The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 120 Let the force's of Your Heart Reign~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 10:11

As we have touched upon earlier, mankind has a hard time seeing the things that they are not meant to see. In other words, the programming that has overwritten your original blueprint has taken away your abilities to live as full citizens of this magnificent creation, therefore your outlook will seem bleak at this moment in time. But fear not, dear ones, you are about to be included in the multitude that makes up this vast ocean of creatures and entities once again, and just as in the blink of an eye after opening your eyes from the pitch darkness of night and into a bright new dawn, you too will be able to stretch, yawn and finally marvel at the rich tapestry unfolding on all sides. It will be like going from an old and grainy black and white silent movie and stepping right into a high definition surround sound, widescreen depiction of reality. In other words, this is once again a little reminder not to give in and pack it up as you are so tantalizingly close to finally experiencing this multicolored, multilayered reality we are all revelling in at the moment.


We know we are harping on with the same message, but that is because we know it is much needed. At the moment, there are literally thousands of you out there struggling to make it through just one more day, or maybe just one more night, as even the nights are many times not a time for respite any longer either. But again, the very fact that you can count yourselves in many thousands will be of some solace to some of you, especially if you manage to connect firmly with some of these fellow travellers. Not to bring each other further down, but to help each other shift the focus from the heaviest loads and to the fact that you are in this together, and you will make it all the way to the end if you help each other to really connect to the underlying energy that is fuelling all of these ”ascension symptoms” to call them that. Remember, you are not being put through all of this just to make you feel all of the aches and pains both in your physical and emotional body.


This is not meant as a punishment in any way, but we are aware that for some, it will certainly feel like it at times. And again, you have been well trained to think that anything that does not feel easy and ”symptom free” to call it that must be avoided at all costs, because it is probably not good for you. Well, in this case, let us just say that each and every twinge of physical discomfort that accompanies all of these energetic updates are telling you the exact opposite. Namely that you are being upgraded and purified to such a degree that there can be no doubt as to what the outcome of all of this will be. You are becoming as if new again, or rather as if old, as you are all being restored back to the brilliance you once was. And when this process is finished, you will also have been reconnected to the vastness that makes up All of creation, and you will be living that high definition, multicolored version of a life that you have hankered for for so long.


In other words, although the process in itself is more than exhausting, and the temptation to call it quits can come visiting more often than not, know that everything is indeed a sure sign of progress. And for every time you feel something gnawing inside of your physical body or in your mind, rest assured that there are good energies at work, energies that are putting you together again piece by piece to undo all of the dismantling of your powers that took place many lifetimes ago. It is like those diligent workers restoring an old rubble of stone back to its former glory, brick by brick, layer by layer, until it finally stands there in all of its glory for all to see. So too with you, and believe us when we say that even if it feels like the wrecking machines are doing their best to dismantle you completely, it is in fact only the labour from this restoring process you are feeling. In other words, you are not being torn apart, but we do understand that you are feeling as such, so we will not stop giving you these messages and hopefully clarify the process to you during the remainder of this work.


You are too valuable to be mistreated in any way. But as that is what you have been by the forces so intent on bringing and holding you down, this restoration work must be done in the proper way.


Otherwise, you could be tempted to just collapse back into a heap of fear again. But never fear, as the work we do will effectively remove any hidden traps that could catch you unawares. The fear we refer to, is the one you yourselves might engender if you get the wrong idea of the work we are putting you trough. In other words, those that fall for the temptation to think that these growing pains are not worth the effort it takes for you to stand in them each and every day, and that even though you feel the hammering going on incessantly, you cannot yet see any difference. Let us just remind you that there are so many reasons why you cannot see the results from all of this yet, and that this is not proof that it is all a waste of time. No time is wasted, and no effort goes unrequited, and the foundation you are standing on now is so strong that nothing outside of you can tear it down again. It is only your mind who can do that, as you are the only ones capable of making your carefully reconstructed entity fall to pieces again. So do not fall for the temptation to topple yourselves dear ones. You are made of much sturdier material than you think, and although you look on the outside like the same flimsy and somewhat shaky building you once was, nothing could be further from the truth. You are as an impenetrable fortress by now, and the only impostor that can be a threat to you, is the one you harbour inside of your mind. So make sure to let the forces of your heart reign sovereign, thereby the insurgence from your mind cannot be of any threat. Not to you, nor to others.


Maggie (not verified)

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 10:47

THANK YOU!! As always this was EXACTLY what I needed to hear!  I feel revivied and refreshed...ready to keep going. Lets DO this thing! Lets go HOME!! woo hoo!!



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