Wrote and Posted this on My Facebook Page Today~ To Prepare as Many of You as Possible...

Submitted by Jinjugal on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 08:03

Hi Everyone! 


I was suddenly inspired to 'come out of the shadows' and reveal myself as a Lightworker and declare myself a 'beacon of Light' for my friends on Facebook today with a full-on message.  I've been selecting certain messages from around the net to post until now on my page, but as of today, it's full on, baby!!!  Woo-hoo!  Feels great!  I hope that many of you will follow in my footsteps (or have I followed in yours?).  Thank you for your bravery and inspiration, which has led to mine!



Here is my message:


To Prepare as Many of You as Possible...


Hello Facebook friends!


Some of you know me better than others - most of you know that I am a rather private person who normally keeps to herself and isn't known as an eloquent conversationalist, lol, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about all of you (the opposite is true).  I have learned over the years that my life's main purpose is spiritual growth and enlightenment, and this is a journey that is difficult and largely solo (in our current world), though not without its priceless rewards.  In fact, each person possesses a different spiritual path (as well as karma, contracts and lessons) and must follow their own road through life and learn of their many gifts and reasons for being here, as well as their own lessons and truths.  But we, as a collective humanity on this planet, have a common 'purpose' as well.  This will become clearer as the days and weeks go by. 


We have been taught since we arrived on this planet that we are 'separate' beings and the various 'programs' instilled in us have created our (largely false) beliefs in what is 'real'.  In other words, our 'truth' has been 'created' by those in power and spoon-fed to us, and for the most part, we have accepted it and allowed it to run our lives (because we didn't know any better) and it has become a very deep part of us and our identity.  Our egos love it, but like most things about life on Earth, the ego is also simply an illusion.  These illusions have served their purpose (we all agreed to participate in them for many, many years) and now, the world and its population have largely outgrown them.  You can't deny that all around you, these illusions seem to be crumbling.  The failing economy, banking and religious systems are just a few examples of these failing illusions that we once believed in and depended on in complete faith, and they will fail (and fall) completely in the days and weeks ahead.  The truth is, that these systems are more corrupt and designed to control and harm us than many of you can even imagine at this point. 


But what is happening now is that the invisible 'veil' over our eyes is thinning very rapidly, and we are starting to see the truth about these systems and their true purposes and reasons for existence, as well as so many other things that have been intentionally hidden from us.  Soon, we will know everything, and all that has been hidden for many, many years will be revealed.  This will cause fear in most and even panic in some, as all that they have ever known will be disappearing and crumbling before their very eyes.  To them, it will 'feel' as if the world is truly ending (as those apocalyptic predictions have been ingrained in us and the collective consciousness for 2012) ; but it is only the old, corrupt systems that are ending and disappearing, to make way for the new, fair, equitable and beneficial systems that will replace them.  It is the ego that creates fear, and since the ego is illusion, so is fear (though I understand completely how 'real' it may feel!). 


The ego does not like change, but your soul does.  How do you get in touch with your soul?  Stop.  Breathe.  Sit quietly and listen to your heart beat and your breathing.  This will instantly calm and center you and renew your perspective, essentially 'removing' the left-brained ego (at least temporarily) so you don't get caught up in the swarming seas of change and hysteria.  Then, you'll be able to hear that powerful, yet quiet voice inside of you. 


I am writing this note to all of you (and it has taken on a life of its own, believe me!) to give you a heads up for what will be coming very, very soon - and it will come hard and fast, from seemingly out of nowhere.  Everything will change, EVERYTHING!  We and this planet will never be the same again (and thank goodness for that!).  


The truth is that these changes have been in the works for decades, and only now are they ready to surface and replace the old systems where only a few have excessive power, wealth and opportunity.  The truth is that we ALL have power, abundance and opportunity, our existence assures us this, but we have given away our power for so long to those who are only too willing to take it from us.  Enough is enough, and we will reclaim our birthright once again and these 'controllers' will be arrested and permanently removed from our planet.  We (and YOU) are NOT powerless - all the power that you need is inside of you, more than you can imagine or even conceive of.  At the risk of sounding blasphemous to some, you are a spark of God - a fractal containing all that God is, inside of your soul.  Discover your own strength and power within - you'll be amazed at what you find. 


We, in our ignorance, have done a lot of damage to our home, Earth.  She is a living, conscious being, and she needs to clear all of the negative energy and damage that we have inflicted upon her.  Thus, as you have witnessed, there has been a significant increase in storms, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.  These are energy releases and cleansings by our Mother and for the most part, have not resulted in a large loss of life.  Those who have left the Earth in these events, have done so by their soul's choice and they now exist in the higher dimensions.  Physical death is simply shedding of our physical bodies.  Likewise, we are all cleansing and changing, mutating (in a very positive way), from the inside out - beginning with our DNA, from our 'limited' selves to our fully-empowered and conscious selves - this can sometimes be a 'painful' process, and some days you may feel awful or exhausted as a result.  Trust and know that this is a great sign - it means the changes are indeed happening within you...and soon, you will be free forever of all of those unpleasant, Earthly discomforts that we are all so familiar with.  In the meantime, taking walks outside in nature will help to ground you, and bathing or taking long showers (and drinking lots of water) helps to cleanse and release old energies that are surfacing and making you feel uncomfortable.  Life is going to get VERY interesting and SO much better, to put it lightly!  Trust me when I say that we are not alone and in fact, have A LOT of help in this process! :)


