DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/28/2012 - 15:23

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

 Original Written by David Wilcock Friday, 09 March 2012 18:23



Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets' expectations.



Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.

In my full-length e-book entitled Financial Tyranny, I shared everything I have gathered on this controversial subject -- since I first found out about it in 1992.
If you have already read Financial Tyranny, the full scope of the problem we now face will be much more apparent as you enter into this investigation. Some of it will become clear as you read this first section.
This is the sequel to Financial Tyranny -- where we talk about the "good side".

Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been "vetted out" for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur.
A highly secretive, highly coordinated operation -- working for the good of humanity -- is about to make its move.
The Pentagon "good guys" are now in full political and logistical cooperation with a remarkable 134-nation alliance -- to bring the perpetrators to justice and free our planet.
The security around this enormous operation has been vast. Even those who will be affected by it -- and arrested -- have no idea of the staggering scope of what is about to be revealed before the eyes of the public.
Very recently I had four hours of verbal discussion with a new, public, high-level whistleblower regarding these imminent mass arrests.
We are set to record an interview at 6PM Pacific time for public release on this website -- within hours of when this first section should be posted. I will post-produce and release this interview as soon as possible.
I fully confirmed this man's bonafides and his testimony with one of my top insiders, who I brought into the discussion.
Dozens of specific points, not available in any public form, were authenticated in this vetting-out process. 


We now know that the plan for mass arrests has been very actively in the works for the last 20 years.
A staggering wealth of irrefutable evidence is backing this plan, including over 22 eighteen-wheeler truckloads' worth of documents
that have long since been scanned and secured in multiple locations.
We were told that one single file-box of documents like this was strong enough to bring down the former Italian government, as you see here:
Prosecutors demand 5-year sentence for Berlusconi over witness tampering
Prosecutors have demanded a five-year prison sentence for former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi in his trial on corruption charges.
Prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale asked the court on Wednesday to find the former PM guilty of having paid a British lawyer $600,000 to lie in other trials.
Those proceedings involve charges of tax evasion and false accounting during Berlusconi’s business career.
Other cases pending against him in the Milan courts include a trial on charges of having paid for sex with an underage prostitute. Berlusconi stepped down as the Premier in November last year.


The people who are about to do this are well aware of every concern you have -- as an informed reader of truth websites and materials.
Martial law will NOT be declared when this happens.

The military will NOT take control of the government.
Innocent civilians will NOT be imprisoned or harmed in any way.
Any troops who attempt to carry out unlawful orders of this sort, on behalf of the "bad guys," will be outnumbered and resisted.
Every effort will be made to focus on eliminating the problem -- and immediately returning the power to the people in an orderly fashion.
New elections will need to be organized, considering that many, if not most politicians in the United States could be found culpable -- either directly or through failure to have taken action.
This alliance intends to break out free energy and many other technologies that were stolen from us. The fossil fuel economy ensured that occult global control and the systematic killing of our planet would continue.



We now know that 90 percent of the US military are aware of this plan in some form -- and at least 60 percent are in support of it. Many more federal marshals, police, active and retired military, and civilians will help out once they realize what is happening.
Our warriors pledged their lives to protect us. The world is not in a cartoon war between "good" and "evil", with everyone in government, corporations, media and military on the "dark" side.
Our brave and valiant soldiers have taken an oath: To protect the people against all enemies -- foreign AND domestic.
They did not pledge their lives -- their blood -- to keep a handful of sociopathic, genocidal bankers in control of the planet, its people and its resources.

We all have to live here. And if your superiors are systematically killing the planet, they are not superior.
They are similar to a massive infection that must be treated with powerful antibiotics -- before it destroys the host.
Everyone has seen enough Illuminati movies by now to know that if you work for these people, no matter how high up or important you think you may be, they will undoubtedly betray you.



Many, many top generals left active duty, since Bush I, because they realized what was happening -- but they certainly did not retire.
We all owe them a significant debt of gratitude.
Everything is now coming to a head -- very rapidly.
The signs may be mysterious, but they are increasingly obvious.
We will review some of them in this investigation.



I do understand the difficulty of believing that such a massive, coordinated maneuver would even be possible.
If you speak to real military people, and truly understand the role they chose to fulfill, the bigger question is: "How could they NOT do something like this?"

How could they stand by and do nothing while the entire planet itself -- and all life on it -- is being destroyed?

If a mother and child are being tortured to death in front of you, and you have the means to stop it, would you just stand there and watch?
Unless you are a sociopath, you would do something. And most people -- including our military personnel -- are not sociopaths. That number is only estimated to be 1 in 100 people, as we will see later on.



Nonetheless, the scope of the negative side is so vast that it seemed impossible to be defeated -- or even resisted.
If our planet was a strictly 'closed' system with no outside players and no higher spiritual forces involved, I would definitely have to agree that this plan is so well-thought out, so massive, systemic and vast that it would be nearly impossible to defeat.
However, Divine Intervention -- not a fantasy, but very real and very tangible assistance -- is insuring that our movement into true freedom and peace will occur... with the absolute minimum amount of damage possible.

Dozens of ancient cultures featured the same prophecies about the times we are now in. These prophecies all directed our attention to a 26,000-year cycle in the Earth's axis as being the key issue to study. 
As I revealed in The Source Field Investigations, the Mayan Calendar, Egyptian astronomy, Greek astronomy and Hindu astronomy all triangulated on the period of 2012-2014 as the end of the cycle -- ushering in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity.
[Technically, the Hindus are the only ones to have mentioned 2014, by tying it to a rare conjunction involving Jupiter.]
The oldest, original prophecies were not doom and gloom oriented at all. They indicated that although we would go through difficulties, like we've already been seeing, the end results would be extremely positive.



Top insiders have now confirmed that everyone in the Pentagon is now aware that some form of Divine Intervention is happening -- regardless of what side they are on.
Most of them do not know who is responsible. Even the "bad guys" are now saying it could be "Angels or Aliens" doing this stuff.
No one on Earth has the technology to do the things they are now seeing -- regardless of how classified that technology may be.
It is utterly astonishing that even the "bad guys" are now acknowledging this may be an angelic intervention.
Very few people have dared to break ranks and reveal what is happening, as this information is considered very highly classified. 
They know that speaking out could get them, and their families, tortured and killed.

