Submitted by AnaShyNa on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 18:35


Tue, 04/24/2012 - 16:07

You beat me to posting this!  haha  Very good read and very good visualization excercise.  I hope everyone takes advantage of this!  The more of us that take the time to visualize our INTENTIONS - cast out the cabal and bring forth the NEW LOVE UNITY Consciousness the faster it will happen.  So CMON put it on you calendar and seriously DO IT :-)

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:36

I'm in! Every day I am sending everyone blessings and asking that these transisitons go smooth while praying for mother earths healing and people awakening.  I know my little drop in the ocean seems small but it becomes apart of the ocean therefore it's mighty and can come upon the planet wave on wave--ah good song by the way:) Blessings, love and light to you all! Together we are bringing heaven to earth! Woo hoo it's soo exciting!!

Hannah (not verified)

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 17:56

Not sure i can make 4.30 am, as i'm usally being Abduction by the gfl who try brainwashing me into the hole new world order plans of one world persontily, one world religion, ONENESS ... While also trying to stripping me of all my humaness and emotions for their dark not so hidden agenda to real awken people! 

Oneness doesn't mean a one world religion, nor a one world personality, nor stripping you of your humaness. Oneness is about realizing your Connection with all Life, while celebrating yourself as a Unique Individual. It's all the parts working together that make the Oneness, not everyone behaving the same. That wouldn't be much fun at all, not sure where you got these ideas but they're not what we're about at all.


Also, the "dark" have been exercising their control through separation and fear. Having the whole Planet united is not in their best interest. They're excellent at manipulation though, so they convince people that what they don't want is actually what they want, then people will unwittingly fight for their cause while believing they're fighting against the "dark".

Praying for arrests seems like an odd was to celebrate something called "World Liberation Day". If it's a day about freedom, I'm not going to pray for others to lose their freedom. Not that I oppose the idea of World Liberation Day, I can certainly get behind that, it just seems the recommended way of celebration seems somewhat contradictory.

Will, you are quite correct.  Praying for arrests is an inappropriate use of our individual and collective energies.  What we all should be doing is simply to beam out our Love Energy to all who are involved in the cabal, and let Spirit use that energy as it sees fit.  The goal is Peace.


Wed, 04/25/2012 - 04:33

offcourse i am in.. i will make all my friends in... How many times we had a chance to actually strike them back...??? never. and this one is a special strike back.. this is a love and peace attack :)


i will be in japan that day. i will do this with my new japanese friends :)


brialliant.. brilliant.. too exciting

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 16:21

My wife and myself are in!! I also want to say that I wish people would actually investigate things before making uneducated comments on things they are obviously ignorant about. Namaste!

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 19:48

Definitely on board for this, along with special prayers and healing light being sent out to the declining bee population on this day also. Our world needs our love joined in unity for the betterment of all mankind.....we can do this together as to all my soul family


Sat, 05/05/2012 - 22:04

Just finished an hour and a half of visualization and meditation during the appointed time. What a joy and honor to be an active participant in this!


Blessings and love to all!


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