~Crop Circle of Unconditional Love~ Reported May 6th~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/07/2012 - 11:31

Hoeven, Noord-Brabant Reported 6th May.
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Updated Monday 7th May 2012



DATE FORMED:  May 6, 2012 

DATE OF PHOTOS:  May 6, 2012

LOCATION:  Hoeven, Holland

CROP:  Grasses

FOUND BY:  Robbert v/d Broeke & friend Stan

PHOTOS BY:  Yvonne Raaijmakers, Roy Boschman

REPORT BY:  Nancy Talbott, BLT Research Team (http://www.bltresearch.com/)


Around midnight on the night of May 5-6 Robbert v/d Broeke suddenly awoke and sat straight up in his bed, hearing in his head the words "the Koksweg" (a place near Hoeven).  He then saw a flash of light and had a "vision" in which he "saw" a field he recognized which had a large white light-ball hanging over it, from which many small light-balls were dropping down to the field.  In spite of it being a very cold night and the field quite a distance away from Robbert's new apartment, Robbert felt he had to go immediately.

Fortunately for Robbert (since he won't go into the fields alone anymore due to debunkers' accusations that he "makes" the circles) his friend Stan had stayed over that night and, with much urgency, Robbert was able to awake Stan and convince him to go with him on the motor-bike to the fields.


When they arrived at the field the new formation was in exactly the place where Robbert had seen it in his "vision."  As Robbert ran to the formation he says he felt as if "a huge consciousness" was present.  Stan reports that he felt a "very strong power above the circles, " and added that "it pushed down on his head."  Stan also said that, although he saw nothing unusual with his eyes, he felt that "something was there."



As Robbert went around the formation he saw that some very fine white powder covered the grasses in just one of the small circles, a powder that looks very much like other white material that has been found in previous circles, and which multiple previous scientific analyses have revealed the material to be a synthetically-produced 99.99% pure (and very expensive) hydromagnesite (see:  http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert/2009whitepowder.php and http://www.bltresearch.com/eyewitness/eyewitness8.php).  

Samples of the white powder were taken only hours after the formation occurred and will be analyzed by the BLT Research Team's consulting scientists, with the results made public when the lab work is completed.


Robbert states that this new formation contains an energy of "unconditional love" for people and that it is a tool intended to help people experience this unconditional love so they can learn to forgive--an experience that will allow them to be happier and to live with greater freedom.  He also felt that the energy in this circle is capable of "purifying the body."

For more photos see "Graanccirkel archief" on Robbert's new web-site:http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/home  ,

Image Sjaak Damen Copyright 2012
Dutch Crop Circle Archive

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