I have decided to personally take the risks involved in order to help alleviate fear -- and help you understand what is happening.



Divine Intervention is very real.
You may be surprised to discover how extensive the intervention has now become -- and how far back in time the trail of evidence goes.
The forces behind the great religions of the world are not mythological. They are not historical artifacts buried away in scrolls and texts fewer and fewer people bother to read.
They've been here all along. They have openly walked among us in every ancient culture -- and were highly revered.
They have their own rules, their own governing bodies, and their own code of ethics.
They have avoided appearing in any obvious, worldwide, public fashion for well over 1000 years now.

Nonetheless, they have been thoroughly involved this entire time -- guiding and steering our evolution.
This critical step allowed us to become "modern", and to give us the opportunity to forget that they ever really existed -- even as they continued to guide our development, behind the scenes.
And now -- very recently -- the rules have changed... and they are being permitted to do much, much more to help the Earth and its people evolve into a higher state of consciousness.


You can't fully understand the truth if you are still living in denial.
Some of the strongest denial is from people who still believe that the "bad guys" are winning -- and are unwilling or unable to see the obvious signs of how the whole house of cards is coming down.
For that same reason, in the first section of this investigation, we will go through a variety of pieces of current-day evidence -- showing how Financial Tyranny is already very, very close to collapsing.
One of the most shocking pieces of evidence is a very public divorce between warring Illuminati factions -- namely JP Morgan/Federal Reserve versus the occult powers that have secretly occupied and seized control of the Vatican.
After reviewing many of these types of current examples, we will then debut brand-new whistleblower testimony -- suggesting 9/11 was indeed an "inside job."
This adds valuable context to our discussion of Financial Tyranny -- and gives even more evidence that the official story was a complete fabrication.
We will also explore the shocking evidence that a 7.4 earthquake on March 20th in Mexico was man-made -- for a nefarious purpose, by a group that knows it has run out of time.

In Section II, we will explore the mysteries, shared by insiders at great personal risk, revealing how Divine Intervention is occurring -- to prevent World War III and defeat Financial Tyranny.
Some of this material has already been distributed online. However, I will be featuring many other fascinating data points that have remained highly classified and unavailable to the public up until now.
Then as we head into Section III, we will open up the vault, so to speak -- and explore an astonishing wealth of data that helps explain who is performing these increasingly bizarre interventions -- and why.

This stunning body of information has been available to us all along -- and has been almost completely overlooked.
Most of the pages I gathered this data from still have less than 50 hits -- as of today's date.



Section III will add incredible context to everything we've discussed up until then... and you won't want to miss it. I myself didn't realize what we really had until I went back and did the "homework."
Some of this new data came in the form of highly clever time-encoded prophecies that could not be fully understood and appreciated until the actual dates took place.
As it turns out, the date of March 13th, 2012 was given, years in advance, as a pivotal moment in the defeat of the Old World Order. This was all documented -- and can easily be verified.
I was stunned to discover this data, for the first time, on March 11, 2012. I would have loved to have been fast enough to get it posted the next day, but this investigation could not be rushed.
March 13th was also when the ancient cycles of the Mayan Calendar went into full lock-step synchronization -- regardless of which of three counting systems you use.

These cycles will now remain harmonized -- right straight through until the Calendar's conclusion on December 21, 2012.
Of course, perma-skeptics will immediately get a satisfying laugh from this -- and that's fine -- but in The Source Field Investigations, chapter 16, page 337-358, I proved that the Mayan Calendar cycles are all neatly tied in with planetary and celestial movements.
There is solid scientific data for how planetary movements affect human behavior and emotions, which I am incorporating into my new book, The Synchronicity Key, due out this fall.


A very interesting real-world correlation occurred around the prophetic March 13th date.

The very next day after this cycle synchronization occurred -- March 14th, 2012 -- a top Goldman Sachs official blew the whistle on Financial Tyranny... triggering an avalanche that has only just begun.
Goldman Sachs is one of the main Federal Reserve banking families -- along with the likes of JP Morgan, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.



I have had many personal examples of "angelic" or "extraterrestrial" forces bending time and giving me accurate prophecies. Many of them have been documented on this website.
As one recent example, last February I published very powerful dreams telling me "the next disaster on the scope of the BP oil spill" was about to occur -- and three weeks later we had the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
I have twenty years of documenting my dreams every morning. They have been remarkably accurate in predicting the future.
Four years after I began this practice, I established direct contact with the people who are helping this planet "from above."
For this same reason, I do not see a difference between "angels" and "extraterrestrials."
The media has manipulated us into believing extraterrestrials are scary creatures.
Once people realize that the vast majority of them are humans -- and in many cases nearly indistinguishable from us in their appearance -- the fear factor will significantly reduce.

Over the years I have built up a team of reliable and trustworthy intelligence sources -- people who have direct access to various parts of the highly classified insider world. 
The UFO cover-up has been a key part of this insider world all along. Modern computer technology is only one of many tools we have reverse-engineered from this "celestial endowment" of deliberately crashed discs.
If events like Roswell hadn't happened, we may not have developed computer technology at all. Thankfully, we now have the full power of the Internet as we move through the great prophetic year of 2012.
Furthermore, the technologies we did not get public access to are so advanced that everything we see in Star Trek, Stargate and just about any other sci-fi movie you can think of is available now -- ready to use.

Many insiders have confirmed this. You can see them, hear them and meet them at conferences. The main avenues for Disclosure have been Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project and Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan's Project Camelot. I have closely worked with both groups.
Laughter and sarcasm is simply the result of an elaborate brainwashing campaign -- ongoing since the 1940s -- and it is rooted in fear. This fear was programmed -- by an astonishing crush of xenophobic Hollywood propaganda films.
Regardless of most people's inability to believe such a vast conspiracy is possible, earth humanity is already an interstellar species. The truth simply hasn't been aired in the mainstream media... yet.



