~The Transitionary Council Meeting Update~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:46

~Earth Allie and Transitionary Government Secretary Maia Pollen~


Earth Allie Dawn Christine Warriors of the Light

Beauty-full day gorgeous souls…

The council meeting yesterday took some interesting curves, allowing us to go deeper into our psyche, as we unfold every-where within every-thing,  releasing what does not serve our true design, our true being-ness, as empowered enlightened Beings of  Infinite love’s conduit here on this planet. Communication within humbled humility is always the truth expressing itself and we are in gratitude for all those who shared their “you’s”...

Lots of seeds have been planted on various levels the past 6 years, all preparing for what we are co-creating in unison now… the 144 thousand crystallized grid alignment.  The time has come where we all come forward from our individualized trenches and take our long-awaited positions/roles as One, as all our work(s) begin and become part of each other.  

Many wonderful events have taken place this week to “mark” our graduation into Love’s infinite gesture of grace “it is here” to impact planet Earth’s true heart into being-ness.  

Obama signing the long-awaited peace treaty with Afghanistan took all by surprise with his own gift of a surprise visit to mark the end to a new beginning of harmony between nations, based on working together as One, as the people with a mutual respect for life.  

Sheldon and Colleen Nidle suggested we meditate upon the colors of blue and green to bring peace and love into Earth’ heart and these were the colors worn at the peace treaty, while at the same time, David Wilcox posts the issued arrests for the international federal reserve branches, BIS, the European central banks etc.

These are more than synchronistic moment(s) taking place, they are moments shinING that this is not only Love’s month, nor is it just Love’s year… It is Love’s planet and this means we all are together as One, as Love becoming the vibration together as beings living upon earth to support her in her transition.  

We would like to share a segment of Sheldon’s message “prior” to Obama’s speech as an example of our collective hearts uniting as one conduit within loves grace…

“Your whelm continues to have much turmoil as agencies begin to arrest all figures … the dark has tried hard to put this under the rug.  They have violated many laws, the worst offender being the federal reserve bank…  all will be followed by a new government… introducing debt forgiveness and the destruction of our globe.  These changes will also be instrumental into full consciousness and allow the time of preparing the public … disclosure is intended to be a beginning … Physicality exists on many levels and your relationship on earth is part of this divine presence you are… we understand that you do not know what full consciousness is and We are here to give you the choice… the choice of path which to take…”

Suggested article read…

Canada PM Says World Economic Power Undergoing 'Historic Change



What we want to impart most about these up-coming issued arrests is……  The removal of these beings is the “key component”.  It is not the arrests, nor if those arrested may go through a court system… the bottom line they too will be re-educated.  

This process is TAKING PLACE to show the people how easily they can be tied into an illusion. This situation and the souls involved in this financial economic scheme, enslaving humanity, to instill money as a catalyst to fear, has given an opportunity for “all” to learn their true-authentic-self and take their empowerment back which is a natural part of their inheritance.  All have had their roles on this journey, and their role is to guide “you” to not give  away your own inherited right to be free….

Everyone can do their part, if they choose. Contact agencies and media’s etc. … give them articles, information with the truth, the changes our bodies are going through, the changes the atmosphere is going through and humanity is embarking upon.  Assist in bringing full consciousness into the main-stream of everyday living.

This process, IS about awareness and information………. Be part of the stride to re-educate.  

As mentioned by one of our council, all are here to realize the benefit of who you are in your existence...  We will live within a conspiracy if we choose to live within it… there are those who will live the conspiracy till the end… we are not here to convince you, just share… We will say, if you find every single event in your life to be something of negative association or constantly ponder the “why”… then you will live the conspiracy.  People want to know the future… however “freedom” is to just be here now, not concerned with what is going to happen… it is to just know all is coming, love is here within you, if you choose to embrace it…

We suggest you take a moment out of your day-to-day activities and embrace this moment of re-connecting to the space in your being waving to you to embrace Unity Consciousness as we are ONE unified field of togetherness…

Within you, within me, within us, We are, Maia xo
Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love



Thu, 05/03/2012 - 14:41

thank you loves... very much happy to be here sharing together as not only love's grace shining its truth to all, but here together as a united family xo:)

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