The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~4~12 The Upcoming Event's will Secure The Light's Presence Here~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 19:29

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~4~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Upcoming Event's will Secure The Light's Presence Here~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader Our Scout Craft Hanging Out Waiting On Humanity!


Greetings Love Beings, We have Entered even more Intense energies, which are here to assist us in Tomorrow's Event of a Focused Collective Meditation. As a Collective of Light, With All Your Earth Allies, All the Ships, and All the Planet's, we will be able to break through the last of the illusionary veil.


This will inevitably trigger, the Energy required to begin bringing forth True Liberation and the Time Line of Events, shared by Sheldan Nidle. These Events will Secure the Light's Presence on Planet Earth=Heart, so we may swiftly bring in the needed changes to end the needless pain and suffering. Love is here and is manifesting within All of Humanity. The Masters will Now Begin Appearing before you on Planet Earth=Heart for the Events to come. We are Here!


Photo from Our Last Council Meeting




 The Sun Began Heating Up Again, with a chance of M Class Solar Flares and Sunspot 1471 appears to be quite large. We will see if we have any activity from this one. At the moment, a blast would be earth directed. The Earthquake Activity has also calmed down.



Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE:

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report: 


Earth Allie Report:

  Healing Earth News:

Cobra Report:



 Through our observation's as the Light increase's, so does the release of the program mind from Humanity. This is a Part of the final cleansing we have been speaking about. To transform the program, you simply need to be aware of the program. If you are in doubt, this is a program. If you are questioning the Light, this is a program. If you do not think we are Real, this is a program. You are each here by Divine Contract to Awaken and be of Service to Love. We have alot of Projects to Accomplish together. Everyone on this Planet has a choice. You can be a part of the problem or you can be a part of the solution. If You are a Part of the Solution, then You will with Courage stand with us, and Spread the Information of the Truth. If You do not step up to the Plate you will not even know anything happened.




Humanity's Earth Allies are All Gathering together at 7:30pm Pacific Time on 5~5~12, thru the Internet to assist in Our Upcoming Event. We will Be Focusing On Manifesting All Divine Decree's, Sheldan Nidle's Time Line, The Liberation Day Presented By Cobra, and initiate the opening of the 5th Gateway into the Center of Divine Love. This also begins the healing of the Blood and Heart of the Planet.



Anrita Melchizedek~"May 5th starts with World Liberation Day, a time to truly step into deeper levels of empowerment, wisdom and Divine Love. Surrounded in this beautiful Red Flame of Will and Power, we lift the veils of illusion, letting go of any issues of disempowerment; of giving our power to our sub-conscious mind and to those around us. On a global level, we bring our focus to financial institutes, power hungry conglomerates and the Illuminati, all those seeking to disempower us and hold humanity in bondage.


As the Wesak Full Moon commences on May 6th, we are Overlighted by Lord Buddha, the Ascended Masters within Shamballa and the entire Company of Heaven. We are invited as Initiates of Light into the First Ray Ashram and Ascension Seat within Shamballa to meet with the Ascended Masters. Trusting and surrendering to Mother~Father God at the deepest levels of our Beingness, and with the knowing of ourselves as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we step into power, compassion and wisdom, through the Overlighting of the Ray Masters and our Mighty I Am Presence to experience this Initiation of Revelation."





  We are continuing to receive help from up above with continued Blasts of Energy to assist us in the Energy required for this Event. This will be the Largest Lightworker Event which has ever occurred in This Planet's History. This should be your Validation, that we are very close to manifesting together, a Series of events to Bring Humanity's Divine Birthright of True Freedom and Wholeness of Being Real Reality, into Manifestation.


Decreed by Heaven, Heaven On Earth=Heart, The New Earth is to Now Begin to Manifest.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.


Our Last Update we received 2 Love Share's

Total Love shares for May 460$

 Total Funding Needs For May 3000$


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~


Your gifts will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE FAMILY. Thank you !


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing


This Coming Sat~Sun Event Of Planet Wide Liberation Day, Your Earth Allies will Be gathering at the Specific times Listed Below in a Chat room that is unlimited. We will Be adding Our Focused Love Light Energies to end the illusion and breakthrough the illusionary Matrix. 45 Min Prior to this Event we will Post Here at the Press a Link so you can join us.


