ASCENSION: COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Frightening? Yes. Deceptive? No...

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:18

jonathon (not verified)

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:51

These channeled massages never fail to bum me out. Was feeling pretty optimistic just before you told me that myself and family are going to starve. Its not that this channel is more informative then the rest its just out right contradicts alot of the time. If i was going to hurt myself some how i would much rather someone who could see it happening advice me how i could avoid not just 'inform' me of my ignorance. 


To be honest halve the time this channel just doesnt make sense to me, i would reccomend saint germain goes on a teaching training course before trying to get a point across.  



this kind of post is not constructive nor has any love in it. it reads like a IMHO of one of those god hates us preacher and we are going to burn in hell. maybe right now we are in the hell planet, being that this duality world is about: search for food by hunting for it, kill it so we can eat and live another day, and watch your back for something might want to eat you; so it has a chance that it can live another day. and of course hide and protect the food, and your jobs and your turf you have, for somebody will need to steal it so they can live another day. THIS TO ME IS NOT A PLANET OF LOVE, BUT OF FEAR TO STAY ALIVE ANOTHER DAY. our DNA hard wiring of survival is the task thrown at us to overcome, so we all can find a way to get along and learn the divine acts of ; sharing, compassion, trust, hope, and finally love for humankind, not our animal instincts to survive another day. we all will be awaken to the brainwashing of mind control that keeps us in check; shame, punishments, banishment from the tribe, competition for everything of who is the top dog at work, play, soul mates,  who is a winner and who is a loser in life. i feel mankind is in the year of 2012 and the truth will be known, and our DNA wiring will be changed  to a more compassionate being, for we are at a time in history where we can feed the world ten times over if the p.t.b. would let the technology be released, i feel this is why our space families are here with us now, all you have to see is what NASA is trying to hide, that the space ships are all around us. s.o.h.o. equipment shows them, and they are many the size of earth, and they love us mankind as a whole, and they mean business as was stated many thousand of years ago by many cultures stating it will come to pass, ready or not. i feel this is a divine moment in mankind history for it will be a loving intervention to help mankind in a very good way, and in many ways.

blessings to all of us for we are all one

Sha-en (not verified)

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 22:03

In reply to by Reiki Doc

ever heard of the term hard love? Sometimes the greatest darknesses can reveil the deepest lights, maybe we needed this out so we can see where we head and pick another direction, so quick to cut at what you dislike before taking a second, discerning, questioning eye to the test of your own judgement

Jim (not verified)

Sat, 05/05/2012 - 11:30

We have been asking for the straight dope on the 2012 happenings for some time, we finally get it and all is sorrow.  What he is saying is there is good and bad to come, the difference is now we finally have a choice.  It is a difficult choice as we are so prone to accepting what we are told, it seems those days are over.

What has been disseminated so far seems to be for purposes of giving us hope in cataclysmic times.  The prophecies we relied on are not hard & fast or 'written in stone events' to come.  Prophecies can be diverted and even avoided, ask any seer or psychic.  Part of a premonition is the gift of foreknowledge which can certainly be used to avoid disaster, wouldn't that stand to reason?  In addition I have noticed most prophecies tend to be bad.  The hope of a better world in the aftermath is the only good part.

Cataclysm is still due for earth as there is a cleansing blow which occurs at specific fulcrum times, and this is one of those times.  The reason is to remove the dark energy.  The change will be indiscriminate and only those prepared will fare well.  Don't let that be a burden, the path to ascension is not impossible and I would say preferable to what modern religion defines.

What the inter galactics have done is greatly soften the blow of (super) natural events.  The sun is getting hotter, the galactic alignment centers universal forces on our planet which cause earthquakes.  Floods and continental changes are imminent, look at future maps online.  Some of these events would already have taken effect if it wasn't for their presence (technology & experience.)  The long shot is the earth will still suffer and those who cling to our former selves/ lives will suffer as well.

It isn't easy to let go.  And it is a test of faith as we are being asked to believe in godly powers which we cannot see or witness - Yes it is faith.  I am single and letting go comes easily for me, I simply cannot wait.  I can imagine what a hardship it must be to have a wife and/ or kids as you can no longer assist in their destiny and tending to your own self might be detrimental to them.  

