Pleiadian Message: Go. Be. Awesome!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 19:04

Pleiadian Message: Go. Be. Awesome!




Message from Jen

Well, it certainly has been an amazing week. I’ve been learning new things by the hour, it seems, and I have felt an uplifting shift in my own vibration. This shift for me has not just come from doing this work with Peter, but also from the many wonderful messages I have received from some of the most kind and loving people I’ve ever encountered. I can also FEEL that the energy of this planet has shifted. Breathing is much easier. Staying in “the now” moment isn’t as challenging as it used to be. The energy in the air feels much lighter and everything looks cleaner, brighter, crisper. Have any of you noticed this as well? I don’t know about you, but I feel relieved and excited by it! We are doing it! We are raising our vibrations! And it feels…awesome!


Last night, just for kicks, I ran a Google search to see how far and wide Peter’s message has spread. I was very impressed by the number of links that were shared! Thank you very much! Peter is quite delighted, as well. I actually found a YouTube video that someone generously made that gives folks a way to listen to Peter’s message. This is another great alternative for those of you who absorb information better by listening rather than reading. Although some of Peter’s passionate emphasis is lost, the information is still being shared.


I was amazed that, while listening to this, I could barely remember writing these words. I remember the general content, but not exact words. This is good news. It tells me that yes, I really AM a focused channel. It tells me that yes, these ARE Peter’s words, not mine. And it tells me that I am most definitely tapping into another dimension of consciousness. And, after reading a little of Barbara Marciniak’s Path of Empowerment: Pleaidian Wisdom for a World in Chaos this morning, I am 100 percent convinced Peter is the real deal. Here is the passage I read this morning that sealed it for me:


As the vibration of the mass consciousness expands and matures, greater momentum and focus will be gained. The Earth feels these changes. An elevated state of awareness in the collective consciousness of humankind triggers the Earth to unlock and release more of the complete story of time stored in her being. When you are willing to know and face personal truths, you contribute to building the frequency of consciousness required to uncover and release the truth of human history.


Wow! This is similar to what Peter has been saying. Although he is focusing more on getting us to raise our vibrations and shed more light onto our planet to pull us up out of the self-deprecating lower vibrations, the end result is the same. As we illuminate ourselves and the planet with our higher vibration, all deception will be exposed, will it not? It seems like it to me. But the beauty of raising our vibrations and shining light is that the uglier parts of the truth won’t bother us so much if we maintain our higher vibration. Sure, we know some horrible shit has gone down. We know we’ve been taken advantage of by the greedy. But we also know that we entered this “experiment” fully aware of what we were participating in and why. Or we SHOULD know that by now. For those of us who are not there yet in this understanding, more inner work needs to be done. We need to get past that “why would I subject myself to this?” stage and accept that we agreed to be here to raise the vibrations, shed the light, expose the truth, and help this planet to evolve and ascend. That is why we are here. As more and more of us realize this, we gain more power. Not just personal power, but collective power. And we are here to help others break out of their shackles, as well.

More and more disclosure (not just about ETs/multidimensional beings, but about how these cabalists have been controlling us through religion, media, public education and more) will help the most stubborn of us awaken and ascend as well. So let’s keep doing it! Let’s rise up out of fear and just keep climbing. We’ve been taught for so long that “love hurts,” but that is SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH. We’ve been taught that love hurts in order to keep us down in lower vibration, where we can be controlled, manipulated and enslaved. When we rise up and love one another and trust one another, WE have all the power and control.


Peter’s Message

Greetings loved ones! It is I, Peter, your Pleiadian brother. I have a rather important message for you today. Some of you may be very aware of what I am about to tell you. Some of you may be somewhat aware, but still on the fence about it. Others of you may not know this secret to personal power at all. If you are aware, consider this a reminder, not a nag. If you are not aware, welcome to the truth. Please hop on board and begin this practice immediately.


As you know by now, I am not one to beat around the bush, so I will just get right to the point. Many things you have been taught are purposely completely the opposite of how things actually are. Today I am going to talk to you about manifestation and your power behind it.


Too many of you are still focusing on what you refer to as “the truth” or “reality.” I am going to try to be as gentle in breaking this to you as I can, because I know I can be rather blunt at times, and that this is a sensitive subject since you have been taught to believe that you have no control over anything in your lives – especially things like your government and this ridiculous cabal.


As you know, I am not one to get scientific about this kind of stuff, either, so don’t expect that at all. I am going to keep this as simple as possible.

Too many of you have this attitude of “I will believe it when I see it,” or “Seeing is believing.” This is backwards. Believing must come before the seeing. This is how you manifest. This is how you control your environment. This is how you push change forward on your planet.


Right now there are too many doubters or too many of you sitting on the fence, waiting to “see” in order to “believe.” This is not helping you at all. In fact, this is what keeps things at a stalemate, or “status quo.”


