~June Solstice 2011: Heart of Ophiuchus rises at Stonehenge~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 14:44
Caduceus by James N. Muir

Caduceus - "Angel of Healing" - by James N. Muir, Sculptor & December 1 Ophiuchus

When I first laid eyes on what I’m about to show you, I had to rub my eyes.  This is the second cosmic coincidence involving Ophiuchus in less than one week.  Coincidence.  Yeah, right.

They say a picture is worth 10,000 words.  For me and maybe some of you, the screen capture below pretty much says it all and with authority.  It is a view of the late afternoon sky looking Due East from Stonehenge at 17:16 UTC on June Solstice.  For those of you to whom Constellation Ophiuchus is the mysterious new “13th Sign” that Astrologers are hotly disputing, this imagery will be interesting but probably hard to understand.  By now the message is becoming cosmically clear, however, and the incoming energy from the June Solstice 2011 will be urging you December-born (and those of you with planets in the constellation) to find out more about Ophiuchus so you will be able to decide for yourselves what this all means.

June Solstice 2011 Stonehenge horizon

What is this sky map saying?

Though sunset at Stonehenge is still hours away and no stars are visible in the daytime sky, the stars of the zodiac constellations will be rising in the East and moving across the sky just the same as they always do.  At the exact time given for June Solstice 2011 (pictured above) the stars rising at the Due East cardinal direction will be those of the contoversial “13th Sign” – the sign that is not a sign but a constellation – Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder.  But the stars that are actually rising at this moment are not ’just any’ stars of the constellation.  They are the stars of the Heart of Ophiuchus, and this great Starry Heart is opening fully to us at the most auspicious place imaginable on this beautiful planet that so many species of life call Home. 

Question:  What was the rising sign at June Solstice 2010?

Answer:  Constellation Cancer

Hmmm.  That makes this year’s 2011 June Solstice either another in a long string of cosmic coincidences (I have a list here somewhere on my computer … wait for it) or a second demonstration this month of impeccable celestial timing in fulfillment of some great plan or scheme for humanity that involves personal and planetary healing and wisdom on a grand scale.  The next question is, can you afford to sit on the sidelines or will you throw in with this divine gift from the Universe to you?

Participating in the Heart of Ophiuchus Opening & Expansion

If you can make it to Stonehenge, bring a picnic lunch and a candle for after sunset.  Make a day and evening of it.  All times given below are UTC at Stonehenge (don’t believe your watch — UTC is not Daylight Saving Time).  If you cannot bring your physical body to Stonehenge, use the rising times listed below to mark the key risings and turning points of this event for you to use in your ceremonial / ritual work.

  • Question: Are we punching a clock, Donna? 
  • Answer: Stonehenge is a Computer and the timing is Celestial.  This is an event in which the Earth Computer is synchronizing with the Cosmic Clockworks.  So if you want to support the Earth Computer, then yes.  Honoring the timing in 3D is the next right thing to do to take a part in ushering in this important energy to begin working for Earth Mother on your behalf.  But if you want to fly by the seat of your pants you should do that since in the Fifth Dimension Time has no meaning anyway and all things are as they should be no matter what.  Do your will. 

