~Learning to Laugh a Lot~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 11:57

Learning to Laugh a Lot

2012 March 27
GLR~ Steve Beckow

Well, anyone who listened to An Hour with an Angel March 26, 2012 can probably see that the angelic kingdom was a subject which Archangel Michael very much wished to discuss. Geoff West suggested that I do the next show on it as well and kindly gave up his prerogative to hosting it.


I said that AAM only answered four of the twenty questions I had. I suppose that doesn’t quite convey the whole picture. I had the chance to ask only four questions but, in the course of answering them, he answered many of the others as well.

But how much can one cover in an hour? It’s great that we’ll have a chance to continue the discussion next week. I thank Geoff for that gentlemanly act.


The tussle that goes on when we present our knowledge, in this case, to an angel and get their feedback is such a necessary part of the “getting to know you” phase of our meeting the Company of Heaven. Because, as far as I can see, we don’t know them. We  really don’t. In fact for centuries we’ve been fashioning them in our own image and they’ve been obliging us by showing up in shapes we’d understand.


But we don’t know what they look like. We don’t know how they think – or even if they think. We don’t know how they feel. And when I say “they” I include the galactics as well as the celestials.

AAM said he could be in a million places at once. And when I asked him further about that, he not only didn’t blink, but he compared it to our habit of thinking about many things at once, only more concrete and real. Obviously he really does mean that he can indeed be in a million places at once. What kind of a being can do that?


Can anyone please give me a five-minute talk on the subject? No one?  But isn’t that it? We know nothing about these beings, these exalted guests who are coming to dinner.

I don’t think there’s a great deal we know about anything that is about to be revealed to us. For instance, I assumed that all the ascended masters came from the Fifth Dimension. What a foolish assumption! It’s quite clear that they come from many higher dimensions. Sanat Kumara comes from the Eleventh apparently, according to him. That surprised me. If he had said Twentieth, I would not have batted an eye.


But then AAM himself has said that there are only twelve dimensions to the human range of experience and that again surprises me. The only way I can reconcile shrinking down the human range of experience into twelve planes is if those planes have many subplanes. So I can win neither on my shorting the masters or on my overshooting the dimensions.

  All my knowledge is like dust in the wind.


That is perhaps forty years of research down the proverbial drain. If I can bear up and smile under these circumstances, I think anyone can.

AAM did verify that the realms or kingdoms that the early church fathers ascribe to the angels – angels and archangels on up to cherubim and seraphim – are accurate. I was reassured that one bit of knowledge survived. But not much else did.

Chief among my own theories that bit the dust was my comfortable assumption that we learned all we needed to and graduated from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, all we needed to and graduated from the 4th to the 5th, and so on. AAM called this theory of spiritual evolution “linear” and said it was in no way true. He pointed out that one could drop back to the 3rd and learn what one needed from service to others to progress to a higher dimension. Well, doesn’t that describe most of us Starseeds?

Welcome to a world in which practically all of what we take for granted is undoubtedly going to be scrapped. Welcome to a world in which it just may turn out that we are revealed as … gosh, I hate to say it but, well … undeveloped.  We may have a lot to learn and a lot to unlearn.

Perhaps we’ve all seen movies in which one character is eager to learn and tosses off one way of being as one would throw off a hat and dons another.  That way of managing things may be the very best adaptive skill in our toolbox.  Our world is about to become suddenly strange to us. We’ll be strangers in paradise for sure.


I imagine the galactics are busily figuring out extra-diplomatic ways to make this experience maximally comfortable for us. I predict that they will be super-polite and super-deferent, when in fact it’s we who should be those ways.


I’m eager and I also have icicles in my stomach. Humility, restraint, respect are all going to be very valuable qualities in copious amounts. There’ll be no place to run, no place to hide. Perhaps that’s why, in a recent talk to a project team I’m on, AAM said that the most important tool of successfully getting through the next phase of life is remembering how to laugh.  To laugh a lot and to laugh at ourselves.


So here’s to a guy whose well-thought-out theories of spiritual evolution got a laugh from an archangel. There will be many more of those moments. No sense trying to make a name for yourself in the period that lies ahead of us. We’re all of us on our way back to kindergarten and our most sophisticated operations may look to the galactics and celestials like mere finger-painting. Might as well enjoy ourselves and avoid taking ourselves seriously. Might as well learn to take it gracefully and laugh a lot.



Anonymous (not verified)

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 12:54

This is the realization that comes from dismantling the ego, only the ego thinks it knows all, only the ego thinks of itself as an old soul, the heart feels no need to hold information, nor does it have the ability to label. The heart is always humbled. Despite it's unquestionable power, it acts as if a lion who respectfully bows it's head to the lamb.

Great article... thank you for your honesty and willingness to share so that everyone can learn... everyone is/has been in this state....


As aside, mankind is too unkind to the ego... if you were not experiencing your ego, you would not be having this awesome experience of Gaia!  From a native concept that is held in our stars and many throughout the skies is that be the most of who you are, where you are at the moment... 


A familiar phrase that I believe brings in much wisdom is "I am just trying to be a good human" - 


There has been so little to offer mankind what it really means to be a good human... and in that "way of the shaman" is the surrender to god, higher self, source, wisdom, opportunities, etc. Where the center of the heart lies.  I suggest taking away any self criticism ... remember, every moment is brand new and has the potential of creating a whole new universe.


I would like to answer directly about the desire to know.  The energy of wanting truth is most admirable. It is both the small mind and the big Mind too! But, friend, the trek of knowledge and confidence coming from knowing,  is endless... it goes on forever!


All things are true... ALL THINGS ARE TRUE.... if it is possible to think it... it is true.  It's then about what "particles" of truth are you going to bring into your own individual universe?  See the beauty of it all? It is all up to YOU!!


Now, why haven't you been able to access the "higher" levels of knowledge?  I want you to think about electricity. You have AC, DC, 120, 220, etc.   One type of electricity current will not work in another. It doesn't have the same frequency... one is not "better" than the other. It just is that way.  You cannot connect a USB cord into your power outlet, etc. (the "chord" flows at a certain modulation through the cord). And then combining "harmonic" chords you have a chorus.... this is the song of the universe!  So we each, everywhere in the universe is vibrating and has our own "nesting" space... that which is our chorus line... where we are not alone, but fit within that realm of life.  No need to be unhappy because you are singing in one chorus and not another... BUT if you desire to learn about the other singing group down the street, you can apply and tryout... trying out is never unwelcomed in the universe when heart is true to yourself.


See us (star brothers, sisters, and all sacred teachers) as an adapter to access other electrical flows!


*** Laughter creates openings!****


We love your love,



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