Look to your inside and set an example of independence and confidence in the present, you can reach out to your loved ones without touching them.  Meditation is a must and group meditation might be helpful for a close-knit family, it will give all a 'safe spot' in your hearts & minds.  I am slow getting back into meditation and I found this article to be motivating.  I see now it is time to let go, wait for the right moment to 'jump'.  I am anxious to relieve myself of todays heavy workload and ironically I am tired of having to eat so much.  I had to stop drinking lately to contend with vertigo, we all have our battles.

Realize in time we will all ascend, there are no prizes for being first.  Those who are first will return to assist.  There will be opportunity for those who haven't been treated fairly (that is faith saying that.)  Those who ascend early will not need food as we do.  Those who remain will see countries and continents fall and their commodities and contributions will cease.

I will write more if possible, maybe tomorow.  Pray for yourself, pray for eachother.

I have listened to many different messages and channelings from St. Germain over the years, and this one just doesn't ring true to me.  It is sort of a disjointed rambling of negative information with no real positive suggestions or solutions.  This is far different from anything I would expect to hear from St. Germain who is such a magnanimous Master!  Don't be fooled by impostors!


Your words resonate so much with this message... and You heard it directly from the place of no reaction, place of comfort for your awareness, place of hope...


Truly easily we jump in blaming, accusing, judging the messenger... is he the right one, are his words 'frightening' ones... And you can see by re-actions of most of the Humanity about truth being simply presented in their faces...


They still want to cling on opinions, hold their 'precious' possessions that they worked so hard, pretend they 'believe' in God by swearing at him when things go bad, and not thanking It when things are smooth...


Addictions like drugs, alcohol, food, cigarettes, medications, money, religion, comparison, fear, survival, power over others, are just a few of concepts that people are holding on so dearly... saying if you enjoy it, than it must be good for Ascension... Right?...


But what happened when simple notice about these misconceptions produce in people reading it, tremendous guilt as soon they wakeup groggy in the morning, saying "I should stop..." "this was the last one I will take.." and on and on...


Guilt is the actual feeling that we do not want to let go... Fear is the feeling that we do not want to let go... And it can be read by every single comment about this post... Why this post only produced good vibration in couple of souls who dare to comment?... while rest run in the closed fear shelter with titles like : accusation, blame, guilt, judgment?...


Can we read a post, or hear the message, and bring out attention for true benefits that reading bring in our wellbeing?... [I said well-being, not guilty-doing...] So, when someone suggesting Fresh Food diet, not only because it is tremendously beneficial for your physical body, but in addition to this is giving you hints that You can live without any of present control mechanisms [see list of addictions earlier...]... You can simply say "thank you" and at least attempt to grasp what is behind the message, knowing that You are getting ready for conscious Ascension...


While ones who continue playing this blame game of addictions, choose to go in to this Earth Cleansing period un-conscious, until their time to become aware comes... and to some with a big bang, and to some with even bigger baga-boom...


To have true Faith that all is well in our Universe, is the only way to full awareness that we cannot cling on old vibrations of control any longer...


This means, that once we are fully aware of who we are, we can truly let go of any and all addictions... So, what I usually suggest for ones who love to hear, is:


Path we walk on is the Ascension, not some future aspect of our clean and shiny selves’... Being in present moment of Here and Now, not worrying about future events, and not feeling guilty about our past experiences...


Like a walking a path, a very challenging road with quite a lot of obstacles... Are You looking far down the road, even if you cannot see a thing from heavy fog?... or you thinking about this nasty beast that attacked you two days ago?... Or you simply look down at your feet and feel the present step you are taking, fully enjoying for the experience that this step of yours brings You...


When you are fully aware where You are on this road, This path become your True Ascension Journey...


So, I would like to thank you all who read Compte Saint Germain's suggestions, or my posts... and know that these readings will give you more courage to deal with your own addictions, your own fears than if you did not come across these at all...


Please know all has its purpose, every single word or event comes across your being... And this purpose is to bring your Awareness in to the Now Moment... So You can recognize who You truly Are...


With Love and full Awareness, I AM THAT I AM Predrag Saint Germain

Thank you AnaShyNa.  I feel there is much to be said here, if you are unsettled try this.

Here goes ..

