“Manifesting is no Longer Work”

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 10:37


 “Manifesting is no Longer Work”



by GLR Brenda


Dear Ones,

Many of you are in awe of those who channel, heal, see or sense information that seems to elude you. Rather than being jealous, please give yourself accolades for helping create the New Age/new earth despite the difficulties.

Let us address your jealousy for not performing as you would like with the spiritual realms.

Perhaps your seeming inability to channel or use other senses is more about timing than deficiencies in your spiritual skills. And of course when you berate yourself for not sensing or doing more, you return to the Old Age.

What if your skills have not yet awakened within yourself or on earth? Can you imagine explaining the Internet to someone living in the early 1800′s?

Even though more and more of you Lightworkers will awaken skills such as channeling or sensing information not gathered by most 3D people, within a few years those skills will be out-dated.

Do not fret if you channel, heal or otherwise gather information not “normally” expected of 3D people. Just as you probably accessed your current spiritual skills in stages – as you allowed yourself to accept what was possible – such will occur with skills you wish to access that we cannot yet describe for you would not comprehend.

You are exactly where you need to be physically, emotionally and spiritually. You are a Lightworker whose light shines brightly in whatever avenue you access.

Will you channelers, healers and other sensing people of today complete your work as new skills are discovered? Not necessarily. Some of you will opt not to claim those new skills. Others of you Lightworkers will jump into the new skills and by-pass channeling and similar current access points. Still others of you will add new skills to your current sensory abilities.

None of those avenues is more spiritual than others – merely different. Do you berate a loved one who uses a telephone to connect with you, but not the Internet? And so it will be for your skills.

Some of you will move through various phases of connection with the Universes because it is your role. Others will plant yourself solidly in the 3D/4D matrix as a guide. Such is fine and good. There are no rules – only the joy that radiates from your inner-being.

Jealousy of others is futile if such skills are not in your arena/role. You will know your skill arena by following your messages of joy.

Perhaps you wish to time travel, see the various layers of other individual entities or communicate with nature. You might do all and more. Or maybe not. It does not matter. No activity make you a more aware or spiritual person.

Maybe functioning as a loving neighbor is your role. Is a loving neighbor less important than channeling? Not at all. Please remember that pioneers could not have crossed the United States in wagon trains if supplies or wagons were not available. Each part of the pioneer movement was beautifully executed. And so it is now.

Follow your joy and you will discover those skills that are important for this transition. You are a Lightworker. Your role may shift or even seem ordinary. Do not worry. This transition is not about becoming a Hollywood star, it is about introducing the greatest transition ever conceived to earth and thereby, the Universes.

Stop wishing for something others have – whether it be financial worth or sensory skills.

Those with sensory skills might be similar to your elementary school instructors – building blocks that allow you to expand your skills. Or maybe today’s sensory building blocks are necessary to help you become a peaceful and loving example to others.

Your inner-being knows your role and will direct you accordingly. This transition is a glorious and wondrous time in which each of you will be in the spotlight. You have a role to play, a thread in the tapestry of creation that only you can fulfill. Just as the earth of today could not successfully function if all were lawyers or doctors, the new earth needs plumbers, teachers, technicians, parents and sensory experts. All of which will shower the earth with joy and contentment. All of which are Lightworker leaders and wagon train masters.

Do not be jealous of others. They are the building blocks that allow you to move into your role – whether that be as a famous new earth author or a loving neighbor. So be it. Amen.


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In nature, the Eagle and Condor fly to greater heights when chased by the little ones!


We love Your love,



Spirit2L_Being (not verified)

Thu, 03/29/2012 - 16:44

Just want to thank you for your lovely message.  It is just what I needed to hear.  I have been feeling a bit jealous, and maybe worried, because I don't feel very advanced in this awakening.  I am in a facebook ascension group; they all seem to have such amazing abilities.  I was beginning to feel down.  Your blog helped me feel so much better.  Keep up the good work.

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