Make your Heart as Light as a Feather~ 5-5-5 is Humanity’s Love & Freedom DAY!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 09:57

Make your Heart as Light as a Feather~ 5-5-5 is Humanity’s Love & Freedom DAY!



Greetings Love Beings,

in a few days Humanity will gather together to co-create their New Reality of Freedom and Joy.

This is happening as it is in Humanity’s Divine rights to do.

As Humanity, and by this I mean All Human Beings, are de facto co-creators of their reality, wheather conscious of it or not.

Most of you already know this, thus, some keep struggling with this concept and wonder why they keep finding themselves in difficult and never changing situations.

It’s because of your thoughts...



Now, as All, finally, gather together as One (remember, if you want it, See it this way!), the Energy we’ll produce will be historical!

No doubts about this.

This is why this information is spreading all over the Planet. Why it’s been translated in any language, put in videos and script, shared and re-shared all over the web! It’s because all have been working so hard for it for the last 20 years! Now it’s the pivotal point of Change. Thank You!

Thus, this is also the reason why I adress all of you. I ask you: BE AWARE.

What you’ll put into the Field will manifest in the field.

Be aware of your feelings.

Be aware of your goal.

Be aware of your thoughts.

Be aware of what you really want, and once you’re conscious of all of this ask yourself if this IS what you want to See, Live, Be.


Many are living in doubts, or in fear, or do not really trust the possibility that this will in any way change something... if you’re among these ones... please! I call upon you!



On behalf of Humanity I ask you to be Aware of every feeling you have, as what you feel will enter the Global Consiousness. And thus be manifested by some means.

If you feel fear, or doubts, I ask you for the Best Good of All That Is, become conscious of it and allow yourself to let it go. As I do know your fears come form your past experiences, where all that seemed to be good had to end or not even exist. So your brain is programmed to doubt if something seems to good to be true.

Thus, by so doing, you’ll very well create it.




You may not see it yet, and yes I do understand that after what you call yers of waiting (I know it’s much more than this) you want to See and Live the results. Thus you’ve also been told the reason WHY it took so long. And you’re part of it. Disbelief...

What 10 conscious Beings can do in some time, 100 can do in much less time and 1000 in even less. WE gather in more than 100'000 in a few days.

Imagine it! See it!~

And We do it Now, with Love Energy Everywhere Present!!! This means a Blast of Pure Creation!

Just allow yourself to imagine it!!!

Doesen’t it make you cry of JOY?

More than a 100'000 Beings, getting into Onnes Energy to CO-CREATE a New Reality!

One of Freedom.

Of Love.

Of Unity.

Of Onness.

A Reality of JOY, where everyOne will be able to express himself truly, with no limitations, no boundaries, no hate, no war, no prisons for the brain but Full Heart Consciousness.



Colors and Music and Dance and Miracles and LIFE and JOY and so many personal expressions of all of this. ~

For you, your friends, your family, your children and yes, even for your enemies as enemies will no more be, because once you get rid of the very reason that made enemies exist (fear), there will be no more enemies!








Is it not Wonderful?

Can you See it?

Smell it?

Touch it?


If not, take these days until the 5th to train.

Relax in your favourite position and start your own Vision of the future you want to be your Present moment of Now.

And each time some anger, or fear, or disbelief comes to shadow your picture... simply erase it and start from scratch. This will not only help you on the GO DAY, but it will esponentially improve your ability to Really Know Yourself and all that has not so far been erased from your inner beliefs.

Is that not Wonderful?

It is, because You Are Wonderful!



See those that will be removed going along quietly, and see the people of the Planet understand why this is happening and not react in fear and rage but with comprehension, Joy, sense of Freedom. See how smooth the Transition will BE as All finally gather together to manifest the Planet they dreamt of.

See it, Feel it, BE it.

It Is Happening.

It Is Now!

It Is You!


I call upon you Humanity, to call upon Divine Justice to be restored on this Wonderful Planet.

Divine Justice is Perfect Balanced Harminics and has nothing to do with winners or loosers, as in Divine Justice, ALL are winners. All is done for the Best Outcome of All.~


You so often asked when your turn will come to change the Planet. This IS IT. You’re the Ones that choose to come and help to drammatically increase Light and Love on the Planet right Now so that others will ba able to See, through your eyes, the path of Freedom. The Path of a New Reality. The Path of True Love and Joy.

So that when those that have betraied their own Divine Being will be shown to the whole Planet, the Planet will no more fall into revenge but sing for Freedom. They will understand that what seems to be so challenging to believe is, in Truth, the Gate to Heaven on Earth.

And you’ve been part of it.

You’ve Been the Light You Are.

Angels are right next to you. Call them if you need. All Creation is here to Help.




Now it’s The Time to make your Heart as Light as a feather, for that’s His True Weight! Let Love wash your heaviness away... for~ever!~


We'll all be with you.


All my True and Unconditional Love for You

Your Goddess of Justice and Balance

L.M. Portia









I see humanity FREE! to love, live and prosper, and to evolve to who and what we are meant to be.

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 05/02/2012 - 14:47

Yes indeed I feel it, & I see it and we will create it! Woo hoo, it feels awesome! Love is everywhere. Let's begin sending out silent blessings to everyone we come into contact with--especially those still deep in slumber and having a difficult time for they do not  yet know how truly glorious life can be. Let's give them a big burst of our pure unconditional love. They may not know it but they will feel something's changed and it just may be the change they need to awaken. It's an awesome feeling! I bless people as I travel in my car everywhere I go. In the grocery store before I go in, and while I'm in line and it changes the whole atmosphere:)

Great suggestion.  When you consciously merge yourself with the power of Love, you intergrate all that Love is into your being.  It is the most powerful force in the Universe and has no limits.  It is a liberating feeling to have your thoughts completely immersed in Love, no matter where you are or what you do.  If its tough at first, like anything else in life, keep Practicing... it WILL get easier... Waves... you can fear them or ride them..

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