Our opinions have been cleverly manipulated by a vast, occult conspiracy going back hundreds of years in the past -- if not thousands.
The higher forces ultimately are not allowed to intervene, beyond a certain level, before a given moment in time. That moment has now arrived -- as has been predicted for thousands of years.
Prior to the moment of mass, public Divine Intervention, the negative forces on Earth will be confused -- as many of their dirty tricks will be allowed to occur, while many others -- far more devastating -- are completely blocked.
The negative elite intended for 9/11 to be the "kill shot" that would defeat all resistance -- and usher in the New World Order.
History has a great sense of irony, as 9/11 became the critical error that triggered a global awakening -- and ensured the cabal's own defeat.
This is almost certainly why it was allowed to occur -- by the same higher forces that are now systematically preventing much greater atrocities from occurring.
The enormous scope of these interventions will become clear as you read Section II -- and they have been ongoing since at least the dawning of the nuclear age.
Most importantly, Divine Intervention cannot occur until and unless there is a significant-enough movement from the mass public to support these actions. Those are the rules.

That mass public will has finally arrived -- and the positive militaries of the world will help insure it will succeed.

If the rumors I am hearing are true, we will soon see mass arrests of many key conspirators in government, military, finance companies, defense contractors, media, pharmaceutical corporations and so on.
The evidence that will be presented will leave no conceivable room for doubt -- except, perhaps, for those most addicted to "fear porn", who automatically assume whatever they see, hear and read must be the opposite of the truth -- regardless of the evidence.
Benjamin Fulford, former Asia-Pacific bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, has been covering this evolving story on a week-by-week basis for well over three years now -- and other sources have since come forward.

Fulford spoke for over a year about a lawsuit that would help break open this vast conspiracy -- and end Financial Tyranny. An exact date for the filing of the complaint was given as it got closer.
A little over a week after the date -- on November 23, 2011 -- the complaint was filed, for everyone to read. The legal expenses involved in its preparation were vast. Fulford's credibility was significantly enhanced. He promised -- and his sources delivered.
Little did I know that by publicly tearing it apart and looking for flaws and weaknesses, I would be contacted by the alliance that filed it -- and would become one of its strongest public advocates.


I can now say from firsthand knowledge that this 134-nation alliance is supporting an imminent, massive geopolitical shift -- into freedom.

Our ancient brothers and sisters, seemingly lost to the pages of history, have provided critical support -- now including direct, astonishing military interventions -- to help make this unprecedented operation achievable... and insure its success.
Therefore, it is now safe to say that everything is happening right on schedule.
This may sound crazy to you now. I get that. I would have felt the same way if I had not found so much evidence to the contrary -- much of which I released in the epic Source Field Investigations book.


Once we realize the human race is much, much more extensive than we thought, and that our relatives do indeed follow a Prime Directive, we will marvel at how many obvious signposts we have overlooked.

For over 1200 years now, our ancient human allies have been using a unique method to communicate with us -- and all of these communications were focused on what is happening now. 
During the last 30 years in particular, they have used this system extensively -- revealing who they are, what they are doing, and why they are doing it.

All of this will be laid out for you in Section III.
For now, we will go into the "meat" of Section I -- and discuss some of the obvious, public signposts of what is about to happen.



The vast majority of trouble in the world is being generated by a highly occult, highly secretive elite, hidden away in the G5 countries -- and manipulating the financial system, politicians and militaries behind the scenes.

There are increasingly blatant signals that the mass arrests are about to happen. CEOs and top corporate executives are now resigning in massive numbers.
"American Kabuki" has diligently cataloged an incredible 358 confirmed resignations -- just since September 1, 2011 -- in chronological order, complete with supporting links in every case.
The number of resignations has significantly increased in the last 2-3 months, including an astonishing number of very high-profile people.
For example, there was a remarkable 48-percent increase in the number of CEO resignations just between the months of December and January -- as you are about to see.
Furthermore, "American Kabuki"'s database doesn't include the UK. Most of the resignations were pulled from the EDGAR database of American corporations.
Skeptics -- who may well be paid disinformants -- have tried to write this off as all part of the normal turnover in the corporate world. However, a Fiscal Times article from February 23rd clearly revealed this is not "normal" at all.


The mass resignations have not gone unnoticed to the readers of The Fiscal Times. This is a very real story -- causing very real anxiety.
Michelle Hirsch wrote "What CEO Musical Chairs Means to the Job Market" for The Fiscal Times on February 23, 2012 -- to hopefully soothe their readers' fears. 
A certain degree of trickery was required for me to load this article. It does NOT come up when you click over to it from any other site -- or directly enter the link into your browser.
What CEO Musical Chairs Means to the Job Market
After three years of relative stability in the corner offices of corporate America, 2012 is shaping up as a year of CEO musical chairs.
That’s because a wave of executives are looking to step down, cash in their stock options as stocks rise and avoid new government regulations that many see as too challenging and stressful....

In particular, the revolving door is spinning faster among health care and financial services executives, who are jumping ship, retiring, or being forced out at a quicker clip than their counterparts in other industries.
Last month, 25 health care CEOs and 13 financial services CEOs departed, making those sectors the two biggest culprits of the rising turnover tide.

A growing push from the federal government to police the financial services industry and clamp down on executive compensation is prompting the exodus of CEOs in the financial services industry, said Don Hambrick, a professor at Penn State’s Smeal School of Business....

The number of CEOs who left their posts in January spiked by 48 percent over December, rising to 123 – the highest level since May 2010, according to data from outplacement service firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Fifty-one percent resigned or stepped down, 26 percent retired, and only 9 percent left to take other jobs....

While changes at the top may unnerve some employees, rarely do CEO switches bring about mass terminations of existing employees, [Matt McGreal, a principal at Crist|Kolder Associates, a CEO search firm] said.

Interestingly, when I tried to access this article by copying and pasting the link into my browser as of March 21st, 11:57 am PST, I got the following message:

When I immediately decided that I did not want to "be cool," and I checked the Fiscal Times homepage, it loaded just fine.
Furthermore, when I then went into their Search box and typed in "CEO musical chairs," the correct article appeared -- right at the top of the list.

Then, once I clicked on that link, the article itself loaded just fine. This is what I had to go through to get the text for you to read.


