Extra-terrestrials are not our friends!

Submitted by ellideb on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 12:45

 Why do you believe that the ET's have our best interests at heart? They abduct us, conduct experiments on us, examin us intimately, tinker with our genetic codes, traumatise us, hurt us physiologically and psychologically and do this all covertly. If they really wanted to help humanity they would share with us their technologies. Why do they not abduct the people in power, or the intelligent among us like Stephen Hawkin, who could actually make a difference? They have alterior motives that are not to the advantage of humanity. I think you all on here are misguided and living in cuckoo land unless this website is one big joke.

What happened when Humanity discovered atomic energy? They made the biggest bomb possible then used it to kill thousands of people. And you think even more advanced technology should be shared with Humanity? Humanity has to prove they can use the technology responsibly first. It's a blessing that we haven't been given more advanced technology. Humanity is still at war with itself and new technology is often used to kill people.


You also seem to be grouping all ETs together as well, when the Universe is a very very big place. Do you think they all have the exact same desires and intents for humanity? Are they all responsible for the dishonest actions of a few?

The dishonest acts of a few? Thousands upon thousands of people have been abducted and repeatedly abducted by ET's, an estimated 2% of Americans. That's quite a lot of traumatised people. What exactly are their intents and desires anyway? I've yet to see anything positive?


But fair point about being responsible and mature enough to handle technology. However I'm not convinced their intentions are benign. ET's are adept at telepathy and mind control.


To be honest I find it all a bit suspect.

Just like with your fellow human beings, their intents are varied. Some would use you for their own purposes, while others would much rather assist in your personal evolution, and help raise you up to their level of Consciousness.


The ETs we work with are closer to what you would call angels, than little green men in flying saucers. They are beings that exist in a realm higher in vibration than our own, in a place where the Oneness of all Life is undeniable. Thoughts of manipulation and control simply are not possible there, they feel an overwhelming Joy that grows even grander when shared with others.


Their assistance is open to everywhere, but they cannot assist those who do not accept their help.

Can you explain to me a little bit more about these 'angelic' ET's? I am interested to learn more and also what exactly your website is about. I am not convinced I agree with all that you are saying but I am interested in a different perspective.

Nice article WIll. I agree with you that often other planetary and other dimensional beings have been recorded as "angels" in the bible. Some of the intriguing conversations I had in the late '70s with ufo contactee Dan Fry were about this. The aliens had told him -- after they had requested that he get them books from the base library -- that our Bible was very interesting to them! It was the most interesting book to them. 


They had asked Dan to get them books on any and every subject so they could totally familiarize themselves with human civilizations and everything about Earth & humans before the first of them came to live on Earth. Anyway! They explained to Dan that it was often their ancestors who were reported in the Bible as "angels".  They explained specifics that really blew me away. 


Then about 10 years ago I found an old book in a used bookstore-coffee shop. Or was it that the book found me?! That's how it usually is with me and books. ;-) I either get a message to go to a certain place at a certain time or the book sort of stands out to me from a shelf. 


So this book is called "The Archo Volume". It's the fascinating ancient Roman records of interviews they held with the people in the countryside and with Mary and Joseph all centering around Jesus. The shepherds & countryside people were asked exactly what it was like when they heard "angels" singing the night Jesus was born -- and exactly what they saw. They also interviewed Jesus & Mary separately about the visitation by Gabriel. The way they each described it was very interesting. They described a man who came and knocked on the door. The "man" said his name was Gabriel. He had an unusual glow about him. Personally I think people were more clairvoyant back then and could see auras, or maybe they were sensitive enough anyway to see an aura of people whose auras were different than most people. Haloes were how they indicated this.