This is why I asked you to step away from your computers. This is why I asked you to “unplug.” This is why I told you to stop checking for proof or information that the bad guys are being captured. Or for disclosure that we, your multidimensional “good guys” are in the skies.


You seem to not trust that you all have the ability to channel your own star families. You seem to not believe that you can all communicate with each other telepathically. You still seem to think that the only “reality” is what you see on your televisions or computer screens. Of course, you have been trained to think and believe this way by the cabalists. They have designed it this way to keep you in duality. As long as you are confused, bewildered, in fear or “lost,” they can continue to manipulate you and control you. But once you unplug, dear ones, and tap into the REAL energy field, you will find that your truth is awaiting you.


Everyone is different. Some may communicate with their star families through feeling and vibration only. Others may be able to hear words and have full conversations. Whatever the case may be, you have these abilities. You just think you don’t. Or think you can’t. Because you have been taught to believe that voices in your head are bad or wrong or “of the devil.” Not true. Unless, of course, the voices are telling you to harm something, someone or yourself. Then there might be some wires crossed.


Now, getting back to the brighter side of the truth and your personal power. Remember that you are all encoded with 12 strands of DNA. You’ve been led to believe that only three of your strands are activated or operational. Nonsense. There is so much power and potential within you right at this very moment that you would be delightfully dangerous to the cabal if you all believed in yourselves and your abilities.


Now, I can already hear the flood of questions. What powers do I have, Peter? How do I access them? What can I do with them? What is my mission? How am I to help? What can I do?


HERE is what you can do. And this is for ALL of you.

With RAISED vibrations (yes, you must achieve THIS first, so don’t try to skip steps) and fully present in “the now” moment (with quieted mind chatter – no thinking, ONLY feeling) you can ALL, at this point, begin tapping into your own truth. You can communicate with your own star families. You can channel. You’ve had this ability for quite some time.


Channeling energy is not always communication. It can come through as creative expression and inspiration as well. Or feeling, even. Please keep that in mind if you are not “hearing” anything and feeling frustrated. Multidimensional beings communicate in a variety of ways. SO, if you suddenly feel inspired to draw or paint, get to it! Your star families just might be communicating with you through this particular expression, and the answer you seek is in the artwork. There are many other ways as well, so pay attention to whatever you feel compelled to do once you’ve attempted to make contact.

With raised vibrations, you unlock more and more of your personal potential. Believe in yourself. Believe in your personal power. How? By loving yourself and others unconditionally. True love brings trust. Trust is key. Once you trust yourself and others, your wonderful gifts begin unwrapping themselves one by one. Your power to heal – yourself AND others. Your power to attract love, kindness, respect, abundance. Your power to communicate without phones or Internet connections. Your power to FEEL instead of think. Your power to pull others out of darkness and despair. Your power to create new, fair, loving governing systems and leadership for your planet. Your power to completely change the energy of your planet. Your power to ascend. Your power to create peace. Peace within you. Peace within your families, your social circles, your work environments, your communities, cities, countries and across your entire planet.


Sound good? It is all yours. Once you believe it. Once you commit to it. Once you walk away from ego and duality.


Stop waiting to see it to believe it. Waiting for it will only prolong it. Being in a state of wait repels everything you wish to “see.” You have to believe it in order to achieve it.


Remember, belief comes FIRST. Believe you can achieve a fifth-dimensional existence by living it NOW. Live in LOVE, with no fear. Just let go. Yes. Let go! Let go of your fears that you will “crash and burn” if you fly too high. Let go of your fears that you will be hurt if you allow yourself to trust and love. Let go of your fears that you will lose others or leave them behind. That is not possible. Remember that love vibes are contagious. And SOMEONE has to lead. Why not you?


Remember who you are. Remember why you incarnated at this special time on this amazing planet. Remember that your ascension depends upon YOUR vibration. Begin loving. Begin trusting. Begin raising your vibrations and living as if you are already fifth- dimensional beings. Begin blazing new trails for others to follow. And most importantly, BELIEVE everything you want and need is already yours or has already happened. Will it into action, and bring it to fruition for yourself, your loved ones, your country, your planet.

I am Peter, your loving Pleaidian brother.


Go. Be. Awesome!

Please feel free to share this message far and wide, but please reference in case anyone has questions for Peter or the channel Jen Freer. Thank you!

dawn christine (not verified)

Sat, 04/07/2012 - 02:50

Jen and Peter ~ Your words and love are resonating deeply. People are waking ... reading this right now and making connections they never thought possible. Thank you!  L O V E  &  L I G H T ~ Dawn  

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 04/07/2012 - 04:16

"delightfully dangerous"  I love it!  Put a big, loving, mischevious smile on my face.

Even looking from the Law of Attraction point of view this is such an obvious but easily ignored truth.  If we sit here WAITING for the signs then we are in fact putting out there our desire FOR WAITING.



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