Now, a week later on Wednesday, March 28th, 12:48 pm, it's still telling me to "be cool" and check back in "a bit."
So how long is a "bit," exactly? We can now safely conclude that a "bit" must be at least one week in length. That's a lot of maintenance!
Check out the link that comes up when the error page loads... this is interesting:


Notice where it says "user=extranet\Anonymous" at the end. The code specifically points out that I am an "Anonymous User."
This is very suspect. This page, containing information critical to the health and safety of every living person on Earth, will load for Fiscal Times regulars -- who enter in from the main page -- but it is blocked for everyone else.

Even if someone refuses to acknowledge this seemingly obvious attempt to stop people from reading this article, the 358 resignations are documented, proven, and cannot be shot down.
Better yet, they are only one part of a much larger mosaic of stunning new developments.


Mass arrests have already taken place against senior staff of the Fox-owned Sun tabloid in England in three separate bursts -- now encompassing 21 top Sun employees under "Operation Weeting".
In case you haven't followed this story, Fox (News Corporation) was working with the police and the government to tap people's phone calls and voicemails -- and publish disparaging information on celebrities and public figures through these ill-gotten means.
When you include the two other known operations that have been reported -- code-named Elveden and Tuleta -- the total number of arrests has now encompassed a stunning 47 people.

The number of people arrested in Operation Weeting, which has been running since last January when police reopened investigations, stands at 21.
Two other linked investigations – Operation Elveden into corrupt payments to police and Operation Tuleta into computer hacking – have resulted in 26 [additional] arrests.


Rupert Murdoch's son, James Murdoch, resigned from his position as executive chairman of News International on February 29th -- indicating the extreme scope of the trouble.

In time, this resignation will be seen as a monumental event -- one of the greatest signposts of the mass arrests that were about to happen.
American readers may not be aware of the power and magnitude of what is already happening in the UK -- but our next excerpt will spell it out very nicely.


It may also be significant that Murdoch announced his resignation on February 29, 2012. 
As our graph shows, February 29, 2012 is the "Day Out of Time" immediately preceding the pivotal March 13th Mayan Calendar date -- where the cycles shift into full synchronization.
This "Day Out of Time" has great significance in the Mayan system, as we will see in Section III.

Some scholars consider this "day out of time" to be "highly exceptional", in that it has "never happened before and will never happen again" in the Mayan system -- and it directly sets up the final synchronization date of March 13th.

The above image was generated years before 2012 -- in anticipation of the events that were predicted to come.

Little did we know that the "Day Out of Time" would become the very day that Fox News International effectively admitted, to the public, that the accusations against them were true.
The crimes they are accused of could, and will, ultimately engulf a vast majority of the mainstream media -- in its totality. Not all journalists are culpable, but those who wanted to keep their jobs have been heavily manipulated.



Here is the article that announced James Murdoch's resignation -- and revealed many things the American press has fastidiously avoided discussing.
James Murdoch Steps Down as Chairman of News International
James Murdoch is to step down as executive chairman of News International, it was announced today.
Parent company News Corporation said in a statement the move would allow him to focus on expanding the company's international TV businesses.

Mr Murdoch has faced intense scrutiny in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal....

Labour MP Chris Bryant, who received a £30,000 settlement after having his phone hacked by the News of the World, said: "After all we've heard, James Murdoch's resignation is long overdue.
"On his watch, we have seen the biggest corporate corruption scandal since 1720 -- and historic titles like The Sun have been brought into disrepute... He is not a fit and proper person."....


Ex-minister and former National Union of Journalists president Denis MacShane, who received a £32,500 settlement, said: "The Murdoch empire, as in Greek tragedy, is collapsing in full view of an astonished world.

"The crown prince has been sacrificed to appease the public horror at what is being revealed of the collusion, corruption and criminality of the Murdoch empire -- as it bought politicians and police indiscriminately."



Sadly, in addition to the mass arrests of 47 people and the resignation of executive chairman James Murdoch, two senior journalists were so threatened by this imminent exposure of wrongdoing that they tried to kill themselves.
Two senior journalists working for Rupert Murdoch's News International have attempted suicide as pressure mounts at the scandal-hit publisher of the now-defunct News of the World, according to media reports.
The suicide attempts follow weeks of intense scrutiny of the role of The Sun, another Murdoch paper, in the phone-hacking scandal and police bribery case.
The man and the woman, who were reportedly involved in separate incidents, were rescued in time, a friend of one of them said, according to a report Tuesday on stuff.co.nz....
"It was not a suicide pact," the friend told the New Zealand-based news organization. "The attempts were not simultaneous and there is no suggestion of a pact."....
"People think that they've been thrown under a bus," one News International employee told Reuters. "They're beyond angry - there's an utter sense of betrayal, not just with the organization but with a general lynch-mob hysteria."
News International, the European arm of Murdoch's empire, is facing multiple criminal investigations and civil court cases as well as a public inquiry into press standards after long-simmering criticism of its practices came to a head last July.

Politicians once close to Murdoch, including Prime Minister David Cameron, turned their backs on him and demanded answers after the Guardian newspaper revealed the News of the World had hacked the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.
The London Evening Standard reported that other News International journalists are “terribly stressed and many are on the edge.” The company has reportedly offered psychiatric help to any journalist who wants help. 
I certainly would not want to take the invitation to "step into my office" from any News Corporation psychiatrist -- given what we know about MK-Ultra techniques, which were revealed in open Congressional hearings from the 1970s.
Prime Minister David Cameron, the highest elected official in Great Britain, turned on Murdoch in the hopes of saving himself -- as he has been directly linked to the corruption.
The blowback from this "Epic Greek Tragedy" -- the "biggest corporate scandal since 1720" -- will almost certainly return to the United States. Obviously these criminal practices within the Fox News empire were not limited to the United Kingdom.
It is very likely that other journalists, in other media conglomerates, are starting to feel the same sense of foreboding.
How much have you been hearing about this "epic" story in the Federal Reserve-controlled American corporate media? 


Insider sources revealed a "plot twist" in this story to Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot -- whom I've collaborated with for years now in our search for truth and freedom.
This critical detail has not emerged... yet... but the trials have barely even started. If the full-blown mass arrests do happen, the disclosure of what you are about to read will pale in comparison to everything else that comes out.

