~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 15:47


~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~






I Konw what I Feel, and what I Feel is LOVE. It comes from the ALL that IS. It is not only a Feeling, it is a Connection of Onness, a BEing, it is what I Am. And what I always have been.

And I Know Balance, for Balance is LOVE’s Flow. Anything that is not in Balance, is not in Divine Flow.

It interrupts Joy. And Joy is Love’s expression.

I Know that, for I Am part of it. I’m LOVE, I’m Joy, I’m One with GOD=ALL.

And if one of ALL is not in Joy=Love, I feel it. And when I feel it, my Heart wants to bring him back to it’s True Nature.

That’s what I Am... Love.

Nothing more, nothing less, simply ALL.


As US.

And Love can only share Joy, and Love wants to share ALL, that’s why I cannot stop from bringing Hearts back to what they, in Truth, Are.

Humanity has been told for millennia that there are many truths out there, and that you can choose, kind of like going to the supermarket and buy that thing you believe is more useful for you. That thing you've been made to believe is more usefull to you. And all of this has been put into different boundaries, made of regions, countries, states, continents. All have been separated by different truths, and different truths have created wars, and killing of thousends of beings all over the world. And this truths have been given a name: religions.

The true meaning of religion comes from the latin word religere, which means to bind together. Quite a paradox right... many truths, many religions... one outcome: separation.

Love... is Joy.

Where’s the Joy in believing in a GOD, in any GOD, that tells you to kill in his name, to fight in his name, to rape in his name, to separate in His Holy Name.

Yes, I want you all to look at this picture. Look carefully, and tell me where’s the Joy.

I want you to see this again. And again to tell me where the f**** is Joy in this image, where is GOD's LOVE!


This is what separation does.

It kills beings in the name of different truths.

And it does not matter at all if these wars real intent was to steal money and power, for milions paricipated in it believing in their truths, and that their truth was better than any others.


Isn’t it time to end all this? Isn’t it time to go and grasp the Real Truth?

Oh, yes, I Know the Real Truth, thus, I will not kill you if you don’t believe me. Nor if you don’t even care to find it. I will not blame you for I Know the Truth. And I Know where to find it. For I remember Who I Am. And I say it’s enough with all this, enough with fighting one another for NO REASON. Enough with believing in all you’ve been told simply because it seems easier than going in the only place in the Universe where you can find The Real Truth. Enough.

Those that decide to go on with the fight are free to do so, but not Here.

For Here and Now, it’s time for Divine Balance. And Divine Balance is Love in action Everywhere Present. This is the Divine Law into which our Planet, our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart has entered. And nothing that is not in Balace with it’s Joy... is free to leave.


It’s over. It’s over with separation. Onness is Here and brings All Home.



You have been told that all this wars and separation happened for freedom... For freedom? What freedom?

Freedom is being free to Live in Joy and Happiness with All, as One, for Love Created You out of a thought of LOVE. Not to kill Yourself, and not even to fight for a parking or because you like doing something others don’t. Love created You to experience and enJoy Life. Fighting has nothing to do with all this.


Now, think again. Look at theese images and think what happened because of different truths... deaths.


And The Truth has always been in front of your eyes to be seen. In all and every religion you can find someone that told you that death... is not true. And ALL tell you... GOD=LOVE. And yes, what hold humanity stuck was something else that all said: you have sinned and must make it good again... by fighting, by taking away even more freedom? Please...


You have no sin!~


Take dreams... you wake up in the morning and you had a bad dream... what happens afterwards? Yes! You’re happy it was a dream! And had you known it was not real... oh it would not have been such a terrible dream right?

Here you are.


This body you wear, is not you.

The laws you follow, is not you.

The fear you have, is not you.

And no, your ego/unconsciousness... is not you!


For You, You ARE LOVE and ONE WITH GOD. One with Father and Mother God. And you always have been. And you always will. And nothing –register this word for it is important- NOTHING you’ll ever, ever do, can change THIS TRUTH. For your Real You is LOVE=GOD=ALL. Even if you’re not conscious of it, even if you act as the most terrible being on earth... even then, ALL YOU ARE IS LOVE.~




You wanted to know what is feels like to forget Who You Are... here we go. You did... now the Game is Over.

You CAN LET GO the illusion you fall into and Wake Up to The Truth of what You Are.

Yes! You can.~

And the only reason We’re Here for is to tell you this. To show you this. To BE this Truth.

To bring All Home by awakening into who You trula Are.


Now let me tell you how you can Know this Truth, which is the only Real Truth ever existed:


yep, I know... you can’t stand this word... it sound like “uh? in me? Where in me?” In your Heart.

"Heart, which Heart, you mean that think that pumps blod?"

~No, I mean your True Heart. 

And yes, that's where you can find it. Untill it grows and you become able to See what it Truly IS.