  1. At 12:26:44 Theta Corona Borealis, the first star in the Northern Crown over the Head of Ophiuchus’s Serpent, rises in the NNE to inform us Ophiuchus’s serpent wears the celestial rayed crown.  The vision of a crowned serpent reminds us of the day when the Serpents of Wisdom were revered and treasured instead of feared as symbols of evil.
  2. At 13:10:22 Alpha Corona Borealis rises also in the NNE; this star is aligned with the Galactic constellation Southern Cross on Ecliptic coordinates; use the rising time of this star to call the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy in to your Circle and align with it.  If you’re building a Medicine Wheel for ceremony somewhere, this is a good time by which to have set the last of your cardinal directions and your Spirit stone in the center; call Spirit into your Ceremony when you are fully aligned.
  3. The first star of Ophiuchus’s Serpent, Kappa Serpentis, will rise at 14:22:55 in the ENE; Alpha Serpentis “Unukalhai”, will rise at 15:22:14 at ENE; the Crowned Head of Ophiuchus’s Serpent will be fully risen in the East and ENE by 16:16:00 UTC
  4. The first star of Constellation Ophiuchus to rise will be Kappa Ophiuchus, the westernmost shoulder of Ophiuchus, at 16:20:11; Alpha Ophiuchus, “Ras Alhague”, rises at 16:40:24.
  5. At 16:56:00 the Due East point will be at the westernmost edge of Ophiuchus’s rib cage and those who are going to have a direct experience of the Heart of Ophiuchus Chakra opening and expanding will begin to feel it as the Due East point moves across the constellation’s chest area.
  6. By 19:53:07 the last star of the Ophiuchus constellation design, Theta Ophiuchus, (the easternmost foot or knee of Ophiuchus, depending on how you see it) will have risen.  The Sun will not set until 20:21:41.  In the East you will see the Milky Way Galaxy rise and maybe using Constellation Scorpius as your guide you will be able to trace the stars of Constellation Ophiuchus standing over her (uh – Question - sorry: Her?  What’s up with that, Donna?  Scorpio the sign being fixed water, i.e., elementally feminine in gender, suggests that Constellation Ophiuchus follows that energetic gender pattern as a built-in feature — that is, if Ophiuchus is not independent of Scorpio and hence the awaited Fifth Element Ether, divine masculine + divine feminine made whole and undifferentiated and as such the mother-father of all of the elements.)

Oh My God/dess, right?  Something to ponder, isn’t it?  Light your candles and ponder the mysteries as the Serpent Holder constellation subtly and humbly transits the night sky over Stonehenge.  For those of you who are as crazy as I am, bring more than one candle.  Theta Ophiuchus doesn’t set until 3:12:22 in the morning.  But I promise you, whatever time you give this process at Stonehenge especially will be worth it.  If you fall asleep it’s almost better.  Asclepius operates in the liminal world which means he works as effectively in dreams as he does in waking consciousness if not more so.  When we’re asleep we’re less resistant to healing suggestions and he is less subjected to the manipulations of our wishful thinking.  We will speak to this issue in some detail at a later date.

How to Find & Trace Constellation Ophiuchus in the Sky – from The Startistics Mission page on the new site STARTISTICS.

You may have noticed the WordPress Theme I’m using doesn’t color the links blue.  You have to pass your cursor over the lines of text to see which words turn red.  Bummer, huh?  I’ll try to get to fixing that.  In the meantime, the “How to Find & Trace” sentence above is a link.  Click on it if you want to learn how to trace Constellation Ophiuchus in the sky.

If your Ophiuchus Sun on the sky chart of your birth lies within 3° either way of the mid-point of Constellation Ophiuchus as it is on the Ecliptic Plane (approximately centered at 257.25°) then while Ophiuchus is rising at Stonehenge, your Ophiuchus Heart Chakra will be cosmically expanded as you come online extra-dimensionally to join the Heart of Ophiuchus – both the starry heart and your own – with the Earth’s ancient supercomputer.   If you don’t want to join, exercise your prerogative to opt out.  Earth is still very much a free will zone.  This is not a compulsory exercise. 

The Legend in the screen capture shows the Ecliptic Longitude of Due East at Solstice is 255.5417°.   Due East will pass over the ‘center’ coordinate of the constellation (the center of the Ophiuchus Star Heart Chakra) within minutes of the exact Solstice time.  As the stars continue to rise in the East the Due East coordinate number will increase, moving the Due East point across the chest cavity of the Ophiuchus constellation, and you will feel the opening and expansion progressively as you breathe deeply, meditatively if possible, and simply BE.  Let Earth and Sky nature take its course.  You don’t have to do anything but accept and take your place in the order of things.  There are no planets transiting Ophiuchus.  This is just between you and your Stars and Stonehenge on June Solstice 2011.    

