Support Obama by Wes Annac

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 05:17

Support Obama by GLR Wes Annac



I have posted this in the ‘Making First Contact’ section because I believe Obama will be very instrumental in bringing disclosure and ‘First’ Contact to us.

“Every person I know who is on the inside, still in black-ops, reveals that there is great hatred of Obama within their ranks because he is NOT working on their side.”- David Wilcock

 “Regardless of celestial origin and current culture, age, skin color, religion, gender, ethnicity, or nation of residency, prior to birth all peoples now on the planet knew the soul who would incarnate as Barack Obama and joyfully agreed to his becoming president of the United States to lead that country and the world into the Golden Age”- Matthew Ward


Friends, there are many at this time who feel dissapointed in President Obama. There are many that feel he has not accomplished what he said he would for the United States, and there are many who send him outright hate on a daily basis. I personally understand the reasons behind dissapointment, but pointless hate towards Obama benifets nobody, least of all We The People. You see, Barack Obama is and has always been truly trying to enact real change for the United States, and for the world.

The problem is, he is facing extreme opposition from those who have held all of the power for so long. It is not easy for one person to stand up against an entire network of criminals who have had a tight grip on government for a century. These criminals know that the best way to weaken Obama and keep him from enacting real change is to get the public against him, and that is exactly what they have done.

These criminals have used the ‘news’ media networks that they own to constantly slam Obama, to use their age-old propaganda to sway the public on an issue. Propaganda has been their main method of control over people for a century now. Think about it. How did cannabis become illegal? Propaganda. How did we get tricked into senseless war after senseless war for decades now? Propaganda. They use fear to get what they want. They use fear to manipulate us, and make us think a certain way. It is the exact same with Obama. Remember the healthcare debate ‘coverage’?

They were actually trying to convince people that with universal healthcare for all, their grandparents would actually be put before ‘death panels’ that decide whether they live or die! I mean come on people! Clearly senseless fear-mongering. I remember they also used illusory ‘polls’ that stated that over half the country were against Obama Care, only to have those ‘polls’ exposed as hoaxes! People, I pray for those who are so anti-Obama to wake up and realize they are being manipulated by the very system they rebel against.

It is one thing to feel dissapointed in Obama for so far not being able to break through the seemingly invincible power structure of those who keep us down, but it is entirely another thing to accuse him of being one of those who keep us down. He certianly is not. There are so many people who send Obama extreme hate on a daily basis, you have to realize this weakens him and keeps him from being able to enact real change! Those who manipulate others to do their hateful bidding know this.

I leave you all with this song by Wyclef Jean, please listen, truly listen to the words as they demonstrate the power these shadowy cabals have over government:



If you look back in history you will notice that there were a few presidents who attempted (and in some cases succeeded) to enact real change and expose real truth to the public, and they ended up dead, usually before their terms ended. Coincidence? You decide.

Boo Walker (not verified)

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 07:35

Thank you for posting this! I encourage EVERYONE to learn to read between the lines, read with discernment and read from your heart.

Here's an example (this headline appears in the "Wake Up World" blog site)

Landmark Lawsuit by US Home Owners Implicates Obama and Big Banks in Massive Global Laundering Scheme


OMG you might think! That's IT! I just KNEW Obama was a bad guy!

That's what the headline wants you to think.

But when you read the first paragraph you find the article is about actions taken by the Obama administration:

"A new lawsuit, which is bordering on the unbelievable, implicates the Obama administration and some of the world’s largest banks in the largest international money laundering case in history."


When we talk about our future being filled with Love and Light it DOES include Obama. Obama the hu-man is not the same as the Obama administration. Do not judge a man by the company he keeps; especially an administration forced upon him by our current broken government system.


 President Obama will rise again for a second term

there shall be no more disgusting lies and threats against him if so they shall be silenced Im sure of it


 It's disgusting when you carry the lead of President of the USA and not having ones whom suppose to be with you but turn their weakness into choosing the one that is almost like a Hollywood reinactment of a play with tommy guns and hangernades hanging from their belts for strickly show


 Hating the President is only going to come back to ones that plant that negative seed

As when the American Indians were pulled off their reservations and told to do as they say or they would be killed


 So threatning the President as he has been since day one is only coming back to those whom made the threats


 Obama is a coragious Spiritual Being and his ethics of his beliefs are as sound as the paper he signs his name upon


 The Cabals dark entities will be as we speak disolving minute after minute they already are moving off  there post and retiring or more less excusing themselves for a  needing to find a new job as a vendor in selling of newspapers or hotdogs Oh my what a way to go!


 Obama will have his second term and this will be the term that will enlighten most if not all of this Planet to be one of the most coragious human beings he walks his talk and talks his walk

 Then you will see the percent rate climb on the scale to

helping Us We The People of the United States of America


 Come ~ on people enlighten your intuitive instinc's and push the Light from your Heart in knowing your truest love of self wortiness is the same as it should be for your President of the USA  is backing you always.. You know that is the way negative energies reinact upon every single game power played upon this planet when it comes to dealing with the Cabal


 Going back to the minds and intuitive thoughts before the Roman Empire took ground and written on the walls in most honesty


 Push open the card and allow your honesty to work for you in the beginning this is the way it should had been

Stop allowing yourself in having your own government to use and abuse your human rights ~ once you begin to open this energy you will upon this flight begin to acknowledgeing your self worthiness

If Mr. Obama is truly good then he must be under threat of death by the cabal at this time. There are some honest people working just to get the president to put up evidence of his true background and private history...he has not. I am withholding any opinion until this all unfolds!!

Who decided and approved of these appointments? Is shows us who might really be in charge of our government. The corporate interests are in charge.

I agree 100%.  People need to wake up and see the REAL Obama and all that he has done already and is trying to do on a daily basis.  I'm confident that he has the strength to continue no matter what, but we could all help him by sending him Love and Light, so he may complete his mission with a lot more support, knowing that we are behind him.  I really love the quote from Matthew Ward...excellent!!!  We agreed to have him here and joyfully at that, knowing where he would lead us!   


Guest (not verified)

Sat, 05/05/2012 - 08:24

Thank you posting this Wes.  Obama does seem pretty puppeted and going right along with the corrupt crap going on.  But along with these messages, my intuition tells me pretty strongly that Obama is not what many people are percieving him to be: evil.  My intuition says that he is indeed working for the light.  If my intuition did not so strongly keep telling me that, honestly, I might be hating Obama right now too.  And than, I do understand that it must be almost impossible to make any good changes with the cabal and friends breathing down your throat with their fingers ready to pull the trigger 24/7.  You bet Obama is on threat of life, and worse.  I choose to remain faithful of Obama, discerning with my intuition, and send him Love and Light because Obama does dearly need it at this time. 

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