Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/10/2011 - 06:40

Remember Volunteering For This?


One afternoon in the early 1980's I had a sudden intense memory surface within my Denise consciousness. Because this memory happened before the start of the Ascension Process (1987), it was unusually intense for me to make a fully conscious quantum connection with this particular memory, more accurately, the actual event happening simultaneously. During the minute or so of my remembering and seeing in my mind's eye this simultaneous quantum event, I instantaneously had sweat running down my back and was shaking mildly from the conscious connection with this higher, larger aspect of myself. That's how much more difficult it was thirty years ago to make a conscious quantum connection with a very high dimension and aspect of SELF like this. I—not just this Denise aspect but many other aspects of my greater SELF also—was/am aware of existing simultaneously in multiple forms in multiple dimensions. Here's what I suddenly remembered that special day thirty years ago.
Suddenly I was aware of being a Being of Light that exists vibrationally closer to Source with a small group of other like-Beings or Spiritual Family. There were maybe five or so of these similar Beings standing in front of the rest of us like-Beings. We'd gathered together to discuss something very important and make equally important decisions about it. I was one of the Beings listening to the other Beings informing the rest of us about these situations and the changes needed.
The short discussion consisted of us being informed that THE Plan needed help from some of us to be corrected, separated, completed, and lifted up to an entirely new level and dimension. That was all that needed to be understood or discussed because it was instantaneously known by all of us what was happening, what would happen, what was needed and why. At this point I raised my hand and announced, "We'll go!" and that was that. That's all that was required to volunteer to seed an aspect of one's Greater SELF out to incarnate within lower frequency 3D on Earth as a Starseed Lightworker/Lightworker/Wayshower/Path Cutter to work from within that dimension and Earth world disguised as a local to seed, embody, and manifest the Ascension Process.
To take this topic one more quantum step—which we must to be completely honest about this—if your Greater Self volunteered for this current Ascension Mission, then this part of You didn't seed and send out only one aspect of You to do this, You most likely seeded many aspects and deliberately sent them to incarnate in different timelines and countries around Earth (aka your "past lives"). Why? Because it was/is a quantum crash-course in learning about living and functioning within polarized 3D physicality; living, perceiving and functioning within dense polarized male and female physical bodies; existing, functioning and perceiving within greatly restricted linear time; and learning to function with greatly restricted awareness and consciousness etc.

When this call went out for volunteers to help with dislodging humanity and Earth up and out from the dark mud-pit it had fallen into thanks to some other stubborn and confused aspects—aka the Dark Ones—YOU intentionally seeded different aspects of Yourself to incarnate on 3D Earth to all work on this particular Mission simultaneously. I know, I know, just breath and don't think linear thoughts and linear time! Let your sense of self, selves, Self expand back to what it really is which is NOT linear and separated at all.
Let's say the Greater Self You volunteered to help with getting THE Plan back on-track and to accomplish this It seeded aspects of Itself into...let's say...Lemuria, Atlantis, ancient Egypt, ancient China, Asia, north, central, and south America as native Indians, Mayans etc., Tibet, India, north and south Africa, different countries and timelines throughout Europe and so on. And It seeded these different aspects of Itself into these different countries and timelines in both male and female bodies so that as much knowledge, learning, creativity and integration could be gained. (Think spherical not linear.)
In many of these past/simultaneous lives you were trained by other Master Teachers, other Starbeings and by other-dimensional Beings (who in some cases where also other aspects of You as well) all to help the overall quantum Mission and teach these different incarnated aspects of You the things you/You/YOU all needed/need to know from firsthand experience within the third dimension and polarized physicality. How could you possibly help anyone or anything if you/You/YOU didn't know what it's like living in a dense physical body with limited consciousness in a profoundly polarized physical world? So, crash-course to learn, to live, taste, feel, to know for yourself/selves how and why and all the in's and out's of a life in 3D. And because You have inserted aspects of Self within this Earth world and THE Plan, you're not breaking any universal Freewill Laws by making the needed Ascension-related changes. Now the many different you's have some serious personal knowledge tools to work with during the last leg of this quantum Mission, plus no one's Freewill has been infringed upon either.
So here comes the real mind-bender with all this. Breath, expand your sense of self and relax.
This current incarnation, this current life you aspect is the really, really important volunteer piece in this massive elaborate quantum Mission. I know it doesn't seem like you are and it sure as hell doesn't feel like you are, but you are nonetheless. This current self you and incarnation is the actual anchor aspect to all this; the actual incarnation body/mind/soul that's the one living, transmuting, and embodying within the Ascension, the "End Times", the end of the 16 billion-yearlong Plan timeline to actually do the deed of Ascension through yourself, your bodies, your heart and soul. All the rest of it has been, is, quantum prep-work and support for this particular aspect of You in this life, this incarnation and timeline to wrap this Mission up and bring it home, Home, HOME.
Many years ago I read something channeled by Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadians. They called us Starseeds/Lightworkers/"System Busters" the "Standard Bearers of our Souls". When I first read that term I wasn't positive of what they meant by it. A few weeks later I totally understood. We are indeed the aspects that are embodying and living the Alchemical Ascension Process and 16 billion-yearlong polarity resolution transformational work within and through our current bodies and selves to get THE Plan back on-track and provide a way out of the old stuck mud-pit Earth now for any who wish to extricate themselves from the endless negativity, darkness, polarity, violence, suffering, greed, lack, pain and tears.
Let your greater quantum identity and volunteered role sink in a bit and go have a bowl of ice cream or something and cut yourself some slack. Is it any wonder why so many of us are exhausted beyond comprehension at this point? Well done everyone and just little way left to go now.
Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

Guest Marilyn (not verified)

Sun, 07/10/2011 - 07:14

Yes, Denise - Your welcome message gave me such a relief, because I now know why I am here at this time.  It all makes sense now.  Even though I have not as yet had such a visual memory (quantom leap) as you, I could definitely relate to all you said.  I can feel myself(s) slowly rising out of the muck and mire of 3-D and the Light is shining brighter & brighter.

How glorious it's going to be in 5-D again.  My gratitude for your 'enlightening' message.  ♥Marilyn

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