I have not read much of Germain's material.  What I am trying to say is the planet is (still) due for cataclysmic change.  Do people realize that only earth shaking events can create mountains and valleys?  Do people really believe that earth will never experience one more violent earthquake or volcanic event?  Or that the sea levels will never change again?  Living in the south I know people like that and I am appalled.  Study the universe and you will realize change is a constant, and planetary changes are violent.

The messages and information we read has led us away from catastrophe in an effort to give us hope, which in my opinion has been a vital element lately.  To explain about trials & sentencing for criminals makes some people nauseated, so details are left out.  To realize one solar flare could decimate 1/3 of the planet in 3-5 days frightens people and they deny such events are possible.  To explain we are still headed toward unavoidable natural disasters frightens some people, and it is avoided.   

The inter galactics have to negotiate while taking our personalities & preferences into consideration, as well as our inadequate understanding of history.  What we don't realize is our personalities & preferences preclude us from seeing clearly sometimes and we are unaware of that.  To summarize I mean they are doing what they can;  without causing more problems, by taking into consideration our perspectives, and also feeding us information as we go in order to arrive at a common, workable mindset.  Typical of Americans today we assume we have accomplished all that is required of us, or perhaps I should state we assume we have accomplished all that is needed to transition to a better life.  If that was the case we wouldn't feel fear.  In addition we haven't achieved all that is necessary, but it isn't all our fault.

That is a big statement but true.  Some individuals who channel and purport hope are for real and have overcome fear.  It is an individual endeavor and you cannot achieve a higher mindset while caring for your family, it becomes a distraction.  Nor can you elevate a loved one above the chaos by yourself (unless you are really good.)  It is 'enlightenment' and that is the ability to see above the make money-pay bills world we live in.  Some people on the enlightenment crusade are giddy, flighty, or slaphappy so to speak.  The path to enlightenment is difficult and those who arrive have learned to not disillusion others as there is no other way.  It is humbling, silencing.  I find these people to be confident but not arrogant, and they are mellow and speak slow.  People who are still learning justify happiness which becomes an emotional loop.

A pointer - the road to enlightenment is sourced in selflessness.  Let it all go, everything you hold dear.  I always liked the phrase 'play with the cards you've got, not the ones you wish you had.'  By this I mean you are powerless to change the problems of mankind, realize that and start from there.  

Another important factor is I have meditated for decades.  Having had developed the skills early may be fundamental.  To understand enlightenment for the first time at 45 or 55 years of age might be difficult.  In addition children may be more capable of understanding the unfolding events due to various factors (Indigo, Crystal, Blue Ray Children) and that challenges some adults idea of hierarchy or status.  That antiquated tradition is all it takes to dissuade some people, even pointing it out can stir emotions.  If you get angry or upset about something let it go, under the understanding you find out what piqued you.  Then re-orient your disposition to develop a workable mindset.  Your mind is a powerful tool, learn how to use it.  (Another pointer, it starts with being mentally & physically healthy.)

Incidentally Greg Giles posted something similar and was berated for it, it was 'Message from the Ashtar Command 3/28/12.'  I found this interesting as people only want to hear the good with no reference to the bad side.  I read as many reactions as I could and did not find any substantial counterarguments.  Basically just denial of information not due to reason, certainly not based on history, but in my opinion sourced in the unwillingness to accept the events at hand.  What was said in Germain's article is not unprecedented, in fact is what has been prophecized for millennia.  This is a link to Greg's article which is more in depth.  -People- they are not writing the rules, they are pointing them out so we can learn to negotiate for ourselves.

Greg Giles article.…

I can take it.  Love me hate me berate me, it's the only way to learn.

Jim (not verified)

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 22:03

Here is a possible explanation for what was so controversial, it seems this could have been dis-information.  An intergalactic resistance known as the SIlver Legion recently won a battle versus the dark forces.  In an online interview with one of their members it was stated sometimes channeled messages are intercepted/ falsley created to mislead the masses.  Of course this is done by very crafty upper dimensional beings and is definitive of how they operate.

Here is a site about the Silver Legion.
Here is a recent interview which (somewhere) states channelers sometimes get bad info, and that they should please scrutinize.
Here is a 7 sacred weeks site which is now in progress so check it out and get involved.  Saint Germain is frequently referenced.

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