     I just joined this group of who I consider "like minded people", Firstly my nature is to trust anyone upon meeting them, untill they show me other wise..., we meet different people every day on the street, people who look different to us, maybe dont speak our language etc, but we dont think to attack them on sight, or that they pose a risk to us, why cant we feel the same way about extra terrestrials?, the film the day the earth stood still was for me a typical human response, shoot first, ask questions later!!!, that film frustrates me because the jist of the film is "they came in peace" yet was met with violence, I would sooner be killed greeting someone I had just met than kill a stranger for no reason, to be honest I wouldnt kill a fly, I have no right to take that which I didnt create.


My life changed on the 31st March 2001, I always knew there was a God but never felt a connection, I had read the book of revelation many times untill this one day, something told me to read it from the beginning, I got to Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 where it said, "God said, let us create mankind in our image to be like ourselves...", right there and then it hit me like a bolt of lightning, US OUR and OURSELVES is PLURAL!!!, not the singular God I was raised to believe in, right there and then I felt a connection with all of humanity and to God our creator, I seen God as not one single being, but as a multitude of beings, now when I talk about God, I like to think of God as The Creator.


I looked at all the different races of humans on this beautiful planet and seen my brothers and sisters, no longer division!!, it hit me that maybe our existance on this planet was to see if we could live together in harmony, free from division, and if we passed this test that maybe ... just maybe... we were ready for the next stage of our evolution, if I was out walking tonight and seen an object desend from the sky, my first thought would be to welcome who ever it was with LOVE, I have learnt the importance of LOVE and how it can achieve anything, even open our hearts and minds to what we would consider extra terrestrials..., God the Creator created everything and who am I to judge who is good or evil, we are all capable of good or evil, I thank God for opening my eyes and heart to another way of thinking... "The Bigger Picture"..., Peace, Love and Unity.

Peace Kristen,

           All religions tell of a HELL if you deviate from the path, religion is manmade to enforce control, think of religion like a sheapard hurding sheep, the sheapard only wants the sheep who will obey his commands, all others are considered "outside the flock", did God create you a christian, muslim or jew?..., God the Creator created us all equally, God unites and satan divides, I freed my mind from division and now see all of manking as equals, there are still those who live by division, but there minds are trapped in "This world", free your mind, teach yourself that there is no religion but the religion of Peace, Love and Unity.

Kristen Ann

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 14:05

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

I know. I saw this senselessness in high school in the late '60s. I insisted on not going to Mass. Finally got my parents to stop forcing me to go to Mass on Sundays when I was a freshman or sophomore in high school.


    My eyes wernt opened untill I was 32 years old, one thing that popped into my head suprisingly was the santa was an annagram of satan..., and a saying, " be weary of you past for your past could have conciquences on your future", it makes sense now, but didnt at the time, I now realise that all religion is false and manmade, a means of control, not by the Creator..., but by MAN, I live my life according to whats in my heart and not what a man tells me to do, God bless your journey.

Peace Kristen,

         If we could remember our birth it would be a traumatic event, we're in a warm, safe enviroment, then suddenly thrust out into this bright noisy world full of new sounds, smells and sights..., think of whats ahead as nothing more than our rebirth, thrust into a strange new world full of strange sights, sounds and experiences..., I am so looking forward to it, death is momentary, life is eternal..., buckle up girl coz were in for the ride of our lives, yeee haaa, God our creator is great and most merciful, Peace, Love and Unity.


    Every strand of my being tells me we are near the beginning of something new, kirsten, are you starting to get more shivers up your spine, more emotional, crying for no reason?, we as spiritual beings are starting to connect with what we once had, what we once were apart of, emotion..., LOVE is the greatest emotion on the earth, its what has been missing from our lives, its what we have searched for, thought we found but slipped through our fingers..., well..., LOVE in the next plane is in abundance, we will eat LOVE, be LOVE, and breathe LOVE, love will warm us like the sun, we will see LOVE everywhere, we will be LOVE, isnt LOVE a beautiful word?, I LOVE you as my sister and will keep an eye out for you as we explore the new dimension that awaits us..., I hope its much like the Amish way of life, for that is my Utopia on earth, giving, sharing, loving... unity, Peace xx

Peace Will,

         I just read your article and found it very informative, I have noticed a change in my thinking within resent years, an opening of my mind and heart, an inner realisation that maybe we are not alone and questioning my role in why I am here. I have learnt so much but realise that I have much more to learn, the why, where, what and when etc, my mind has been prised open by a force much greater than myself, and my eyes are wide open and my heart is open to a new beginning which for some reason I will embrace whole heartedly..., much like my birth must have been a traumatic experience for me, I understand my rebirth will be as traumatic, but I have faith in the Creator that I will emurge into a new and beautiful plane of my evolution, Love, Peace and Unity.