March 8, 2012  Update 12:35PM


ACCORDING TO A SOURCE: There is a deep shadow network behind the traditional telephone network that you only get access to by invitation.
It involves people who are on the criminal side -- as well as, no doubt, government and alphabet agency types who tap into phone calls, and then sell them on a black market for lots of money. 
[They are sold] to, for example, HIGH FREQUENCY TRADERS (HFTs) -- who then use this info to make trades, currency calls, etc.
You can see where a network like this can be very advantageous to the participants.


FURTHER: This also relates back to the recent MURDOCH TELEPHONE TAPPING SCANDAL ... because what apparently did not come out during that inquiry and trial is that Murdoch's boys did not have to tap anyone's phone directly.

Instead, they simply connected with an individual who then gave them access to this hidden phone network. 
They told them what calls, from which people, they wanted to PURCHASE... and paid them for the 'tapped calls'.


There is no question that News International owns and runs the right-wing hate speech industry in the US. They are now engulfed in a massive scandal on this front as well.

Advertisers have abandoned Rush Limbaugh's program in droves -- 98 different corporations within days of when the problem started.
This was triggered by the public uproar that occurred when Limbaugh labeled Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke as a "slut" and a "prostitute" -- for lobbying to provide better public access to birth control.

The total number of companies that have dropped Rush Limbaugh, as of March 21, 2012, is now up to a staggering 142.


Here's a story that was published when the first 98 were announced.
Premiere Networks is circulating a list of 98 advertisers who want to avoid “environments likely to stir negative sentiments.”
The list includes carmakers (Ford, GM, Toyota), insurance companies (Allstate, Geico, Prudential, State Farm) and restaurants (McDonald’s, Subway). As you’ll see in the note below, those “environments” go beyond the Rush Limbaugh show.
“To all Traffic Managers: The information below applies to your Premiere Radio Networks commercial inventory....
"They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity)."
This helps explain why, on Rush Limbaugh’s flagship station WABC, almost all of the commercial breaks were filled with unpaid pubic service announcements....
But it’s not just Limbaugh that these advertisers want to disassociate with, but other big names in right-wing radio too.
As the Daily Beast’s John Avalon notes, this is unprecedented in the 20-plus years that Limbaugh and his imitators have been on the air -- and could spell real trouble for an industry that’s already suffering demographically....
The advertising flight is reminiscent of Glenn Beck’s Fox News program. After major companies refused to advertise on Beck’s show in light of racially insensitive comments, he was left with just fringe businesses like survival seed banks and gold sellers.
Not long thereafter, he left Fox, reportedly under pressure.

Clear Channel is the mega-conglomerate that owns Premiere Radio Networks, which carries Rush Limbaugh and almost all other right-wing hate-radio "shock jocks."

However, "Almost all of Clear Channel's primary talk stations are affiliated with Fox News Radio for national news -- part of a multi-year deal between Clear Channel and Fox."
Though the names may change, it's the same corporate entity running the show here. Not all of it is bad, either.
Clear Channel and Premiere run Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, which I've appeared on more than 15 times -- and is a marvelous program.
It is perfectly acceptable to see how a company can have positive and negative aspects mixed together.

Most network and cable television stations feature a variety of content that is positive, in varying ways, for humanity. The vast majority of people working within these groups are honest, hardworking and positive -- and I know some of them.
I would strongly encourage everyone not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Once the conspirators have been arrested, these people will be able to step up much more -- and make a difference that will benefit everyone.
Many of the broadcast and cable networks have already aired programs that have a positive impact on the world -- and in some cases have assisted with Disclosure.
As one example, I have appeared in seven episodes of Ancient Aliens on History Channel -- and am now developing my own show around the Source Field Investigations book.
This is not just a "what if", but is already significantly far down the road. I have not published the details of this just yet, for everyone's protection -- but once we have a more stable footing, I will definitely do so.
By the time we are ready to air the show, it may well be a very different world.
I look forward to seeing these good people be allowed to do their jobs, without restrictions -- and the incredible revolution of awareness this will then generate.


Advertisers are now fleeing right-wing hate programming in droves. Without the oxygen of advertising money, these programs will quickly suffocate.
This prorgramming is -- and always has been -- propaganda.
It is designed to support and enhance Financial Tyranny -- by agitating the public and getting them to turn on each other, thereby steering them away from the "men behind the curtain."
The impact from Rush Limbaugh’s unrelenting assault is vast. In fact, the entire right-wing radio industry could potentially go down with him.
The money making industry thrived due to Rush Limbaugh’s highly controversial rhetoric – and now, they can thank him for its potential demise.
Three long decades of misogyny has poured out of his mouth endlessly into the airwaves....
But this latest controversy comes at a particularly difficult time for right-wing talk radio. They are playing to a (sometimes literally) dying demographic.
Rush & Co. rate best among old, white males. They have been steadily losing women and young listeners, who are alienated by the angry, negative, obsessive approach to political conservations.
Add to that the fact that women ages 24–55 are the prize advertising demographic, and you have a perfect storm emerging after Limbaugh’s Sandra Fluke comments.
Advertisers are waking up. Extreme partisan views conveyed through the airways against their main targeted demographic, do not sell.



Startlingly, the Fox / Clear Channel conglomerate attempted to hide the evidence and delete all the offending content from their websites featuring Rush Limbaugh -- but it was far too little, too late.
It turns out brands aren't really very excited about being associated with bullies smearing private citizens. The list of brands insisting on this is pretty impressive. Ford, Toyota, GM, McDonalds and Subway, to name a few.
All of which leaves Rushbo and Company with a dilemma. After all, their bread and butter is controversy and hate.
If these major national advertisers don't want their ads associated with hate, the haters may become loss leaders for their local affiliates. Wouldn't that be too bad?
This is all the product of the outcry against Rushbo's three-day tirade against Sandra Fluke, which caused the netroots to rise up and reach out to the advertisers keeping him on the air.
Despite the fact that Rush has scrubbed his website of the transcripts and offending content, he can't escape accountability for this.