Heart of Ophiuchus rising at Stonehenge 2011 June Solstice

The Esoteric Astrology View – Alice Bailey/Djwhal Kuhl

The meanings of the planetary alignments relative to what is happening in the world today are frankly less interesting to me than what is happening energetically as this “13th dynamic” energy settles in and begins working in waking human consciousness.  That being said, I highly recommend the work of Ophiuchus Nick Fiorenza, Sidereal Astronomy-Astrologer, at Lunar Planner for a beautifully expressed analysis of planetary and stellar interactions.  Continuing on with our Celestial Alchemy theme begun in the 2-part post The Sun & Moon in June 2011, I do want to point out for Light Workers the esoteric significance of certain key planet-to-star alignments. I will do this by introducing you to Esoteric Astrology concepts I have been working with that support the potency of the June Solstice 2011 alignments across from Constellation Ophiuchus, over on the Sunny side of the Zodiac Belt.

Esoteric Astrology – The Zodiac and the Rays – The Creative Hierarchies
2. The Creative Hierarchies
It might here be appropriate if I interpolated a chart or a tabulation which maybe found suggestive of some of these interlocking energies which play through, traverse, return, stimulate and energize every part of our solar system. They only evoke conscious response where the vehicle of expression and of response is adequate to the impact, and this statement is true of the solar Logos, the planetary Logoi, and of all forms in all the kingdoms upon our planet. [33] Unconscious reaction will of course exist, but it will be on a general or mass scale, and much of it pours through to us from these distant constellations, via the fifth Creative Hierarchy. This Hierarchy, being on the verge of liberation, is to be found on the intellectual level of consciousness and can, therefore, be used as a focal point and a transmitter of the higher energies to our solar system and to the planet. If you make a careful study of the chart of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, page 34, you will note that this Hierarchy is influencing, and is influenced by, the seventh Ray of Magical Order and of Ceremonial Organization. The basic function of this ray is to relate spirit and matter and produce the manifested form. The sign of the zodiac with which it is closely connected is that of Cancer, the Crab, which is a mass sign and one of the “gates” into manifested life.The following information anent the Hierarchies may prove useful. It has been gathered from various sources.I might here remind you that the seven planes of our solar system are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane. The four Creative Hierarchies which have achieved liberation are now to be found focused upon the cosmic astral plane; hence their potency even when out of manifestation. The fifth Creative Hierarchy exists on the highest etheric level and will join the other four Hierarchies when the sixth Creative Hierarchy has measured up to cosmic opportunity and is itself nearing liberation. The following is a tabulation showing some of the astrological relationships in connection with
  1. The constellation of the Great Bear.
  2. The Pleiades or the Seven Sisters.
  3. Sirius.
  4. The seven solar systems. [34]
Tabulation I
The Twelve Creative Hierarchies

(The Five Kumaras)
Name Ray Sign Energy Comments Nos.
1 * Unknown III Pisces Intelligent substance None 12
2 * Unknown IV Aries Unity through effort None 11
3 * Unknown V Taurus Light through knowledge None 10
4 * Unknown VI Gemini Desire for duality None 9
5 ** Unknown VII Cancer Mass life Veiling the Christ 8
* Hierarchies 1 to 4 inclusive (12 to 9 inclusive) have reached liberation. Regarded as abstractions. (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, page 361)
** The 5th Creative Hierarchy is on the verge of liberation. It is active on the intellectual plane. [35]

The Kumaras 

For an interesting perspective on the Kumaras, a valuable resource for Serpents and Serpent Holders is Mark Amaru Pinkham’s The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, a book that came highly recommended to me and did not disappoint.

