Letting go of FEAR - the fastest way to FREEDOM from FEAR

Submitted by blueskygal on Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:20




GO SKYDIVING!!!  It is probably the craziest thing you will ever do BUT...it will teach you to LET GO OF YOUR FEARS - literally in an instant.  I LOVE being up there it is so peaceful and beautiful and it sure beats GOLF!!!


MY story:

I was your typical navy suit financial executive.  In 2006 my assistant told me that she had MS and that she skydived twice with her uncle - she did a Tandem (which is what I suggest you do)  She went skydiving ONLY after she found out she had MS.  I told her she was CRAZY.  At that time, I could not even imagine it - I mean you are jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with someone you do not know into the AIR at 13,000 feet relying on a parachute or two to save you - "THAT IS INSANE, I THOUGHT".  Continuing on my merry way through life thinking all is well - making money, spending money, creating NOTHING other than my children - crazy struck me in 2008.  I was attempting to end my second marriage peacefully - once again I felt as a bird in a cage and had reached the end of my rope - when you know its the end - its the end. The papers were filed, I believed we were still friends, and so we went to a party together in the same car and left the kids with a babysitter.  Well, as the night went on he began to feel that he deserved something from me.  "I bought you drinks" Anyway, I laughed it off saying cmon we are ending a relationship trying to be friends.  Well, on the way home he tried to forcibly throw me out of MY moving car that he was driving at 25-30 miles per hour!!!  I lost it.  I tried to phone 911 (luckily I had my seatbelt on and his attempts to throw me out were thwarted - thanks to divine grace)  he took my phone tore it in half and threw it out the window.  Longstory short, he disabled the home phone, I tried to find an old cell phone in my bedroom to call 911 I dont even know if it worked and tried to go outside - being pulled in every time.  Then finally I thought I broke free (mind you I was fighting for my survival - and the kids were home and heard everything which I wish was different to this day) I was hanging onto the front post in the yard as he tried to yank me back but I would not let go.  He finally broke me free - he jumped on me in the yard and started to choke me.  I was screaming for a neighbor to help me but noone heard.  THen, all of a sudden police siren so what does the dumbass do?  He starts hitting himself in the face (oh I forgot to mention he was a bodybuilder and very strong) saying "Im not going to jail look what you did to me"  All the while my young kids are in the bushes watching this craziness.  I broke free - I ran up the street to a neighbors house - he went to jail but because he was a CO (corrections officer) he got out the next morning with NO BAIL - DISGUSTING!!!!!  TO this day his family blames me and does not believe that he did this to me.  He was ordered to go to anger management classes which he said was a JOKE.  Recently, he took my boys to a wrestling tournament - a semi-final and left their bag at home.  (they are 11 & 12 so yes they are partially responsible) So he gets to the match - 2 hours away, and realizes that he does noo have their gear.  He is SO freaked out he literally JUMPS OUT OF THE MOVING VEHICLE while its going 15 MPH and his girlfriend is left to deal with trying to stop the car from the passenger side while my two boys are in the back.  I share this with you to help you understand my mindset when I decided to skydive.  


I had experienced the unthinkable - the most demoralizing, ego shattering, fragile state I thought existed and I wanted to build myself back up.  Now CMON!!!  I know you all have had an experience where you were torn apart and had to rebuild yourselves or you would not be here - we are the enlightened ones who have weathererd the STORMS!


Well, I took a motorcycle course - I passed!!!  I bought a bike, then I bought a bigger bike - a 2007 Arlen Ness Vegas Jackpot 1700 CC with a 240 rear tire - bad ass bike for anybody let a lone a girl!  Then I started skydiving - WOW is all I can say.  That first jump with a tandem  instructor, I thought I forgot to breathe - I closed my eyes, I thought I was crazy - I felt insane in the air at 120 MPH.  When we landed the video guy asked me what I thought - I could not even find words as I was always scared of heights but loved rollercoasters etc.  I could not speak I was so overwhelmed!!!


So now I have close to 500 jumps, a coach's license, and a wingsuit and I love being up there.  I may have to sell my gear here soon to survive which kills me because it is my sanity but I feel there is a bigger plan for me.  Just like there is a bigger plan for you.  We are all being rallied to release the chains that BIND and FEAR is the BIGGEST CHAIN.


YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!!  If you dont believe that - go skydive and you will believe you can do anything - because YOU CAN.






Melissa Blueskygal



Guest (not verified)

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:55

Sorry for what you had to go through but I'm sticking with the phrase, "Why jump out of perfectly good airplane"? lol, I do not fly in planes period so that would be the first fear to overcome, and secondly I do not like rollercoasters nor anything that raises my adrenaline. Although I've weathered many storms, none are even close to yours but I'm perfectly fine on the ground thank you! And you're right in God has bigger and better plans for you--maybe He's trying to tell you that 500 jumps out of a perfectly good airplane is enough, haha. Good story and good for you breaking free:)


Tue, 04/24/2012 - 18:09

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

We all have crosses to bear.  I do not pretend to know what helps or does not help some to arrive at their destination I merely bear my soul and experience to show you - you literally CAN DO ANYTHING.  Many (perhaps you) are capable of doing that without a major paradigm experience but for those of us who are stuck in 3d looking for a way out - skydiving is a great way to BREAK OUT.  See what you really are - its not the adrenaline - for that minimizes your conciousness - fight or flight is NOT awareness - BUT the realization that you CAN do ANYTHING BE ANYTHING - can be realized through this experience.






Sorry, rereading my post, it sounds a bit harsh. It was not intended to be that way but to express the mere thought of flying and jumping out of an airplane scares the bejebbers out of me, and I was intending on expressing that in a funny way but apparently it came across a little rough, so I apologize.  I do believe that we can do anything and thank you for bearing your soul to show us just that. My paradym shift came from major depression from taking care of and losing close family members but was no where like yours and what you and your children had to go through is why I said I was sorry--sorry that those things happen to people, I can't imagine, but as you stated you can do anything, we can do anything, so I understand that much can come from that place of being broken and yes, reading your post does make me realize that when it gets right down to it, I can do anything. Thanks:)

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