~Update on Ascension~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 10:33

The most beautiful dream of being alive and well can only be created when the energy of man's thinking has negated control. The predominant dynamic in this moment is death of the aliveness needed to create the New Earth. When the ascension occurs, an awareness of the number of choices man actually has can correct this dilemma. We do not anticipate any dramatic alterations happening in the next days that will stop ascension from being the catalyst for aligning to divine will.


We need a mass ascension to alter consciousness, not just in those already aware and advanced to this degree. Many of those ready to complete their incarnation cycle are answering the ascension call in death (instead of ascending in a group) due to the delay we have enacted anticipating more to join. Conduits are prepared and waiting to be available as guides when new directions are given.

My dear ones, I have made no comments on ascension in recent messages as a delay was called awaiting new candidates to awaken and be able to ascend. Now it appears that more are awake, but few of them are agreeing to ascend. Are they going to create the New Earth now? Can they? No. Its not the time—another dramatic change is coming first: the continental contractions that will create a different continent configuration and the land mass that will become the New Earth.


When is this to occur? After the ascension. We are not in charge. Mother Earth will determine these details. We can only offer our advice: Get ready to ascend so you do not have to live through these changes. Anyone who can accept the concept of ascension can be part of it. We want as many as possible.


Are the Ashtar Command and other Galactic aliens able to aid those who are awake to leave? Yes, but they can only support those who will accept their aid. Ascension is not delivery to another location. It will deliver a gross body to a light body condition. Can you accept this now? Are you doing the deleting of fear I asked you to do? If not, do it now. Face the fear with no agenda, including escape. Be willing to accept all. When this fear comes out of your body the Ashtar command may act to assist you in the ascension.


Are we clear that no deliveries to other planets will occur? Good!

Back up arrangements are these: Communities are to move together and make group actions for living in chaos. Nothing in the news has been guiding anyone in this direction. Only those with mediumship ability seem to be moving to communities. One day they will be the only ones able to get assistance when it is needed. Others who have no close friends will become adrift in the chaos. My disaster warnings are just as I originally delivered them in the Master Messages.


Nothing has altered these. What they have called a major collapse of your current mode of living has even become more obvious.

If you are wondering whether we can do an ascension and if so, when will you be notified, my answer is: when you are able to give away your worldly attachments and come out of your homes when called we will arrange the ascension. My guess about the timing is after the collapse of the dollar and the other currency drama occurs. Then more of those ascending will be able to give their energy to those being faced with the option to leave or remain. One day, maybe in the next two or three months, this collapse will be the signal that ascension can happen very soon. No dates can be given yet. Be detached and aware—as no decree can change these events.


Ascended Master Saint Germain

For more of Saint Germain's messages, visit: http://comptedesaintgermainsblog.blogspot.com
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Guest (not verified)

Thu, 03/29/2012 - 13:12

Wow so harsh and once again confusing. So many different points coming from all sides that one really has a tough time discerning who to believe. I mean the least you could do is leave some hope in the destruction of our dreams that you have lead us to believe.  I have come to the conclusion though, that all will work out as it's supposed to and to stop relying on anyone other than myself to know what to do, where, when and how to do it. Even though there are so many ideas to choose from, I would suggest that one just follow their own intuition and not listen to what's going on here! Many are doing that in our world anyway, and perhaps they will be surprised, because as it seems we all will for it changes constantly from day to day on what this one says to what that one says so who really knows? No one but God! Those who haven't any idea of anything happening certainly won't be disappointed because they're living their lives without anticipating anything and that very well may be a good idea! No wonder they laugh at our messages and think we're crazy because it seems that we even don't know what we're talking about!

It is nearly impposible for any channeling to embody the complete message that the sender intended. This is because the energies which embody the message must pass through the recievers system and then be interpretted by their concious. Have you heard of a superconductor? A superconducter is that which can transfer electrons without the loss of a single atom. There are few if any people on this planet which can act as a superconductor, keeping this in mind, bits of information are always missing by the time the reciever is able to interpret the message, and if you're familiar with the function of the concious, it never hesitates to fill in the blanks with it's own information.


This is where discernment plays it's part!


Like atrracts like, some of these channelings simply have energies and informations which are irrelevent to curtain readers, the key is to feel your way through the information, your mind will want to fill in blanks, where as your heart will feel if this information is rellevent or irrelevent, if the shoe fits where it, if it doesn't, give it to goodwill. 


Much love,



Good Point Devin! I also like your last statement, IMO after reading these daily I'm figuring they are just actually a waste of my time Each story claims different things we're ready for ascension next post they're say we're not next one saying ships are landing next new earth is going to be re aranged and we have an option to be on it or not....ugh, Just live in the NOW and all will happen as it should is what I plan on doing cause these stories and comments are getting ridiculous.....keyword exactly use Dicsernment everyone :) Have a nice day :)

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