Creative Hierarchy Alignments at June Solstice 2011

If you have made it through the above material and you’re still with me, then you will need to know why I quoted Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul’s Esoteric Astrology.  Here are the planetary alignments as they relate to Stonehenge as the location:

June Solstice 2011-Solar Array

Combining the concepts of Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul from Esoteric Astrology with the alignments pictured above, we can already see

  1. Mars in Constellation Taurus aligned with The Pleiades, and
  2. Mercury conjunct Mebsuta Gemini aligned with Sirius (Alpha Canis Major). 
  3. The third celestial member of the Creative Hierarchy named in the Esoteric Astrology piece quoted above is The Great Bear, Ursa Major.  As my planetarium program doesn’t mark the Zenith of the sky, you will just have to take my word for it (or check on your own planetarium program) that the Zenith of the Sky at the exact time given for Solstice, while the Heart of Ophiuchus is rising in the East, is Constellation Ursa Major. 

What more is there to say about this?  Re-read the passage quoted from Esoteric Astrology and see if there is something in it that speaks to you.  There is a lot to work with there.

Last but far from least is the remarkable position at Solstice from Stonehenge of the “Earth Shadow” or “Nadir” of the sky chart.  We find the Nadir to be in Constellation Grus, the Crane.  Anne Wright at Constellations of Words has this to say about the Crane constellation:

The constellation was added by Bayer in 1603.

Cranes are noted for their elaborate courtship dances; humans on stilts copied the dance. “Cranes are the exotic dancers of the bird kingdom. Their gyrations have been compared to the antics of fervent pioneer preachers leading their congregations”. They are credited with great diligence, intelligence and vigilance; they are reported to post sentries while they sleep. They spend a long time preening their feathers and paint themselves with mud to camouflage themselves. Greek letters of the alphabet came from myths about cranes. The crane was used as a symbol of the astronomer by the Ancient Egyptians.  (Emphasis added)

* * *

“Horapollo, the grammarian of Alexandria, about A.D. 400, tells us that the crane was the symbol of a star-observer in Egypt, presumably from its high flight” [Allen, Star Names], or maybe from a habit of looking up at the sky as a number of pictures of cranes on this website show? The term ‘Magos’ was used in the Hellenistic world rather loosely for astrologers, astronomers, and magicians (there was no distinction in the Hellenistic era drawn between astrology and astronomy). The magus were the Zoroastrian priestly caste of the Medes and Persians. Magi is used in English for the three ‘Wise Men’ who visited the infant Christ.

“The first interpreters of the stars were called Magi (magus), as we read of those who made known the birth of Christ in the Gospels; afterwards they only had the name mathematicus.” [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 7th century AD, p.183.]

* * *

The Ancient Greek word for was ‘crane’ (ibyx). It may be that the crane of Europe was equivalent to the similar wading bird, the ibis, of the Egyptians. “Abis, the Egyptian Crane … the Greeks expressed it Ibis” [A Mythological, Etymological, and Historical Dictionary, Bryant, Holwell, 1793, p.2]. The ibis-headed god, Thoth, was a scribe, whose pen repeatedly dipped in ink in a manner that the long beaks of the ibises dipped into the mud. The word nib (n-ib), a bird’s beak, and the tip of a pen, might be related to this source; “nib meant an ibis” [Cleopatra's Needle, p.58]. [Egyptian hib is the official translation for 'ibis']

The Ibis-headed Thoth was, among other things of course, the Egyptian God of Astrology, Astronomy, Magic and the Moon. 

These are all energies of thought and being impinging on us at June Solstice 2011 from Stonehenge.  I find it extraordinarily thematic and completely to the point of what the New Age is all about and how we’re going to get there.  And on that note, I will leave you to enjoy the contemplation of these and other cosmic coincidences that have been recently revealed.  Chances are, this is just the beginning.




Being born 4th December I believe I am truly ruled by Ophiuchus, so am wondering what, when and where in Australia I might align myself to the rising energy.

Two years ago in Bali I was given my last gemstone in my crown. As Above, So Below and have been feeling like I'm a little bit pregnant since....a patiently waiting for the timing.  I believe this is it... NOW!

Cheers Sharna

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