As the Rush Limbaugh scandal continues to explode in its scope and proportions, the Los Angeles city council has stepped in -- and is about to pass a resolution forcing media companies to avoid broadcasting racist and sexist slurs.
LA City Council Close to Passing Resolution Blocking Hate Radio
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — City Council members took a step closer on Wednesday to becoming the first in the nation to adopt a resolution condemning certain types of speech on public airwaves.
Councilmember Jan Perry introduced legislation that would call upon media companies to ensure “on-air hosts do not use and promote racist and sexist slurs” on radio and other broadcasts.
Members of Black Media Alliance, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Korean-American Bar Association and American Indians in Film and Television were on hand to voice their support for the proposal….
The proposal cites a “long history of racially offensive comments as well as deplorable sexist remarks, particularly towards women and Black, Latino, and Asian communities” at KFI 640 and calls for parent company Clear Channel Communications to hire a more diverse workforce to offset the trend.
“It is easy to become desensitized to what other groups find intolerable, which ultimately fosters an environment where negative comments can go unchecked -- and corporate guidelines and policies are no longer being enforced,” the resolution reads.
Remarks from syndicated talk show host Rush Limbaugh referring to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” and a “prostitute” for testifying on Capitol Hill about women’s access to contraception were also cited in the proposal.
The very next day, the law was passed, 13-2, in the Los Angeles City Council -- as you can read here.

What you're seeing here is only a tiny taste of what is about to come. These are but the very first pebbles to have fallen from the coming avalanche. The roaring sound is becoming harder and harder to ignore.
The public hearings that will result from these mass arrests will break the whole story of Financial Tyranny wide open. 
This will happen right on schedule -- following prophecies that were given to us thousands of years ago.


Greg Smith, a former high-ranking Goldman Sachs employee blew the whistle in a New York Times editorial on March 14, 2012 -- triggering a revolutionary public awakening now being called "Muppetgate."

So far, very few have "connected the dots" and realized that Goldman Sachs is one of the main Federal Reserve banking conglomerates -- but I doubt this part of the story will remain secret for very long.
According to Smith, Goldman executives call their clients "Muppets" and treat them as pathetic sub-humans -- purely to be exploited and stolen from. This has effectively revealed the sociopathic "Illuminati" mindset to the mass public.
Goldman Sachs has already gone into financial free-fall from this expose' -- hemorrhaging more than two billion dollars in a matter of days.
Goldman Sachs Loses 2 Billion from “Muppetgate”
Question: What’s the cost to a company of one disgruntled former employee?
Answer: About $2 billion if it’s Goldman Sachs.
That’s how much of the bank’s market value was wiped out after one of its directors, Greg Smith, resigned from the company and penned an op-ed piece in The New York Times attacking the firm’s culture and treatment of clients.
The bank’s shares fell 3.3 percent in trading Wednesday as London-based Smith’s article set Wall Street and the media ablaze with discussion about the behavior of big banks bailed out by taxpayers after the financial crisis.
The share price decline meant Goldman lost some $2 billion in market value. Its market capitalization is currently just short of $65 billion.



This next excerpt from MSNBC reveals even more about how terrible it is to work at Goldman Sachs -- and the genuine darkness its employees find themselves in.
In a very public and scathing resignation letter, Goldman Sachs executive director Greg Smith has called the atmosphere at the massive investment bank "as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it."
"Today is my last day at Goldman Sachs," wrote Smith, who was the head of the firm's U.S. equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, in an Op-Ed in the New York Times on Wednesday titled "Why I am Leaving Goldman Sachs."
Smith, who is based in London and has been with Goldman for 12 years, went on to describe what he says is a deteriorating culture at Goldman Sachs where clients are called "muppets" and their interests are given short shrift. 
"The firm has veered so far from the place I joined right out of college that I can no longer in good conscience say that I identify with what it stands for," Smith wrote....

"It makes me ill how callously people talk about ripping their clients off. Over the last 12 months I have seen five different managing directors refer to their own clients as 'muppets,' sometimes over internal e-mail," wrote Smith....
In an emailed statement, Goldman Sachs,  said, “We disagree with the views expressed, which we don’t think reflect the way we run our business. In our view, we will only be successful if our clients are successful. This fundamental truth lies at the heart of how we conduct ourselves.” 


This next excerpt from the UK Telegraph discusses the Illuminati mindset within Goldman Sachs that has been revealed as a direct result of "Muppetgate" -- the day after a Mayan Calender shift-date that had been anticipated for years.
This market autism has continued. If a trade makes a profit and it's within the rules, then do it. Ethics, perception, morals, emotional intelligence and even good old common sense are ignored....
[Goldman is] a bank whose alumni include two US Treasury Secretaries, including Paulson....
Goldman is a bank in denial and heading for a crash. I can’t see any President recruiting from Goldman again, given recent years. And unless things change, the bank will lose clients....
Outbursts such as Smith’s makes it easier for companies and investors to drop Goldman.
The bank needs to change, and has needed to do so for years. Some improvements have been made but they look superficial, and perception is nine tenths of reality here.
Remember -- if Goldman Sachs crashes, so does the Federal Reserve.


On March 2, 2012 -- just two days after the critical Feb. 29th "Day Out of Time" in the Mayan Calendar -- the Huffington Post ran an article that seemed to anticipate the bomb Greg Smith was about to drop on Goldman Sachs.
This might sound like the punchline to a joke -- but the destruction of the planet is no laughing matter, and these people must be stopped.


One out of every 10 Wall Street employees is a clinical psychopath, the CFA Institute (an investment and financial analysis organization) reports in the latest issue of CFA Magazine.
That makes psychopathy 10 times more prevalent among New York’s financial elite than among us plebeians, for which the accepted statistic is a more palatable one in 100.
Psychopaths “generally lack empathy and interest in what other people feel or think,” according to the study.
“At the same time, they display an abundance of charm, charisma, intelligence, credentials, an unparalleled capacity for… manipulation, and a drive for thrill seeking.”
That Wall Street should harbor more than its share of psychopaths, then, will come as no shock to those frustrated by the entitlement and greed of the one percent.

The study also shows how easily psychopaths can pass, however, blending into our lives as co-workers, friends and even romantic partners.