We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th /6th. Exact times for different time zones are:
8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles)
9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver)
10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston)
11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York)
4:30 am BST  May 6th (London)
5:30 am CEST May  6th (Paris)
11:30 am CST May 6th (Beijing)
12:30 pm JST May 6th (Tokyo)
1:30 pm AEST May 6th (Sydney)


 Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


 ~WE are Going Home~


~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~





~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


 Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue~ 555 ~ Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace


 Freedom for ALL~Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine




Dear Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff:

I love your site and am excited about the World Liberation meditation.
I want to say I do feel such a comfort and hope when I come to your site and read, especially at times when getting caught up in the chaos, trying to maintain life here one long step it seems by another, while knowing the unknown is happening, realizing the tears of sadness of so much pain when seeing the attacks on children, mothers, humanity in general, YET at same time KNOWING inside I have found my family.

No more feeling crazy at what I have always felt or perhaps known. Knowing my prayers through the tears CAN help those being attacked in the name of money and power, even on the other side of the world.

Letting them know THEY ARE NOT ALONE, even if no one is with them physically, that I hope they feel my hug of caring through the horrors and pain that will soon end...


I actually am sending this because I always watch the birds (recently I have come to wonder somehow if they are spirit armies as they seem to 'go after' chemtrail planes at times), but I'm always drawn to watch, and always take pictures birds.
Well yesterday I plopped my little disk card in the computer to download pictures from last week or so and you'll see what showed up when you see it.... I DID NOT SEE THIS WITH MY HUMAN EYES AT ALL...only after I downloaded the image on computer. I was only 'trying' to get a picture of the bird at the time....Didn't shock me really at all, but I did want to share it with someone.

PS - Photo taken in Tampa Bay area of Florida (and camera as you can tell, was on AUTO mode, why it focused on what was in front of bird)

Namaste' to you all!



Surprise catch of One of Our Scout Craft!


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

where darkness can no longer hide ! and no more will I !


Thanks to Ron Head

Orb photo from Wendy Smith

~Love Energy Arriving~




~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Star Walkers, the Cosmic Love
that is the reality now superceding all others
is the great Victory of the whole of Heaven,
to witness now unfolding through us, in daily life.
Just the term spoken, “Cosmic Love,”
has transfiguring power that triggers
and sets abuzz even legions of your ancestors
within the Starships around Earth.

Gentle readers,
there is a longstanding gift
from the heart of God
given through the Mighty Elohim
and, of course, any assisting Master
you wish to invite.
It is the action and substance of
“Cosmic Christ Illumining Love,”
or “Wisdom,” or “Power,” or “_______.”

I call upon that Cosmic Christ
Illumination to assist in this way.

Any who will try this, in fundamental mastery,
will experience its great activity
directly in the Mind and Feelings.
It is a Gift with a guarantee!
It is Love that woke you up this morning.

I Am the Presence
and Its intelligent activity,
blessing all that I contact.

I am so grateful.


Last Update Video Format



grailheart magi

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 20:06




Dear delighful Dawn!


I have been meaning to ask you if you have ever seen the original "I AM AMERICA" MAP that was published in 1977?  It was a 4 month project - all chenneled from Sananda, St. Germain and a couple of others I can't remember.  Anyway, the exact area you live in as well as down a little bit into Washington was one of the 5 "centers" shown.   YOURS IS THE ASCENSION TUBE!!!! THAT'S WHY YOU GET ALL THOSE AWESOME PHOTOS, LADY!



dawn christine (not verified)

Sat, 05/05/2012 - 03:54

In reply to by Rene Duran

Wow Grailheart! There are so many unexplainable coincidences that brought me to my home in Leduc Alberta .. found and purchased that home on a one-day whim - 53rd ave, 53 latitude ... artesian well at the top of the hill hidden in the woods! The most bizarre of all is that my childhood initials are written in the cement at the end of the driveway with an outline of a space ship. I somehow travelled there in time and returned in the future to live there. As soon as I found these initials in front of the home, I knew I had made them as a child - I remember tracing them with my finger.  I was never physically, third-dimensionally, in this town or at this home. 


i Am America story (use discernment as per Grailheart's note below..)


You've done such a great job here on earth.... I know you have released any and all guilt you may have held that you weren't good enough... thank you for doing that... it has released many women with that issue. What one does, all does!


You are sooo precious!

Thank you for your kinds words and note of discernment in all that we read and uncover. This is truly a beautiful journey and we are so blessed to be able to be free in truth! 

Make note that the individuals involved with that futuristic map are not the originators who lived in Socorro, New Mexico. Long story.  Discernment.  Remember prophets only look at present conditions. Then they see the future based on that present NOW moment. That is why Nostradamas' predictions have been skewed.  Humanity has made changes to those old days... the old now moments.  In freedom, all future is possibility.

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