. Remember the more we focus on a desired outcome the closer that reality comes into being. I don't know what you are talking about when you say that you "know the person who w rote NESARA considers this "stuff" to be deliberate disinformation. I think you need to check your sources and have a more positive attitude, because what you're saying simply is not true. There is no "disinformation" campaign concerning NESARA. Ther can't be because the powers that were don't want it in anybody's mind! But you can believe what you will. NESaRA was created and passed by  at least 16 people including Then President Clinton.

Dear Will, I can see that you really have no faith in NESARA at all. Especially because you question my desire to teach people about it. NESARA was set to be announced just hours before the World Trade center was destroyed. You obviously have no idea of just how bad the situation really was. The light will be victorious. I have to apologize for insisting that there was no disinformation campaign. Obviously there was and is, with Ms. Shriner at the helm it seems. Try to have more faith Will. NESARA was never meant to be drawn up and signed in secret. It had to be because most of Congress is corrupted. Not to mention most other government agencies including the Supreme Court. The light always works behind the scenes anyway to accomplish what it needs to accomplish. I wish you a very happy holiday.

Yes corruption is to the very core of the country and other countries - I to understand that and its why it is taking so long to come out - its unfortunate that it has to be done this way but the new interm goverment does not want any of the guilty getting away - alot of people are worried or confused - disinformation has been running wild for many years - but once its announced things will change and we can finally be the family we were suppose to be from the start - thank you brother for taking the time and patience to help others understand - if you need any help add my email :


You will find that money is the start and I understand that bothers alot of people but with in 30 yrs money will go away - there will be no more need of it - so its really not a bad thing - people will be able to feel what it is like to be rich and will further understand why money is not important - love is what is important - and thats what we have been put here to learn LOVE.  We will be fine will - for once in our lives here on earth we will finally be who we should be - Family!


Wed, 01/01/2014 - 23:44    


In researching NESARA, as we had hopes it was going to be a 'life-saver' for our country...and we have discovered that the original NESARA has been absconded with and distorted, twisted, and has been turned into a money-making scam, a HOAX.  It is, in short, a fiat, rendered ineffective, and no longer meets the goals of the original, developed by Dr. Harvey Bernard.  The elite are thwarting the work of this good man to rectify the corruption in our system, and have effectively derailed this effort.  The legal language has been changed to alter the meaning and intent and have neutered its desired effect.  Only Dr. Bernard's  original draft had the correct language and meaning.





Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:22

In reply to by SeekerOfTheLight

They know there time is at hand so yes they are going to try to stop it by any means - but they will fail - humanity has lived in the chains of slavery long enough our time is at hand to be the people we were meant to be and to stand side by side as the family we are.  Much love to you and thank you for being part of my family.. Michael

Fully Awake

Sat, 01/11/2014 - 21:40

...of cat and mouse legal games is a big part of how the 'Dark Hats' have continually set back the many planned Nesara announcement dates. Their clever moves however, seem to be running out. They are strategically being backed into a corner. Checkmate appears (as has 'appeared' many times before) to be finally nearing into a reality. Never-ending political negotiations continue. What's different now is, people aren't as afraid for their lives so much anymore, and are switching sides 'for humanity'. They're also running out of people to buy off, such as crooked judges and hitmen, and practically have nowhere left to run, resulting in finally starting to be held accountable for their actions! Apparently emence progress has been made, however, there are still dark hats posing as humanitarians that need to be pinpointed and weeded out, so that the announcement can't be screwed up again!!


Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:10

I believe 100% in nesara and once it is in place it will be adopted by all countries!  There are some that don't believe but alot of people go by mainstream media - you must understand a gag order has been issued over this - the interm goverment is still working on taking down the people responsible for our current situation.  And until they get them all it will not be announced - but know this Obama will announce it and then step down - all laws enacted after 1859 are illegal and will be struck from the book - we have been under martial law since 1859 - the original 13th amendement was the title of nobilty amendment - it stated that no doctors - clergy or lawyers could ever hold public office - by the end of the 1800's it had been removed and replaced with the slavery amendment - now it is going back where it belongs - so congress and most of the house of reps are all considered traitors and will be help for treason against the united states and its people - also all lawyers stand in treason - once they swear into the bar they are no longer american citizens - they fall under the crown of england - Lot of changes coming - the party is coming guys - PARTY OF ALL PARTIES!!! Finally peace and prosperity will reign for all of mankind - just be patient - we survived this long a few more months wont kill us lol.  Love to all!


Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:45

We all need to put every last bit of energy we have into not only believing this but visualizing it in our minds and heart -We were not put here to suffer and live in slavery - Earth is a school - a school that went way out of whack - but the time is coming for us all to realize our true purpose and again its LOVE - time to wake up and realize WE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE FAMILY - suck it up people and throw out the trash and start caring about each other - thats what changes the world and its the only thing that will change the world - ""LOVE""  think about love - it cant be bought - its always been inside us - and it is free - to give and receive - LIFE IS ABOUT TO BECOME A PARTY OFF THE CHAIN - BELIEVE!!!!

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