Goldman Sachs is one of the Federal Reserve banks. So is JP Morgan Chase.
The lower-level employees probably don't know this, but the higher-ups at JP Morgan are directly aware that an attack against Goldman is a direct attack against JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, and the Illuminati.
So, the proverbial "STFU" warning came out from the higher-ups.
JP Morgan Staff Told to Go Easy on Goldman Sachs’ “Muppetgate”
(Reuters) - Investment bank JPMorgan tried to contain damage to Wall Street's reputation on Thursday by telling staff not to try to profit from rival Goldman Sachs' embarrassment over a vitriolic resignation letter published in the New York Times.
Equity derivatives salesman Greg Smith caused a firestorm across the banking industry on Wednesday with the letter, published as an opinion column and calling Goldman (GS.N) a "toxic" place to work where senior staff saw clients as "muppets".
JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) Chief Executive Jamie Dimon warned employees in an internal memo not to seek advantage from Goldman's "alleged issues", imploring them focus on standards, not on the furore stirred by Smith in what media and bloggers have called "Muppetgate".
"I want to be clear that I don't want anyone here to seek advantage from a competitor's alleged issues or hearsay -- ever. It's not the way we do business," Dimon said in the memo, a copy of which was seen by Reuters.
Dimon's memo, awaiting Asia employees in their e-mail inboxes on Thursday morning, was sent to the bank's global operating committee and later forwarded to wider parts of JPMorgan, said sources who have seen the memo.
JPMorgan declined to comment.



Just five days after "Muppetgate," JP Morgan announced they were cutting off the Vatican Bank's private accounts, permanently -- by the end of the month.
This is of monumental significance to our discussion. The Federal Reserve is literally dropping everything and running from any financial association with the Vatican -- as fast as they can.
The divorce was announced on March 19th -- and will already be finalized as of March 30th. If nothing is going to happen, why would we see such urgency?
Many "Truth" researchers have concluded that the Vatican has been penetrated at the highest levels by the Illuminati. This does not mean the Vatican itself is evil, nor are most of the people working there -- but they have a very serious problem to deal with.



All these Illuminati factions used to be on the same page -- but now, just like with the mass CEO resignations, they are turning on each other and scattering before the avalanche hits. Let's read more about this epic event.
VATICAN CITY/MILAN, March 19 (Reuters) - JP Morgan Chase is closing the Vatican bank's account with an Italian branch of the U.S. banking giant because of concerns about a lack of transparency at the Holy See's financial institution, Italian newspapers reported.

The move is a blow to the Vatican's drive to have its bank included in Europe's "white list" of states that comply with international standards against tax fraud and money-laundering.

The bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), enacted major reforms last year in an attempt to get Europe's seal of approval and put behind it scandals that have included accusations of money laundering and fraud.

Italy's leading financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore reported at the weekend that JP Morgan Chase in Milan had told the IOR of the closing of its account in a letter on Feb. 15.

The letter said the IOR's account in Italy's business capital would gradually be phased out starting on March 16 and closed on March 30.

In Milan, JP Morgan Chase declined to comment and the Vatican also had no comment. It was not possible to contact IOR officials because Monday was a holiday in the Vatican.

Il Sole said JP Morgan Chase informed the IOR that the account was being closed because the bank's Milan branch felt the IOR had failed to provide sufficient information on money transfers.

The financial newspaper, which gave the number of the IOR account, said some 1.5 billion euros passed through it in about 18 months.
It said the account was a "sweeping facility," meaning that it was emptied out at the end of each day with funds transferred to another IOR account in Germany.

Illuminati whistleblowers Svali and Leo Zagami have both said the Vatican is the "spiritual head" of the Illuminati. That's why this news is so significant within the insider world.

In her radio interview with Greg Szymanski, Svali revealed that all members are forced to endure human sacrifice rituals that are conducted in the Vatican -- in a secret subterranean chamber, accessed by a door hidden behind a giant painting.

Any significant exposure and downfall of the Vatican will, therefore, reveal an incredible amount of sinister, hidden truth.
No one knew what Svali looked like until Ed Koni recently posted the new svalispeaks.com website -- and included the above picture, without revealing what program it came from, or when it aired. No footage of the program is available on the site.
Svali has definitely not sought the limelight -- nor has she profited from her disclosures in any way. Instead, telling the truth got her tortured -- and she may have been killed.

Now that we have more background on this subject, let's continue reading about this staggering public divorce between the Federal Reserve and the Vatican.
The closure move by JP Morgan Chase, which was also reported by two leading general newspapers on Monday -- Corriere della Sera and La Stampa -- was a further blow to the [Vatican's] IOR [bank], whose image has been tarnished by a string of scandals.

In September, 2010, Italian investigators froze 23 million euros ($33 million) in funds in two Italian banks after opening an investigation into possible money-laundering.

The bank said it did nothing wrong and was just transferring funds between its own accounts. The money was released in June 2011 but Rome magistrates are continuing their probe.

The public image of the bank has also been harmed by the so-called "Vatileaks" scandal, in which highly sensitive documents, including letters to Pope Benedict, were published in Italian media....


I was asked to write the epic Financial Tyranny piece by the "good guys" orchestrating the mass arrests. Some of this data has started gaining traction and coverage in the alternative media.
This article by Activist Post features some of the juicier parts of our investigation, with credit:
Secret “Occult Economy” Coming Out of the Shadows?




Furthermore, within days after we published Finanical Tyranny, Lord James of Blackheath publicly blew the whistle on 15 trillion dollars of fraud before the British Parliament -- validating everything we had just reported.
Specifically, Blackheath discusses three sums of $5 trillion each -- corresponding to 750,000 metric TONS of gold. This is significantly more gold than has ever existed in the "legitimate", registered economy, which weighs in only around 120,000 metric tons.
Lord James also reveals that his evidence includes an original, signed document from Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner -- which he has in his personal possession.
This is an utterly explosive accusation -- and we have definitely not seen the end of it yet.
The original link can be found here -- and you have to scroll ahead to 17:20 in order to hear Blackheath's speech.
Here is a YouTube clip of his speech:
Lord James Blackheath of England exposes $15 Trillion in financial fraud



Here is a link to an unofficial transcript of Blackheath's February 16th, 2012 speech -- along with a brief excerpt.
I have been engaged in pursuit of this issue for nearly two years and I am no further forward in getting to the truth....