Hi Ellideb. I've forgotten now what all I explained earlier. I met Dan Fry, who was a contactee in the '50s, in 1977. I knew him for 2 years until I moved away. It's a long and kind of involved story -- of how we met & our conversations.  They had convinced Dan that they were coming for the good of humanity. That because of something immense happening n our future their presence was needed to live on Earth "incognito". Dan helped the first ones come down. Near the end of that 2 year period I actually met an alien friend of his. 


Strange as it sounds, they're living among us and have been for a LONG time, and you wouldn't know they weren't human. I could tell because I'm a little bit clairvoyant -- or strongly intuitive I guess you could say. I could "see" that his hands from the forearm down had been altered to look human. That his real hands were more like claws. And I saw other things too. But this was back in '79. Some are being born here now.


Anyway! The conversation with Dan about what the et's told him about our Bible was fascinating. I don't mean this to sound like an advertisement, but it IS all described in my book. You can see it at http://ExploringSacredSpace.com. If you click on "Chapters" and scroll down you can click on highlighted ones to see the images in color. There's an image of Dan & Florence Fry there and another of the community of unusual bldgs. they were living in when I first visited them in 1977. The bldgs. were circular with ufo-shaped roofs. Dan told me they were there when he bought the property, and he thought they'd be camouflaged if any wanted to land there.


Anyway! Before they came down he'd get them books from the base library. The most interesting to them was our Bible. They said that their ancestors were written in the bible as "angels". Actually the Greek word "angeloi" means messenger or emmissary -- and actually that's just what they've been. They've been working for God or the Light, whatever you'd like to call it. One really intriguing thing they told Dan was that what led the Hebrew tribes thru the desert for 40 years that looked like a "cloud by day and a ball of fire by night" was a small space craft. 


"What was the reason to isolate them for 40 years?!"  I asked.


He explained that the et's told him it was very necessary to isolate those people until one full generation had passed before letting them settle again in a city. They told Dan that those ancient Mid-Eastern people held such vengeance and hostility ("eye for an eye" vengeance) that if they hadn't been isolated & "monitored" at that point in time, there was a chance that the Earth & humanity could be destroyed (by warfare it was implied) before we met this immense point of destiny that's now in our near future.


That was such a fascinating conversation!


Hi annaielle,


Thanks for your reply, what your saying makes sense. I do have a lot of fear, you are right but that is because I have read so many things on the subject it's hard to know what to believe and what to discard. Some things just sound way out there, other things clash with what I already feel I know and so many lies have been told it's hard to know which way is up and which way is down!


I went to the supermarket the other day and bought some gaffer tape, flashlights, tinned food, bottled water and candles ready for the ascension party in december as you just don't know whats going to happen and I felt ridiculous, especially as I got a raised eyebrow from the cashier! But how was I to explain what was in my basket? I wouldn't be suprised if she'd called security after I left!


Anyway, I suppose nobody really knows and we can only wait and see what happens. I hope these ET's don't lump us all together and lose hope for us.


Kind regards

ET (yes those are my initials, I'm not joking!)

Have you read 'communion' or 'catchers of heaven'?


I understnad the frustration.

Dr.Micheal Wolf is connected to the Altarian High Chancellor(I think who is still in power,IIRC)

He had SIX degrees in a life here.

He was Cryptozoologist for the NSA at Dreamland.

He passed away due to cancer a few years back, but he is very well known.

