Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 06:37

Welcome beloveds, we are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support you at this time across planet earth. Many of you are now aware of how to move through the energies that are now beginning to stabilise across the planet. We guide you strongly not to fall into illusion when it comes to working on yourself and your creation. It can be easy to fall into illusion now the energies have begun to stabilise as many of you will no longer be experiencing the highs and lows of the energy shifts.

We guide you strongly dear ones that this does not mean that you are not changing, it would be remiss of us to guide you that all is well and that you have done all the work that needs doing. Again this would be illusion lulling you into a false security. The past few months have seen massive shifts in energy across the planet which has affected many intensely but the energies will continue to affect and to shift and to expand. The process that is being experienced is one of expansion and heightened vibration, there is no end to this process dear ones, this is your life path and this is the new age.

There seems to be an illusion around the length of time for a human to work on their vibration and we guide you to look further into this. Illusion will guide you on energy as much as illusion will guide you on BEing, that is the role of illusion dear ones, to disempower you at all times, please be aware that illusion may be in all things. Processing with your heart chakra allows you to be aware of illusion, to work to remove the fear that the illusion triggers and to move past it.

We would like to guide on fear dear ones and the roles that fear comes to you. Many of you experience anothers fear disguised as love. We guided how it is easy to fall into illusion through those that you love, your children need your love not your fear of what may or may not happen to them. It is important to wrap them in pure love and not fear for their safety, this would lower their vibration. We guide that fear is also present when you experience anothers anger, pity or jealousy, any negative emotion that you experience from another human is based in fear. This fear comes from being within the illusion that teachers that every other human is competition.

We guide you to be aware of this at all times dear ones. The way to deal with others fears is to pour love through them. Fear will dissolve in love. Many who are full of fear will try to provoke that fear in others, this lowers the vibration of all parties involved and is an easy illusion to fall into. Many of you look to those around you for support be aware that the support may be seeded with fear. Humans are here on the planet at this time to move through the illusion and to heighten vibration, when another human seeds the fear then there will be a lowering of vibration if fear is triggered. Many of the “leaders” that “lead” across planet earth are seeded with fear, this fear will be passed onto those who follow through the words that are used. Be aware of this dear ones. As we have guided humans are not here to be led by other humans, you are each here for YOUR life experience. Be aware of how strong the illusion is around money, competition and self esteem. If a human needs to contain another in order for their self esteem to rise then this is illusion at work. It is perfectly possible for all humans to be full of self esteem without resorting to feeding the fear within those around them.

We guide this strongly at this time dear ones as we watch many of you struggle to raise your vibration only to have it lowered by the words or deeds of another who proclaim to love you. We guide you to be aware of how it FEELS when you interact with others. It is not what they say or how they say it dear ones it is how they make you FEEL. Many have fallen into illusion and are not aware of how far they work with illusion and we guide you to be aware of this. Many are aware of others illusion but not aware of their own. We cannot stress more the importance of processing with your heart and by FEELING how your world is to you.

The new age is about moving away from the head and into the heart. A scenario that we will use is a boss in a firm who appears to be very charming, very helpful to his staff and the staff see him smiling every day. The boss though is using his charm and his smile to get the staff to work longer hours in the day without necessarily paying them for their time and therefore their worth. The staff seeing the smiles and the charm of the boss feel that they cannot let the boss down so they agree to the extra hours. If the staff process this with their heads as in the “old” way of BEing there is nothing going on, nothing wrong. Nice boss, nice place to work. But if the staff were to process this scenario with their hearts the situation may FEEL wrong. It is how it FEELS that is important, not the smiles nor the charm. Does this analogy make sense to you dear ones? Can you see the difference between the two?

Self worth is illusion dear ones for you are all pure BEings of love and cherished by the universe but we note that you do not cherish yourselves. This is illusion at work, illusion who pushes seeds of fear and tells you that you must compare yourself to those around you and that you must match certain standards or you are somehow less of a human BEing. We guide you to be aware of illusion that works in the guise of love. When you tell another that you love them then follow with words that trigger fear or trigger self worth issues within them then you work within illusion and not love. For LOVE just IS.

To love another human is to accept and acknowledge who they are and what they do. It is not about accepting some of them and ignoring other parts of them. To truly love is to BE. Many of you are in relationships with other humans where you are trying to change something about them, we guide you that you are in illusion to do this. Illusion will try to tell you that they would be more worthy if ……. That is not LOVE dear ones, love just IS.

Many of you who work in the lightworker role feel isolated from those around you. This is due to the way that illusion is at work where you feel that you should someone how be perfect and have no doubts or fears. We guide you once again this is illusion. A lightworker role is one of looking at illusion, seeing where it can work and digging out the seeds of fear. When this is done then illusion cannot last as LOVE is in residence. Nowhere is it written dear ones that lightworkers have all the answers, there is no human alive on the planet that has the answers to everything, how can they, they are human.

We guide you strongly that YOU have the answers to YOU. There is no answer to a big question dear ones, illusion may have tried to teach there is but we guide you strongly that there is not, it was a teaching designed to keep your mind active and therefore keep your heart detached from your true purpose, which is to BE. Whilst the human mind is kept busy searching for answers it is swayed by illusion, as the mind is used the heart is not connected to and so the FEELING of how life is is bypassed. Do you see our analogy dear ones, do you see where illusion has swept you along?

We guide you not to be hard on yourselves if our words resonate with you. To be born onto a planet with a strong illusion is difficult and fear was implanted immediately. Many of now continue to struggle and continue to feel less of a human than you are due to these seeds of fear. We guide you that you are infinite BEings of light and can expand and expand. Detach from the mind dear ones, allow the heart to take centre place in your life experience and watch as your life transforms. Detach from the mind games the illusion sways you into and process from the heart. See the love that IS in each and every human across the planet, for underneath the smoke and mirrors of human BEing behaviour is pure LOVE.

The human race was seeded with love before being seeded by fear. It is an ongoing challenge to remove the seeds of fear but many are doing this and transforming, we encourage you all to hold the space for those who struggle with the fear. Continue to pour love through them to help dissolve the fear and watch them transform. The role of lightworker is to hold the space for anothers transformation NOT for the lightworker to transform the other human. Does this make sense to you dear ones? The lightworker is the vessel through which the transformation can take place due to holding that light and the love that IS. Do you see our analogy?

We guide you to continue with the work that you do to rid yourselves of fear. We continue to pour the love that IS through the inhabitants of planet earth. Continue to acknowledge dear ones the love that resides within YOU. YOU are pure BEings of light dear ones, let none tell you otherwise. See the love that IS within each and everyone of YOU, allow it to shine brightly, to illuminate the darkness so that to can be transformed with LOVE.

We are the high council of orion and we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. We LOVE you dear ones, we have always loved you. WE ARE ONE.


Sat, 07/02/2011 - 10:40

great read needed this today thank you <3

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