Dutchsinse Vindicated! Stanford University Releases Weather Modification Document

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 10:10


Dutchsinse Vindicated! Stanford University Releases Weather Modification Document



Dutchsinse writes ~ A very special thanks to all those who stood behind me even when there was NO additional supporting evidence… oh what a difference a few months makes !!

This past week has vindicated us on many levels… a PDF paper from Stanford University FULLY COVERING THE PHENOMENON that we’ve been documenting since last year – the ‘HAARP ring’..’stairstep pattern’.. and ‘Scalar Square’ RADAR signature patterns. VERIFIED via scientific paper directly relating to HAARP.

Here is the full PDF…. Page 2, section 2, subsection 11 clearly states the types of geometric patterns that are projected into the sky from the ground based HF (high frequency) station heater…. used to HEAT the lower ionosphere .. producing the typical patterns we have been seeing on RADAR which induce severe weather.

Stanford PDF Document

Turns out these are what ‘THEY’ call these same HAARP signatures …. Square Wave, Sawtooth Pattern, and Circle Sweep mode.

If you haven’t put it together yet… Scalar Squares = Square Wave, stairstep pattern = sawtooth pattern , and HAARP ring = Circle Sweep.

2nd thing to be vindicated this week was PREPLANNED EARTHQUAKES / Man made events …. the mexico 7.9 magnitude was indeed pre-planned for over a month before hand…. to the DAY, MINUTE, HOUR, exact COUNTRY, exact magnitude …

Here is the full post PROVING this to be the case 

And also proved correct on volcanic plumes coming from dormant volcanic spots


If your news got spread all over you should be happy... what makes you upset? Are you not spreading truth so that it shall bee known?


Think of it, and be at peace with Dutch even if he did not mention you... be couragious and forgive... or go and read this help for those that might not feel how being ONE feels.




You see, copiright and LOVE have very little in common. But from our Heart we say thank you for helping Duthc, or whoever, to spread infromation. This IS great job!




The reptilian race are quite amusing the way the work & here we have the light servers page. They have used everyones work & came for their mission to take over the world. on all their pages & in their video's, all plagarism & piracy. They keep trying to find real evidence for all their Chem  tales this is the best they come up with. If you look at all their work you will see they take everything light from everyones pages around the net & turn it into the dark. I'm reclaiming all they have taken, that is not theirs for ther dark agenda. Mostly from people, including their names who have never heard of them & much from the lightworkers pages, including taking the names & photo, Such as Servers of the light, to hide behind & fool more people. An organisation of criminals working the net, reptillians & others with them who have the same agenga. I do get a laugh out of some of their "CON" trails though. Be aware of those who hide behind the clouds.

Everything gets twisted from devine to the dark by them. Lightworkers don't go to their pages to see this, They go to lightworkers pages for what they can take for thier mission to take over the world. They just need everyone to believe them. I assist the masters with the reps. that move around the internet as they come out they are removed from the earth. So many of them, In love & light.


It is they doing all the spraying on everyone, very toxic stuff.


























This is it, their entire non evidence of what does not exist & most likely more evidence of their thousands of fraudulent video's & plagarism, much they use in them. Though cannot see this one without joining their criminal network.

The dark agenda on all levels.

This is it, their entire non evidence of what does not exist & most likely more evidence of their thousands of fraudulent video's & plagarism, much they use in them. Though cannot see this one without joining their criminal network.

The dark agenda on all levels.

That was his whole point! Not that he found this paper, but that it proved what he has been documenting for so long. How many updates of his have lots of people watched? How many predictions of his came true? How deeply has he described what was happening and the cause of it? This paper proves he was right!

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