Your True Connection with GOD=ALL.~


And the prove is: you’re still looking for proves! How many of you read ten, hundreds, thousends of books, posts, ebook trying to find the truth and are still looking for it... see, the Truth is not out there. Nowhere out there. For if it was... you would have found it by now. Thus, the only ones that have found it and Are in Peace and in Joy... they tell you... look inside. Yes, use the information you got out there, but then turn inside and listen. Does it bring you JOY? Does your Heart go like “wow, that feels like something I KNOW!” If it does... you got it. If it does not... you’ll keep going on loooking for some other truths out there till you might finally find it.


See, it is not a matter of “if” you’ll finally make it. This is granted. You can’t change What You Are. The only thing that matters is how long it will take you and how challenging you will make it. But Home, you will go Home. For that is where You already Are... you simply forgot it. See?~



~Now jump into one another and embrace yourSelf~


Run away from all that seemed to have been... let go anger and fear and see it as it is... a dream you dreamt. No matter how real it seemed, no matter how much you suffered. I Promise You, as soon as you start getting a glimpse of what is True=Love=God=All... you won’t be able to remember the suffering. You'll laugh at how seriously you believed in the illusion.

As when you wake up from a nightmare... for as bad as it might have been, its feeling never lasts for more than a few hours. And in Heaven, hous do not exist.






~I LOVE YOU, for You and me=ONE.~

ANdReA, or as you used to call me, Lady Portia






Mon, 04/09/2012 - 17:22

In reply to by barbara Hathaway (not verified)

Carl Jung as far as I remember did not have such a wonderful and happy life, thus, anyone is Free to Choose. If you still feel the need of sadness to be happy when you don't feel it, I wonder, do you wear a number less of your shoes so that you feel good when you take them of, or do you prefere wearing the right number and feel confortable at every step you take?


Just wondering.

      You miss understand the quote. Nobody TRIES to feel sadness, but there is no question that friction happens. Its a part of being consious. The quote is refering to contrast. You know how you are typing in black? Its so that you can tell the difference between the text and the background. If you typed in white because 'it was the color of light' or some crap like that you wouldn't see anything.




Mon, 04/09/2012 - 18:14

In reply to by Sonny (not verified)

OK I want to jump in here... based just on what you say... not the whole context because mental masterbation is not what Andrea or I am about! Nor is this site unless I hear otherwise. 

We are no LONGER victims of ANYTHING... NOT SADNESS NOT HAPPINESS... NOT OUR THOUGHTS.. NOT OUR MIND... WE ARE ASCENDING WHICH TAKES HEART ENERGY (and it's not about the physical but the etheric), ELIMINATING AS MUCH MIND AS POSSIBLE.  We are recognizing that we are not our mind, body, thoughts, emotions.  We choose them. Otherwise there would be no point.


I studied Jung and effectively taught some of those ideas for awhile...

I also accepted my carrying sadness for quite a long time, you could see it in photos of me... But we are intentionally focusing our beingness on ascension... it is not of this Earth's mind.... even of the great minds we have respected and lived with.


it will not take you to Bliss, my friend...  for the next step, toward the light if one wishes.


Jung lived at a different time... 


On the other hand, you have awakened me as to why some people may not be able to get out of the somberness.


Jung had his time... but it is not now, my friend.




MaAlaea, Bringer of ths New Dawn


Sorry,thought we were talking about reality.


I think Jung is a little more relatable to today then someone who, say, run towards zombies in a zombie apocalypse.( which is what I assume is what your talking about when you say that you want to "eliminate as much mind as possible".)


But no really, your right. Steping into pure light is the answer to all our problems. It totally works out for all of the bugs.(and Icarus.)


Sarcasm aside, I'm actually not somber at all. Its kind of insulting that you, a stranger, would just assume that. I just find beauty in how life actually is, full of emotions, changes, cycles, and things to discover.It's like reading a book for the first time. I am not a sad person because I think a book with out a conflict is pointless, or art with all the same messege is dull.


Have fun reinventing the wheel. I'll be sure to wave from the sholder of the giant I'm standing on.

Boo Walker (not verified)

Mon, 04/09/2012 - 18:21

Such a beautiful message Andrea! What a wonderful time to be here; to stand with head high and say, "I choose..." and so it is.

All my Love, Boo

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 04/10/2012 - 09:09

Super job and delightful to read.


The comments too, were obviously heartfelt causing  civility to rule.  Always a bonus to the readership.   It is true that Jung was from a diffirent era, and now,  a different view has arrived at the fore. 


Although We are All subject to life's events, which aren't always pleasant, it is our heart, aka command post, that We need to direct.  Consciousness is the Observer.  An earlier voice of this Tribe, advised Us to "not let your hearts be troubled" and that "the heart is decitful above all things".  So living in the heart, is a delicate matter.  Highly encouraged and recommended, but full transparancy is needed for its successful usage.


As "the mind of Christ" becomes more manifest through those who have done their homework, things are bound to be much easier for those who recognize its benevolence for a more harmonious world.  It will develop It's Self quite naturally as the numbers grow... :Namaste All


Love and Peace,






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