This 11:11 teaches us every problem comes as a heavenly opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It tests our faith and our belief system. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and then just shine.
This 11:11 doorway is a plateau of safety....
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Archangel Gabriel, Completion of 11 11 Gateways
Archangel Gabriel, Completion of 11 11 Gateways
January 11, 2017
Channeled by Shanta Gabriel
By Shanta Gabriel,
Your Message from Archangel Gabriel
for January 11, 2017
Dear Ones,
On this day you have been birthed into the Light. The abundant truth of Peace, Love and an exquisite presence of the most exalted energy of Light that has ever blessed the Earth, is here today with you. It brings to you far greater blessings than you can imagine. There will be a nice slow assimilation for you so you will be able to use these new Light frequencies impeccably to bring forth Well Being into every area of your life.
On this day we walk together through the 11:11 Gateways. The Archangels have opened the gates and hold you in wings of Pure Love as you take those first baby steps into the world of Illumined Truth. The darshan of many exalted beings are here with you today, those who have traveled the pathways of Light, paving the way so you can experience more Grace in your journey.
There is celebration in the heavenly realms, as so many thousands of people have dedicated their New Year to be one of Eternal Peace and the Light of Infinite Abundance abiding in full Oneness with All That Is. You have all been endowed with the expansive presence of Divine Love to create new neural pathways and connect the circuitry that will allow you to receive in greater alignment the grace of the Divine Feminine working in and through you.
As all these exalted forces of Light energy are moving through you please know they are blessing the world with Divine Light. The tide has turned. Rest assured that no matter what the illusion of the world is showing you, if you turn back within you to your heart, there you will discover the truth that the Light of God is always available, and shining within you.
On this day you have been welcomed into the realms of Illumined Truth, and blessed by that which is sacred in the Eternal Realms of Oneness. There are no polarities here. There is no corner where darkness dwelled that has not been touched. All has been lit up by the blessings of Boundless Light-Filled Unity with All That Is.
The transmuting energy of this Light is at work in the realms of humankind and mass awakening will be accelerated from this day forward. The veils are still very thin. You have access to exalted states of consciousness that you have perhaps never been able to perceive before. Let yourself receive to your deepest capacity. Bring your prayers to your inner Temple of the most high living God. Prostrate yourself before the altar of your inner Truth. And let yourself receive the transcendent presence of Divine Love that lives for your awakening.
Feel the Angels and Masters who are assisting you today. There is no masculine/feminine consciousness in this Light of Pure Oneness. You are in unity with All That Is. Let yourself experience Unity Consciousness and let it stretch your imagination so your energy system will never be the same. This energy will break through all constricting, limiting structures you have outgrown. This will allow you to live in your fullest state of Harmony with Source energy and in Alignment with your Soul’s Highest Destiny on the Earth.
As you embody the Fullness of your being, you live as a blended human with access to your most Divine Spirit and your fully human self in perfect Alignment. Experience the Amrita, as this sweetness of God’s pure Love pours through you. Allow God’s Love to fill your heart and illuminate every cell in your body with new frequencies of Light.
Bring your awareness into your heart so you will know that you are loved beyond any power you have ever perceived and blessed continuously and eternally by Divine Light.
All this day you have been in the sacred space of the 11:11 gateways and being lifted up into new realms of awareness. Do not forget to ground these exalted frequencies into the pure nourishment available in the Light Fields of Wellbeing at the base of your spine. As you do this you will be the Bridge from Heaven and Earth that your soul is urging you to fulfill. Let your radiant shining self be welcomed into the new life awakening on the Earth and feel a level of support that you have never experienced. Know that all is truly well and so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
January 11, 2017