Submitted by AnaShyNa on Sat, 04/07/2012 - 14:24

As much as i love the messages i read here, I truely hope that what i read is true, I have been lied to my entire life, and i worked hard to establish a class A credit rating, i guess i am the perfect slave, i want so badly to see the evil cabal colapse, but i need my credit to help make ends meet, and i can not forsake it till i see the mass arrests happening, i am aware that the evil cabal is brilliant, but i am not sure that this whole thing is another lie put on by them. i know that the cabal would love to destroy my credit and make me homeless. I do spread the word of the changes comming, i do have hope, and i do pray for the changes, and if it was just me, i would stop paying everything, but i have a family that depends on me, and i cant forsake them for anything that is not proven, I see the resignations, and i just figure that the cabal is downsizing, greed hates to split the spoils of crime. I read about the many things to come, but see only business as usual with the evil players. Im sorry, but i can not forsake my family on hear say.

Shannon (not verified)

Sat, 04/07/2012 - 16:00

With all due respect to the poster below,, whom I send my blessings to, it seems to me that we are faced with a sizable dillema here and are going to have to make a CHOICE.

We all now know about the Illuminati, we all know (a little) about what they'v done. But perhaps some "sauce to the goose" here would be appropriate.

You will have no way of knowing whether or not Im telling the truth here, because you don't know me..., but I also have a "life-story" and it is quite a bit different from the kind person's below.

I first heard about Andy Basiago in early 2010, and if you go to you can listen to the entire radio program he did on Coast to Coast AM in Novermber 2009.

What I am about to say is not for the faint hearted, but still I believe people should know about what I am almost positive has been done to myself and countless other people (by the Illuminati..., the Shadow Government, and those who have had the technologies of teleportation and time travel.)

It is a clear FACT in my mind that the US Military-Industrial-Complex in 1967 had and were using teleportation. It is also a very clearly established fact from listening to Andy Basaigo's testimony that by 1969 and 1970, the CIA had in it's posession truck-loads of information and documents brought back from the future.

In Andy's case..., his father (who worked for DARPA) had a copy of a manuscript Andy had written called: The Discovery of Life on Mars, a paper he wrote approximately in 2008, and brought it back to their house in 1969 and showed it to the whole family.

This information sets the foundation of what I will suggest in my mind is the clear resulting use of this technology.

I have been a "LIGHT WORKER" all my life, and I believe the Military Industrial Complex has been USING time travel to "identify" light workers from the future and time travel gigantic lists of these people back to the years of 1967 when they first started using time travel in this way.

I believe that with these lists of TARGET PERSONS in hand, they then set about using all their knowledge of future events to literally destroy the lives, incomes and families of the light workers they deemed the most dangerous to them!

I will not go into details here, because you dont know me and it would take a book of 1000 pages to show you any kind of "proof" that might sound plausible, but trust me that I have enough evidence of this in my life to be certain they were doing this.

The question then is this? ARE WE..., so fearful of any possible reprecussions the big bad ILLUMINATI might do to us that we would cower under a rock..., knowing the depths of their deprevity?

If it happened to me and my family..., and I truly believe it did..., then they probably targeted thousands or hundreds of thousands of familes across the US. They did this in order to decimate and distroy completely the lives, the incomes and the families of those brave men and women who came in this incarnation as light workers in order to SAVE EARTH and help humanity.

What is owed to these people who then were targeted..., tormented throughout their lives..., and suffered more than anything anyone can imagine.
I've said many times..., Jesus had it easy compared to the years of abuse I've been through at the hands of the Dark.

If there is something we can do to get rid of these bankers..., will we do it?

Much Love to all.

May I also say I empathize greatly with the thousands of people who have undergone the many mysterious undiagnosed symptoms often of the nervous and muscular system in the process of transmuting the intense energies upon earth. Many of these souls have endured unimagineable pain. Many called crazy and mistreated by the medical community and very little relief. Many disabled for the remaining time here as we have had to step out of the old paradigm and live by faith alone daily. I was informed that I  and many others are actually grounding energies for entire communities!! as I have been in my area. Loss of everything often occurs for a time as I became helpless to even feed myself and wanted death to come swiftly, but I have continued to be faithful to allow such pain to occur within my spinal column chord , so intense like fire and burning day after day. All the months I was in bed I have spent spreading the Love and Hope we have ahead !! Come soon please!! Kathleen Would 

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