~6~28~11~~The Many Quantum Multidimensional You's~ ~LOVE REPORTER DENISE LEFAY~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/28/2011 - 05:19

~The Many Quantum Multidimensional You's~





This article is more 5D quantum-like and spherical and covers something I haven't talked about before. If you wish, allow it to help you expand your current perception of yourself to a slightly larger and more complex level of awareness and being. Some of you already know what I'm going to talk about and have for a long time. Others have wondered and privately questioned the possibilities of it. Many other people will be hearing this information for the very first time. Stair steps...always stair steps with everything.
From the important mid-point (now but officially on July 3, 2011) of the final and very short Ninth Wave forward, the word responsibility is going to be coming up much more than it has over the past thirteen Ascension years (the start of the Eighth Wave on Jan. 5, 1999). This article reveals another aspect of us needing to currently take on some more responsibility for who we're evolving into and the abilities we have and will have because of that. The expanded awareness and consciousness that our Ascension brings automatically carries new 5D responsibilities/abilities. This is easier than it may sound so please don't panic or worry.
I/Denise began consciously integrating many, but not all, of my Multidimensional Selves at the beginning of my physical, biological Ascension Process in February 1, 1999 (days after we entered the Eighth Wave). Doing so was simply one more aspect of my living the Ascension Process because, as consciousness expands, so too does one's identity and sense of self/Self/Selves/Higher Self both in and outside of time. For me this information was just another aspect of the Ascension Process and my needing to consciously know more about myself as a Multidimensional Being. In 1999, my perception of current-life Denise self needed to be expanded, upgraded to match all that I was and would be living through via the entire Ascension Process. This is really nothing more than me, you, each of us consciously evolving into more of ourselves.

In early 1999 I realized some of my ancient past-life multidimensional Starbeing family that helped seed me as the male Starseed human I was in 12,600 B.C. Egypt, were actually other multidimensional aspects and layers of ME—or more accurately—me/Denise is an aspect of all of them and much more. The 8D Orion, the 6D Sirian, and the 5D Pleiadian Starbeings I have known and consciously interacted with in both this current Denise life and my ancient Egyptian past-life at the beginning of the astrological Age of Leo, were actually different dimensional stellar Beings that were/are different aspects of me/Denise. Confused? Let me try this from another angle.
Ever wonder why the current you so deeply and profoundly LOVE some of your non-physical, other-dimensional Starbeings, ETs, Lightbeings, guides, teachers, ascension assistants etc. so very much? Ever wonder why they feel like Beings you've known since before dirt ever was? Ever wonder why you admire, respect, trust, depend upon and LOVE them as deeply and unconditionally as you do?
I mentioned this (and more) in A Lightworker's Mission but will repeat some of it here. One of my non-physical, other-dimensional stellar Beings who was another of my ascension assistants during the 1990's, informed me one afternoon that I LOVED him as much as I did because we are basically the same Being. He did not lay that line of, "We are all One" business on me because that wasn't what he meant. He was letting me know—because I'd thought to ask him—that literally he and I were cut from the same original frequency fabric, the same soul material. It was because he was one of many of my (Denise's) higher dimensional other-Selves who has never involuted into 3D physicality. I/Denise and my many simultaneous past-life selves have however.
Polarized consciousness perceives reality such as—all here or else all there—whereas the multidimensional quantum truth is here, there, and all other places too and all simultaneously! Why? Because we're really multidimensional Beings that exist in multiple places, dimensions, and timelines simultaneously and some aspects of US help, aid, guide, remind, and teach other beloved aspects of ourselves in the dimensions and timelines they're in doing what they're doing. This is especially true with Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers who are incarnate on Earth now to work from within the dense physical dimension to help humanity and all else ascend now. Typically some of the ETs, Starbeings, Lightbeings, Angelics that contact and interact with you consciously and in the dream realm also are other aspects of YOU that exist within higher dimensions who are assisting this you to carry out what you volunteered to come to Earth now to do; help humanity and Earth ascend up out of the darkness, which also allows all else to evolve to their next phase also.
You and I are here within physicality now in this place, space, and timeline yet we also have different seemingly past lives or simultaneous lives on physical Earth across time too. We also have other multidimensional, non-physical aspects of ourselves that rarely ever incarnate into physicality that exist simultaneously that assist, guide, teach and remind the aspects of us that do incarnate into lower frequency dimensions in Service to Others. See how we are currently expanding our sense of self from a strictly separated, linear, physical, Earthbound human Starseed Lightworker to a more expanded and multidimensional 5D model? This is another reason why there are new 5D responsibilities/abilities manifesting for and in us Starseeds/Lightworkers living the Ascension Process in physicality now during the second half of the Ninth Wave.
Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

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