As I Was Lifted Upward-I Touched Unconditional Love

Submitted by d'tewa on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 17:31

Greetings Dear GFP Family!

     I was asked by Mother/Father God to share this experience I had early this morning.  I feel that it will be beneficial to many who have not yet experienced Unconditional Love.


     Early this morning while in a lucid sleep, suddenly I was taken "upward".  Deep in my mind, the word "allow" came to mind as I was taken swiftly up, up, up, much like a head rush, to an unknown place in which I believe was the 5th Dimension.  Upon my arrival, two beings were there to welcome me.   I was not able to see their faces, but a feeling of Unconditional Love WAS as they both put their arms around me, comforting and protecting me.  With a very loving thought they asked me if I was alright, and I replied "I don't know".  Then very slowly, they guided me away from where I landed. 

     I wanted to stay there, because the love that washed over me was so overwhelming.  My sleep was interrupted by my own thoughts thinking that I had ascended to the 5th as I briefly opened my eyes to see if I had, only to find that I was in the same familiar surroundings.  It was indeed a bummer.  I closed my eyes again hoping that I could return to that place where I wanted to stay forever...but couldn't. 

     As I laid there in bed awhile while my mind seemed to be going in so many different directions, I felt some changes happening within my body.  My heart started to palpatate and I felt a very slight pain, which only lasted a minute or so, in the right side of my chest.  The experience was so profound and definitely mind-blowing!

     When I finally opened my eyes to get up out of bed, a feeling of anxiety washed over me, and it lasted all day long.  I wanted to return to that feeling of Unconditional Love, because you see, while I exhibit love to all I encounter in this lifetime, I, myself, have been unaccustomed to love from my family and no friends.  I've been a loner pretty much all of my life as I traveled this long arduious path to ascension.  I wanted to go home!!!

     I tried meditating.  That didn't work.  My mind was on that extraordinary experience.  That's when I decided to do some research to find out exactly what happened to me, and why I didn't remain there.  I found no answers.  That's when I decided to write Mother/Father God for answers and advice.  This is the reply I received:  "That is like meeting your Higher Self in Perfect Balance and the Love You Are.  That is the feeling of what 5D is.  This is just a percursor to let you know you're almost there.  Relax and know, as we are all in this Together Love.  We Love You."

     After receiving that message, I have to admit I feel better.  The anxiety has subsided some, although I never did go on my morning or evening walk.  It's strange though, as I sat on my front porch today watching people walking up and down the street, neighbors coming and going on their daily missions, trees swaying in the wind, birds flying to and fro chirping like crazy, it was like I was totally alone in the world.  In the norm of things I usually wave at everyone who walks or drives by and they wave back, but today it was like no one seen me.  Not one time today did anyone say hello or wave.  I felt like I was invisible!  But that's okay, because I know in my heart, my now larger heart, that soon I will be going home to where I belong.  A place where I will be Unconditionally Loved by everyone who knows me, or not.

In Love and Compassion to live as ONE.


When your are in the Higher vibrations they cannot see you anymore, they are still lost in their program minds in the illusion., This has occurred for many of us now!!!... This is a good Sign, Celebrate and know this is your Vibrational upgrade. WE are all One In Love and You are Never Alone. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 03:19

I am and have been experiencing exactly the same thing.  At night while

sleeping I am surrounded by beings and orbs that envelope me in a

love vibration.  I have basically no one around me in this dimension

to talk with about anything that matters and feel very separated out

right now, waiting to pass over to 5D.  I feel completely invisible and

watch the cars and people around me busily going about their lives

and do not feel a part of any of it.  Everything feels surreal and unreal

right now, even the natural world.  Reading what you wrote makes

me know that I am not alone in going through this right now.

Thank you!

Good Morning, Dear Angel!

     Fitting is your name, for the words you wrote are that of Love. 

     As I sit at my computer, and not quite awake yet, I might add, I will read your message over and over again taking all your uplifting words into my head and heart.  They deserve to be there, because it resonates with me and I'm quite sure it would resonate with many, if not all of our Brothers and Sisters here at GFP.  Actually, I'm quite surprised that you haven't been a member and submitted those beautiful words you've written to me! 

     Our missions here in the 3D have been long and tough, has it not?  As each day passes I get more and more excited about going home again.  I see it in my head, I feel it in my heart, and although I express Love minute by minute, I yearn to "feel" that Love again that used to be my forgotten life.  I will say it again, because each time I will it, I know I will have it.  I intend to awaken!  It's a desire like no other, and I'm sure you feel that as well, in our "neutral zones" lol.  Speak galactically, be galactic!

     You know, truth is everything that it's cracked up to be, and I have to admit that I was harboring a dissappointment.  That day I spoke of when I was sitting on my porch thinking that I was feeling invisible, I honestly believe I was.  That is truth, but the next day when I sat on my porch, people were waving and saying hello again to me.  Please don't get me wrong.  I enjoy my precious last days of duality, but I was dissappointed to find that that vibration upgrade had not occurred for me.  Later that day in meditation, I knew that all is as it should be.  There was still more for me to do here in the physical 3D that required my full attention.  Understandably, I had not done all of my homework that I thought I had.  These last few days I have been dealing with some tough issues, deep down.  Apropriate to say, my life here in 3D has not been a bowl of cherries, and there was, and still is, much to dismiss to the Universe, including that dissappointment.  Yet, everyday gets brighter and brighter as I dig deeper and deeper.  Our dreams of this game being over is so close!  Can you feel it?  Whether in the visible 3D or invisible void of the 4th and 5th Dimensions, I Am here with you as well as my Brothers and Sisters of the Light and shadows.  And, loneliness for you, me, and another else is another 3D feeling to cast to the Universe as well.  For I know that there is no loneliness in our lives in the higher planes, because we create our lives to the perfection of who we are. 

     I am so pleased that you took the time and effort to join the GFP to chat with me.  Here in the physical, we do not know each other, but in our One hearts, we are connected and know each other well.  I never have believed in coincidences, that you here, NOW, as you took the time to BE here today chatting with me, proves that miracles do happen and that we are suppose to be here doing exactly what we're doing at this precise moment in 3D time.  You, My Dear Sister, are Loved by me from the moment you touched my heart with a comment to my blog and will continue to be loved by me in the higher realms.  That is a given.

     One more thing to ponder on.  Sometimes we think that our words are inadequate as we write blogs for all to see, especially when you know that there are many who are so well advanced in their learning and experiences.  But, you are here.  You have much to feel and say, am I right?  One thing I've learned here at the GFP is that we are all loved regardless of our level of advancement, and that everyone here has something to say and share.  By you taking the time out of your busy life proves that, don't you think?  Perhaps you have the gift to share your experiences and love with others here as well.  As I stated before, there are no coincidences, and I believe that I am a prelude to a much bigger picture for you.  In other words, do you have the strength and guts to stand up and share your thoughts for others here to read?  You have so much to say, and here is the perfect place to start.  Let your thoughts about that lead you to a wonderful path yet not taken.  I love you.

In Love, Light, Compassion and Peace.


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