5~5~5 meditation feedback ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 13:57

5~5~5 meditation feedback ~ 





~Six hour before the given time for the Liberation Day Focused Meditation we opened the virtual room, and 5’ later tears of Joy were already flowing donw from our eyes, as the first guest came in and uploaded a video and the music entered all our houses from “out of the blue”! What a wonderful start!

In a matter of no time Kimberly offered her 35 years of DJ experteese and lightworker Love to help us keep the music going, so that it soon became a real Love Party!


We did anounce that Changes were ahead, and Chages are here.


As we’ve been on this Journey for quite some time and we already knew that our meditation would not be what many may expected, thus we needed to Create Joy, as Joy has been missing on this Planet for so long!!!!!! Many cannot even remember what it feels like to BE in Real Joy, not worrying about a thing, simply Being in the Moment of Now, Free, Light, together smiling, crying ters of relief...

That has always been our Message: BE JOY!


And that’s what it was. A moment of no time, no wories, no needs. A Moment to simply BE.


Feedbacks came from all over... some run away, claiming we were not serious... no, we were not! At least not in the old way of needing to put on a heavy or pasted smile to show all we were focused. And yes, words have been said about Human stupidity and ignorance form He who’s only Wish is to See Humaniy Free... for good! For Ever in Love with All. If this hurts you, think if it would be nice form He Who Loves You Unconditiontally to tell you “yes dear One, go on in thinking you’re not worth it, go on in being a slave, you’re doing well.” And then think again if being told the Truth, that you’re acting as an ignorant Being you’re NOT... is so terrible!

How can JOY happen if you believe that the only way of chaning things around you is by sticking to old rules?  

All were born naked! Only after that you were dressed up. With names, clothes, labels... we’re here to take ALL of this away from you! Yes, this is what we all want to do as we Love All of Us so much we simply cannot see anyone closing himself into these cages of illusion!


Can you think of a better way of doing this than by laughing? Enjoying together a moment in the Now of Love? A moment of High Energy focused on cutting all cords of old illusion?

Thus, as usual, the Choice is yours and only yours... You can run away from what you might do not understand right now, or you can start asking yourself if there’s may be something you missed during your Journey into illusion. Open your Heart and listen to what this weird sensation might really represents... Freedom!

Did all not Join to gain their freedom?

I shall say, you did all a great job! So many have been challenged during the evening by some guests that were not there to enjoy in Unity, though not a bad comment was added to them, and boy! this means BEING FOCUSED in LOVE! See how easy it was. And I’m aware of how challenging all of this might have looked like to many... though you were Ready! Ready to See Joy and Onness... ready to reply with LOVE to all that came, ready even to trust something that was New.

And more than anything... you were ready to let go the illusion you grew into for so long!



We’re here to show there’s another way, and that this New way is True and Free Love Sharing. 190 Beings who were allowed to interact with one another and did it in LOVE! If you think this is not a breacktrue... you shall upgrade to Reality!

A Big event was forecasted... a Big event the Planet had!


Not one country was left out... from China to Oslo to Canberra and Lima.


Together... we Free the Planet. Alone, we do nothing!


Guess how those not connected might feel... but remember, if you enjoy Onness, always hold your hand out for those that might Joy in tomorrow. We’re doing it for ALL!!!!


It’s Been a Honor to experience this! Thank You! You’re All WonderFul!




A comment on fb said: “that’s been the most weird meditation I ever withnessed... I swer! These beings are completely different from what I ever saw!”


And here are other comments about the Meditation Day:

I AM HERE..I am feeling feelings..i have never felt before....


the last few days have been a mystical experience of epic proportions....realizing , and being able to ALMOST ground completely in Unconditional Love / Christ Consciousness


Its hard to hold on to....But a recent breakup taught me the Biggest karmic lesson of my life....HOLD IN THERE FOLKS - THESE TRIALS ARE TO DISSOLVE THE FINAL REMNANTS OF YOUR EGO!!!!




James I feel it. Lately. My old self has been trying insanely hard to pull me back into old habits I'm. Fighting it as hard as ever. Its like a video game each new stage you get to. Harder it gets. I'm so ready to do this meditation....


Good for you! Same here...It seems so unreal now...Life just seems liek such a reflection of the inner world....\


Praise to the most high!


Yes I met an ugly part of myself today I actually yelled a gruesome growl. Unhumanlike it reminds me of the hulk. My old seld wants to remain but my brand new higher self won't fully allow it.


have felt what you feel, I have been where you are..truly..I have..truly..unconditionally LOVE YOU..FOR ALL THINGS..PAST..PRESENT..FUTURE..NOW...just LOVE IT ALL..UNCONDITIONALLY..then..you will exude the energy of LOVE YOU ARE..with ALL...I LOVE YOU..FOR YOUR PAST..THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE..SURVIVING IT ALL..SO YOU COULD BE HERE..NOW...THANK YOU..




This morning my alarm clock rang at 5.15 and from 5.30 a.m. I began to meditate. I am not very good in visualizing so I spoke out or thought what I create. Around 6.30 a.m. I slept again and woke up around 9.00 with a deep feeling of joy and peace within me. Great - really! I think we moved reality very much with this meditation.


Today was a beautiful day Thank you everyone and everything


Thank you, fellow beings! Such energy, such love! Such a bright, bright NOW and future we have all created!


My girlfriend & I just participated in the unified world meditation! It was Great!! Thank you for the opportunity to join in this wonderful event. I Loved It!


Today has been monumental for me & 2 heart-sisters. The transformation is quickening, & I feel incredibly blessed! It was supposed to be a Reiki level 2 attunement, but was so very much more... Peace, love, laughter & prosperity to all! Namaste.


Great! It's amazing how strong our collective love & intention have felt. Couldn't stop the tears! 
May joy, peace & love be on Earth.


Thank you Dear Ones for co-creating our Brand New World with me.


The most beautiful energy, sitting with millions around the world, thank you beloveds for all your loving energy to bring mama earth and all of us higher and higher to a most beautiful energy of love xxx ♥


Did anybody else had very intense and long dreams this day?


I had an AMAZING Liberation Day, personally !! And it's only getting better !! ♥




in all Love that Is






dawn christine (not verified)

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 16:53

truly seeing the mirrors of our selves ... moments of joy mingled with fear, uncertainty ... possibilities of judgement dallying all around us .. patterns of repeat images of perfect control in pin-striped suits. People truly seeing and looking and almost on impact feeling the whisps of unacceptance and difference... seeing our own guises of conformity. I loved the insight and freedom and awakenings and wild ride! WOW! I love this! 

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 19:25

Wish i could have been online with y'all online but i was enjoying a very nice camping trip with my siblings.


Please know we were All there in spirit!


Cheers and much Love!


Thank You so much Galactic Free Press for providing a meeting for us to reach to a higher LIGHT frequency with you...I loved our last chat meeting I was there till the end :-)...I couldnt get a chance to talk to you Andrea & Pregrag...MFGod that much but I felt your amazing energies ...Thank You so much for that chance to reach so many amazing Light beings...we all ended around 2:22pm eastern time :-)...I had so much clarity about the illusion and I felt the new codes ...it was amazing...I was shaking so much and my heart was pumping constantly I dont know if it was because of the 3 expresso after the morning or the energy impact but I feel like it was the heart chakra expansion and light code adjusting...I love you all...and hope to see you soon...Thank You again...


Love & Light


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