Cosmic Vision News: Proving We are One~ Commentary from GLR Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 20:25

Cosmic Vision News: Proving We are One~ Commentary from GLR Steve Beckow~



Geoff West’s Cosmic Vision News program, which aired today, was choc-a-bloc full of news on the mass arrests, the changes in consciousness that are occurring, new science that could track global spikes in consciousness, “the Andromedans among us,” etc.


He featured several interviews with Drake, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Greg Braden, the Andromendan Bren-Ton,  Andromedan Taugh, channels Mark Kimmel and Sheldan Nidle, and others.


Here is an example of one of his reports.

According to Gregg Braden, we are connected, we are one, and what Greg has found is that people want to believe that but feel the need for scientific proof of it first.


Science is now giving us that proof. For example: On 9/11, scientists found that satellites could pick up the global response to that disaster.  The satellites could pick up the changes in the electromagnetic field of the entire planet, which went off the map fifteen minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center Tower.


This kind of scientific study shows that people are connected and that what happens to some can have a global impact on others – and even the planet itself.


More recent studies have shown that human emotions, specifically the magnetic field produced by the human heart, extends far beyond our bodies and in fact influences the planet.  They show that when large numbers of people come to together and experience a common emotion in their hearts, that emotion literally can influence the very fields that sustain life on Earth – from the immune response of humans to climatic and weather patterns to our cognitive abilities, etc. As different as they sound to one another, these fields are all linked to every human on Earth and not every person has to be aware of these fields to benefit from the changes in them.


When we choose to feel feelings that create coherence in our bodies – coherence is the language between our heart and our brains – like forgivenesss, gratitude, and compasison, these emotions are mirrored in the field that causes everyone to benefit.


Even though I report the news, I found myself learning a tremendous amount and also getting a kind of synthetic overview of what was going on that wasn’t as easy to attain by reading individual news stories.


I’m not into promoting things very much, as you know, so if I say I very much enjoyed Geoff’s program, I mean exactly that. I don’t get a toaster for saying so. I don’t do toasters.

Let me close with two quotes.


Quote of the Show

“There will be many events that will be happening now in the short term. And it’s very important that people realize you can go to fear or you can go to love. If you go to love, the events will not impact you as much as they might otherwise. ” (Mark Kimmel)


Geoff’s feelings about the show

I asked Geoff afterwards how he felt about this show and his show in general.


“The show attempted to bring together several different events that are currently happening – changes in the banking system, the mass arrests, and happenings with our galactic family. Speaking more generally, everything has been shown to be energy and how we use this energy will assist us in manifesting a cleaner, healthier and more abundant planet for all. The show as a whole attempts to bridge what is happening factually with what is happening energetically and spiritually with what could happen to expand human consciousness and manifest a better and more loving future.”



Article source:


 From Steve Beckow~You may wish to assist Geoff to pay for the costs of the program (and just to make a living generally). Geoff has been serving the light for a long time, as we all have, voluntarily.  I know he’d appreciate the assistance.  If you do, please use his Paypal account:


And I think Wes Remal would also not mind me mentioning that he would appreciate assistance as well. He has a new baby to support. His Paypal account is:



Stasha beLOVEd

Sat, 04/28/2012 - 06:58

steve, geoff and wes. some of the most beautiful souls on this planet.

love you all and thank you for your bravery

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