In April and May 2009, the situation started with the alleged transfer of $5 trillion to HSBC in the United Kingdom. Seven days later, another $5 trillion came to HSBC and three weeks later another $5 trillion.
A total of $15 trillion is alleged to have been passed into the hands of HSBC for onward transit to the Royal Bank of Scotland.
We need to look to where this came from and the history of this money. I have been trying to sort out the sequence by which this money has been created and where it has come from for a long time.

It starts off apparently as the property of Yohannes Riyadi, who has some claims to be considered the richest man in the world.
He would be, if all the money that was owed to him was paid -- but I have seen some accounts of his showing that he owns $36 trillion in a bank.
It is a ridiculous sum of money. [DW: The combined world GDP is only 62 trillion.]
However, $36 trillion would be consistent with the dynasty from which he comes -- and the fact that it had been effectively the emperors of Indo-China in times gone by.
A lot of that money has been taken away from him, with his consent, by the American Treasury over the years -- for the specific purpose of helping to support the dollar.





Mr Riyadi has sent me a remarkable document dated February 2006 in which the American Government have called him to a meeting with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is neither the Federal Reserve nor a bank.
It is a bit like "Celebrity Big Brother". It has three names to describe it -- and none of them is true.
This astonishing document purports to have been a meeting, which was witnessed by Mr Alan Greenspan, who signed for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of which he was chairman, as well as chairman of the real Federal Reserve in Washington.
It is signed by Mr Timothy Geithner as a witness, on behalf of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF sent two witnesses, the other being Mr Yusuke Horiguchi.
These gentlemen have signed as witnesses to the effect that this deal is a proper deal. There are a lot of other signatures on the document. I do not have a photocopy; I have an original version of the contract.





Under the contract, the American Treasury has apparently got the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to offer to buy out the bonds issued to Mr Riyadi -- to replace the cash which has been taken from him over the previous 10 years.

It is giving him $500 million as a cash payment to buy out worthless bonds. That is all in the agreement -- and it is very remarkable.
Establishing whether I have a correct piece of paper is just two phone calls away -- one to Mr Geithner and one to Mr Greenspan, both of whom still prosper and live. They could easily confirm whether they signed it.
Mr Riyadi, by passing these bonds over, has also put at the disposal of the US Treasury the entire asset backing which he was alleged to have for the $15 trillion.
I have a letter from the Bank of Indonesia which says that the whole thing was a pack of lies. He did not have the 750,000 tonnes of gold which was supposed to be backing it; he had only 700 tonnes. This is a piece of complete fabrication.




Finally, I have a letter from Mr Riyadi himself, who tells me that he was put up to do this, that none of it is true, and that he has been robbed of all his money.
I am quite prepared to recognise that one of the possibilities is that Mr Riyadi is himself putting this together as a forgery in order to try to win some recovery.
But it gets more complicated than that because each of the $5 trillion payments that came in has been acknowledged and receipted by senior executives at HSBC -- and again receipted by senior executives at the Royal Bank of Scotland.
I have a set of receipts for all of this money. Why would any bank want to file $5 trillion-worth-$15 trillion in total-of receipts if the money did not exist?
The money was first said to have come from the Riyadi account to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York -- and from there it was passed to JP MorganChase in New York for onward transit to London.
The means of sending it was a SWIFT note which, if it was genuine, ought to have been registered with the Bank of England.






When this came about, I took it to my noble friend Lord Strathclyde, and asked what we should do with it.
He said, "Give it to Lord Sassoon. He is the Treasury". So I did, and my noble friend Lord Sassoon looked at it. 
He said immediately, "This is rubbish. It is far too much money. It would stick out like a sore thumb, and you cannot see it in the Royal Bank of Scotland accounts".
He went on to say, "The gold backing it is ridiculous. Only 1,507 tonnes of gold has been mined in the history of the world, so you cannot have 750,000 tonnes". That is true.
The third thing he said was, "It is a scam", and I agree with him. The problem is that at that point we stopped looking, but we should have asked what the scam was instead of just nodding it off.

We have never resolved it.
Today, I have this quite frightening piece of paper, which is my justification for bringing it into this meeting.
It is available on the internet and I am astonished that it has not already been unearthed by the Treasury -- because every alarm bell in the land should be ringing if it has.

The "off-market" gold is much, much greater than the "legitimate" gold. Blackheath and his colleagues cannot comprehend what they are looking at, so naturally their first impulse is to dismiss the whole thing.
Nonetheless, they have the "smoking gun" documents to prove how much gold is really there. You've already seen the pictures of bond boxes and gold hoards we've featured in Financial Tyranny -- which are far too numerous to be part of some elaborate hoax.
As I revealed in Financial Tyranny, the "off-market" gold was secretly hidden away in various locations throughout Southeast Asia by the Federal Reserve -- which is also known as the Bank for International Settlements.
It will be quite a shock when people realize how much gold there really is -- and how it was systematically plundered from the world.
The countries who surrendered their gold were told it would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. This obviously did not happen.
Instead, confiscating the vast wealth of gold throughout the world -- from America, Europe and 85 percent of it from Asia -- created the opportunity for the Federal Reserve to print money out of thin air, backed by nothing.
This "magic printing press" allowed them to financially ruin just about everyone, seize natural resources, buy the media, starve impoverished countries, install puppet governments and attempt to establish a world dictatorship.
Blackheath wasn't the only authority to step forward about massive financial scandals immediately after the release of Financial Tyranny.
The day after Blackheath gave his speech, Italian authorities seized six trillion dollars' worth of Federal Reserve bonds. This story quickly spread like wildfire throughout the international mass media.
These were in Chicago Federal Reserve boxes and chests that looked exactly the same as the ones in pictures the 134-nation alliance had given me to publish in Financial Tyranny.
This astonished even the most hardened skeptics -- who had just finished reading our investigation.
I must cut everything below this point for now so I get this out before my interview at 6PM PST.



dawn christine (not verified)

Sat, 04/28/2012 - 21:32

Everyone - this is truly amazing! We are together as ONE moving into the light! thank you. oh my!

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