He wrote 'catchers of heaven' for one of his sons.


'Communion' is based on an abductee encounter throughout his life.Although Whitley has many books on the matter, this is the general theme of his life now.


Id advise at least reading these two. They give a better picture of what is going on that media heresay and half-assed Coast to coast radio reports. Assuming you are subscribing to those, if not i would suggest it.



Agreed, this is a KEY point in the Intergalactic treaty. Trust this world with Stargates reaching far and wide so they can invade other places...HELL NO.


You get the point I think. This world abuses things of this nature.

Hence why RAF Bentwaters and the current DE-NUKING from space.Whether its deactivation or removal of fissile materials i dont remember, apparently its possible to do from low orbit.


ON this note: There is a large cache out near Nellis AFB, stored Underground...so if anyone is listening on the GFL side of things, this is where we need to concentrate.


Why should anyone have a nuke at thi stage? Its like handing a gun to a kid.

Enough of that going on too.


But this is your right to bear these arms. Not to kill en mass.

Dont think we dont carry, we very well can. Its usually done in defense posture, though.

Well i hope you continue to study the information available on the internet. It is my understanding or perspective that, a few different extra-terrestrials have never left the planet. Abductions may have occured and carried out by both on and off-world races,from accounts of such.It's my belief that the missing persons can be attributed to the ones who have assimilated into the human(homo-sapien) culture,and work closely to ones who believe they have a right to speak for the rest of the peoples of this planet, due to wealth or bloodline.Energy technology is here ,it has been supressed by the same one who prepose to speak for all ,for the detriment of mankind. Please use an open mind ,trust yourself ,and don't judge ANY-thing from heresay.  :)   Peace!


Yes. I agree. There are many different extraterrestrial races who've been coming to Earth. And, like I said, not all are benevolent -- BUT the majority are benevolent, and they outweigh the others. What I said is that -- read this carefully -- that it's not that the others are "evil" -- totally dark and with evil, cruel intents. It's that they don't have the sense of feeling and ability to sympathize or empathize. So, I guess from our perspective they can be seen as "evil" in abducting people etc. The truth of it is that they simply don't understand that we have feelings and lives etc. They see us kind of like laboratory animals that they can do what they want with for their own learning. Kind of like how some people see fish and animals that way -- they kill them for food or just for sport -- totally ignoring that some may have young that they care for and their own lives. (Especially with elephants killed illegally still for the tusks, and they're been proven to have feelings and mourn deaths forever afterward.) While others of us are vegetarians and would never harm an animal. I hope I've made it clear.


Yes, there ARE et races who do this. However, the reason is explained above, and more importantly the good ones far outnumber those who aren't. And it's much better not to focus your attention on the negative ones. Not that you should be blind to it, but it's my sense that placing attention on it and fearing and getting upset about it is counter-productive and just breeds a sort of sense of negativity. Know what I mean? That's all I was trying to say.



Kristen Ann

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 08:04

Hi. I'm new here. My name is Kristen Ann. I found that my article on This Pivotal Moment In Time is posted here, and came to check the site out. Just wanted to add my two cents on the alien issue. In the late '70s I met a contactee named Dan Fry. For the next two years until I moved back east (I knew Dan in Arizona & New Mexico), Dan and I had the most fascinating conversations about what the aliens had told him. These things went into the alien agenda, their role on Earth throughout history and the purpose of their presence. They were so intriguing that I included them in detail in my book. Sorry, I don't mean to advertise the book. ;-) It's just very pertinent here. If you want you can see it at ExploringSacredSpace.com. It contains much information both on the extaterrestrial issue and also details about this point in time and the coming Transition and even how to prepare.


Anyway! Then thru-out my life there were other incidents and crossing paths with others who had in-depth knowledge of aliens & the alien presence. This is what I've come to understand, to put it short:  Most et's by far are helpful and friendly. It's not that a few are evil, it's just that there is a minority who have no feeling. No sense of feeling or compassion. I suppose you could say that there's not much difference between this and evil -- but actually there is a logical difference. So they see humans kind of like tools for their learning. Kind of like science rats.