Earth and all of us on her are being lifted into the higher dimensions.  WE will be creating our new Earth together, cooperatively, in unity consciousness.  We are each one important piece of the huge puzzle.  Dream BIG - what kind of world do you want to live in?  What kind of life do you imagine for yourself after you've been given everything you need, a clean slate and a world of endless possibilities?  How do you want to make the world a better place for everyone?  Anything and everything will be and is possible, and the more you focus on it, the quicker it will manifest (remember 'The Secret'?).  Your thoughts have more power than you can even fathom, so focus on and think about what you want, not what you fear or don't want (for you will create it).  You each have a mission here on Earth, and it will be revealed to you shortly.  You are perfectly designed for your mission, though you must go through the changes and let go of all of the old programming first.  Hanging on to the old ways will only cause a lot of discomfort and will be very unpleasant for you.  All you have to to is let go and just go with the flow.  These changes are coming and will happen, whether you are ready for them or not.  It's better to be ready, right?  ;o)


My main purpose for writing this note to you all today was to let you know that I will be posting (more) messages that will help prepare you and keep you informed of the changes that are and will be occurring.  At this point in time, these changes are largely unreported by the mainstream media (as it is controlled by the ones still currently in power and they do not want you to know the truth!).  Please inform yourself and know that all is well, no matter what it 'seems' like or what you are 'told'.  The ride may get a little bumpy at first, but nothing in the universe happens 'by accident' or coincidence - trust that we live in a benevolent universe and that finally, our time has come (2012) and you will be so glad that you chose to be here for the ride of a lifetime! 


Much Love to you all ~ I'm always here for you if you want to talk about anything.  I have been guided at this time to step into the forefront and be a beacon of Light for all of you.  This is part of my purpose for being here at this time as a Lightworker...to guide and reassure you, as well as help you all make this transition as easily and smoothly as possible by keeping you informed - we are all ONE!!! 




P.S. As you become more informed yourselves about what is happening, you owe it to your loved ones to share information with them as well...this is your mission, too!




BJ (not verified)

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 10:50

As we the light workers try not to live in judgement of others, it has become increasingly difficult in this transition phase... I have watched in shock as friends of mine who claim to be light workers continue this path of selfishness and self serving-ness... not wishing to look beyond what they want in their  ego minds. 'I woke this morning thinking of the many struggling families and homeless as I watched a friend waste thousands of dollars on clothing and house hold" nessities"  it breaks my heart to watch all the classes and healing work those that think this is going to save them do... only to go out and wasted money that could have been used for the grater good of the community. I do not judge but simply know that it is more about self worth feeling important with in them selves and impressing a community and not really an act of intention... still in our struggle as light workers, and in what seems and eternal lonleyness these days I see that we ARE shifting and we are moving into our place having to explain to those who have not gotten it that where you are was a choice, when the hard choices need to be made... you choose waste, you choose selfishness never realizing that the joy and happiness you seek would have come in a much more heart centered way. By creating abundance for others... all would have returned to you in tremendous measure. There is a love with in us all that saids I am content I have food, I have clothes I have a roof over my head and I am content. It is when we seek to appear to others that we are above them or superior to them based on what we have that eventually we find ourselves in a very dark and lonly place ... how to make people see this is a wold about ALL not a world about me... seems to be my biggest struggle!

Stay in what your heart is telling you! Be the light you know you are... assist those when you can... and remove yourself from those who's words do not match their actions... be the light you wish to see in others and hold the light of love in your heart... all will be as it is meant to be... Love and light...

Hey Stacey...


I am so tickled at the fact that this is your first post since the "coming out of the closet" !!  ! think of all the different areas of Our Society that have done so in the past.  Each participant were bright beams when they did.  I think of that sister in Alabama who refused to sit at the back of the bus.  That other one, who boldly walked through the flames of opposition as the first black kid in a certain school.  The first gay guy to say he was in the miliatary, or at  any other location.  What about the first one to not salute the flag.... or his kid who was taaught the same?  What about the guy who told the religious  crowd He didn't support Ceasar or to preach on "the Sabbath"?


The history of mankind is littered with the dead and broken lives of those that did this type of stuff.  Today, they are remembered as vanguards of Human Rights.  Everyday We literally walk besides those, that have benefited by their generally forgotton exploits.


Some are remembered annualy, depending on how much time society has decided to give them in their honor. Like JFK, MLK, John Lennon....  Yet, most are relegated to the archives for a latter remembrance.


So it does elate a witnessing soul like me, to read your decision today.  A wish that your decision will bear much fruit in the coming moments of transition, so that all who read the pages of the GFP, will enjoy this decision and coming words of yours...  Much Love...


A fellow traveler,



Dearest Ellion ~


Thank you SO much for your comments - wow, I certainly don't consider writing and publishing my note, though a HUGE step for me, to be remotely the courageous act that these people you've mentioned performed.  I guess, though the 'act' itself, was the same.  Standing up, being counted, shining that light...wow, it's an honor to be included in that group!  It was a very liberating experience for me, lol, and I'm so proud of what I ended up writing, though I didn't know what it would be when I started.  In a way, too, it was evidence to me of how much I have learned and grown over these past months and years, and it was a very satisfying experience.  I don't often think that I have wise words to offer here on GFP (everyone seems so much wiser and enlightened than me), but I am now, more than ever, standing firmly in my Light, with all of you, and I'm so grateful and inspired by your words, Ellion - thank you for taking the time to write.  You never know, you might be tickled by me again sooner than expected!  :)


Much Love ~ Stacy



That was fast!!  I did not expect an answer so quickly.


So my words were well received, and for this I am very pleased.  Here I am in a place you know nothing of, writing to a place I know nothing of.  How cool is that?  Yet, we have come to a moment we both enjoyed, just by punching these little keyboard keys in front of us.


More than that of course, is our common bond for a brighter future in our lives.  Has not our instinct determined that we should dedicate our energies towards the betterment of human existence?  Is not our common bond born from this site created by Mother/Father God?  I would of probably never exchanged these thoughts with you, had it not been for Them!


Love and Peace,


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