There is an Immense Transition coming soon. This is something that has happened regularly thru-out history on the planet. But this one will be like no others that have ever happened. It's so immense that there are many other beings here on the planet helping to prepare for it. I know it may sound science-fictional, but it's all true.


We are definitely living in Fascinating and Extraordinary times. And we've all planned to be here now.



Thanks for that Kristen, your book sounds fascinating I'll go and check it out now.


This website is very positive about the changes that are coming but nobody seems to be talking about the day-to-day worries, or does nobody think about it? Or maybe I'm just not 'getting it'?


I'd like to aske a few questions, mainly regarding what is meant to be coming and they are my fears and worries really that I havn't found an answer to, maybe you can help?


1. I am a mother of two young children. When the transition comes and people do or do not ascend, what happens to children? Do they automatically ascend, because they are innocent? Do they suffer?


2. Are we all going to suffer? Will we die painful deaths before we ascend due to 'cataclysmic events' i.e drowning due to tsunamis, earthquakes etc.


3. At least 50% of the planet is asleep (i actually mean asleep, physically) at any one time, when these changes come, what will happen to the unaware people who are sleeping?


Maybe these are silly questions but they play on my mind!



Hi Ellideb! Nice to meet you! These fears and uncertainties are exactly why I wrote the book - to let people know what's happening and that it will all be good. YES! Children WILL be coming across the Transition! The only ones who  won't be coming now are those whose energy is too dense, negative and basically "bad" people.  They will be given the alternate opportunity to continue to evolve on this physical plane until they're ready to go on to where we're going.


It's a complicated thing to explain briefly. What's going to happen is that there will be a SPLIT in realities. There will be 2 different realities. Most of us will be going (children included) on to another dimension of Earth. In other words, what makes this Transition different from all those that have happened throughout history is that this time it will be an inter-dimensional shift. I know, it sounds very sci-fi, but it't true. We will be going to a finer dimension of Earth. And all will be well! There's nothing to be concerned or afraid of. It's all been planned and worked out.


And many different beings have been here, "incognito" on Earth helping to prepare things. I think some of them have been at the forefront of the "New Age" movement -- either inspiritng groups & books or maybe even starting the movements & writing books possibly in some cases. In preparation for this massive Transition what's needed is a more open and awakened consciousness -- which the New Age movement has been spreading. 


If you google these 4 words without the quotation marks, "princess Kaoru Pythagorus Conference" you'll get a link to the video where Princess Kaoru of Japan explains what she saw thru the awakening of her third eye -- in other words she became clairvoyant and "saw" when certain things will happen. 


As I explain in detail in the book, there will be 3 days of darkness, as stated in the Bible. HOWEVER, no one knows for sure if the Transition will take place BEFORE this. So we may not even be around for those 3 days of darkenss. But if we are, the important thing will be to see it as a fun adventure. And most importantly to STAY INSIDE. Already have planned where you'll spend those 3 days & what famuily members & friends will be there. Have water, food, candles and/or flashlights. There'll be no electricity, no computers etc. But STAY HAPPY! This keeps your mood & energy up. It's the beginning of a WONDERFUL new existence. Sing songs with everyone, tell stories & stay upbeat. MOST IMPORTANTLY, it will be necessary to cover all openings to the outside tightly with opaque fabrics or curtains. NOT see-thru curtains. And even use wide masking tape or duct tape around the edges of the curtains & even around doors if they let in light on the sides or bottom. 


Princess K says those 3 days will begin Dec. 22nd. No one knows for sure, but it might happen then. And no one knows why not peeking outside will be so crucial. It reminds me of Lot's wife who looked back & was disintegrated. Another good video is by Michael Tsarion. He explains things in my book from a scientific standpoint. Google "Michael Tsarion photon belt". Then you'll get his video where he explains that Earth will be going thru a photon belt. This could explain all kinds of electro-magnetic anomalies that could be very unsafe to witness. Most importantly will be to stay upbeat and happy. See it as a great adventure that we're taking together, and all will be terrific and well in the end.


Hope that helps. That's a brief synopsis. Take care!


Hi, (in respose to the question ) yes there certainly are some unpleasant ETs ( and often work with a secret element of the US & UK military, google MILABS ), however there are ETs that are here to help, they have been teaching & preparing ordinary people (usually of the more spiritual & artistic temprement ).


The reason they aren't people in power is because THEY are the problem, and so called scientists like Hawking perpetuate a false view, or paradigm if you will, their model of reality & the universe in general has been twisted, the result of this has been the hinderance of humanities development.


This amounts to hijacking creation, and it will not be allowed to continue. 


This will not be a war, more of a massive change in frequency 

Hi Spiral. Yes, I also believe there's been alot of deception out there. "Disinformation" has clouded the whole issue so it's no longer clear what the truth is. My sens of it anyway is that there ARE some aliens who aren't positive. But, like I said, from the perspective of people who've known them, interacted with them and know the issue inside out -- people who've had over 2 dozen top secret degrees above the president -- most of the not helpful ones simply don't have a sense of feeling or empathy/sympathy. It's not that they're evil or working against us, they just see us kind of as laboratory animals with no feelings or lives of our own.


What most of us don't realize is that the government itself has secretly planted the disinformation to cloud the issue and make people afraid. Fear is an effective way of keeping people under control and uncertain. They've instigated many of the stories and so-called "accounts" of evil et's. So it's very difficult to be sure of the truth.


The reason I feel so sure is because of the in-depth sources I've connected with. In addition to all the people I've met, after meeting and discussing the issue with the well-known contactee I also met an alien friend of his two years after meeting Dan. So I wanted to pass along all this in-depth information to others. It's not just speculation or even just well-thought-out ideas. It is a true scenario of what is happening and what will be happening and why. 


I totally understand how it may sound tho. I'm a very skeptical person myself. But, believe me, there's a high degree of truth to what I'd found.




Kristen Ann

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 14:23

There's so much going on during this pivotal year. Check out ExploringSacredSpace dot com.  There's alot of revealing information that you would probably be very interested in. 


Take care!

Obviously never met one of us as we are..


The ZETAs, mayhaps I can see that view, so can Whitley Strieber, well he did at first. Then they showed him what they were here for and helped him see things in a better context. This isnt a joke my friend.


And as much as I want to curse you out for these comments, this is not our way, either.


I do not believe, someone correct me if Im wrong(its been 30 years down here) that open contact with ANY GFL or affiliated race, except maybe for brief moments has taken place. Public acknowledgement, well...thats a matter of taking up with Washington and the military. Pentagon has thier view, and I, for one do not care for it. They know better than to keep a 'gun touting paranoia' at work here. That mentality simply doesnt work. Not with people who care.



As you noticed, despite the increase in sighting reports, not many craft have touched down, those that have, only briefly. no open discussions, TV appearances...etc. That will change.


I have been asked to support the ALLIANCE and GFL in these matters, it is a difficult one we are taking up with Washington and other countries. Most other countries are on board with disclosure, but may not know to what extent our activities are involved. The US is still gundecking the issue(draggin tail if you prefer..some of us are rat like.).


Why the delay last year I still dont know. I had a pilot in low orbit overhead after a 30mile hike down the freeway and the crew apparently didnt want to talk to me.Everything was last minute and I was forced out west, and made homeless.


Try supprting our ideals and mentality on the streets....it is nearly impossible. This is one thing we need to change. There is no homelessness in other places. We help each other.


I wish I could zip you around the worlds Ive been on and show you. I dont have access to a starship to do so.


Please hold the anger. And there is more than just Grey men at Dreamland, its a vacation spot apparently. I believe the Arcturians have visited also. I have a pic of a family of them deboarding a bus with AF personell standing by(armed).




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