In Defense of Obama~ He is of The Light

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 20:39

Knowing something of this being and the interest on it I decided to post
this opinion of mine. With what I know of him and with all of this public doubt
and negativity is hard to keep quiet.


I am sure he would not have me post this message at all but from my human
self and to the lightworkers who deserve to know more I will give a brief


First of all it is hard to even call this being Obama as he towers so high
above this one small identity. His track of beingnesses and accomplishments is
unparalleled and I think that I can say he is a unfallen being.


His incarnations on this planet are many and unbelievably successful and
always directed towards bringing Earth and its entire population to ascension.
He didn't seek fame but was known often because he led people and civilizations
in important activities designed to mold and create conditions in this
present time on earth that would allow a clearing of this troubled planet
and sector.


So yes, he knew the future and thought in terms of thousands and millions of
years ahead.

 He has been loved deeply by the masses and feared greatly in battle.

He has led and taught Spirituality and truth to mankind and been followed and
greatly revered for this on more than one occasion.

He has done it all. All in the name of FREEDOM for man.


Now as President Obama and seeking no fame or praise for himself he takes
just the right actions that are the Greatest Good for All to bring off the
exact changes needed at this time on Earth for our planetary


 His Knowledge and Wisdom and Power are unsurpassed.


Spiritually developed to the highest levels again he graces us with his
presence now to finally complete our ascension to Total Freedom.


His compassion and love for all is unshakable. He is here for you.



Guest (not verified)

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 21:25

I believe that He is here, at this time, with this look, to change many things for better. Even if sometimes it doesn't look like that he is working for Peace and Prosperity. But there is something called LIGHT.... Even who is blind can feel it... <3


Right now I feel sick. How could anyone believe that he has any good intentions when you look at the Facts of what he has done and is doing right now in this country? He can't even prove he is American.

so necessary for doing anything? 


In a Unified Field I thought that differences were to be let go... and Create Onness of the People of the Planet.


But if We, The People, keep looking at passports... boy the path is still long.



billo (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 02:41

In reply to by ellion

I agree with the article and I have always believed he comes from Truth. He is the President and has to take many decisions for his country. My heart says he comes from Love and isnt that what we are all working on and heading towards. Are we not all but ONE!!!

Dearest Andrea, You are truely beautiful, and your words have touched my soul, I have been following Obama for quite some time now and can say that he is very, very good at what he does, he can hypnotize with his words, when i see him, i too feel that he is light, then i look at what he has done, too many lies to count, and he does it with a straight face, the executions of many innocent souls on the planet, his track record alone is enough for me to throw the red flag, He is the president, he can do another Executive order and have the crimminals arrested, who are responsible for so many crimes against humanity, but he does not do that, he promotes these crimminals to higher positions to do more harm to humanity. but yet he is still loved by many, and that also scares me, there is a reference in the bible to such a man, carismatic speaker loved by the masses who many believe will deliver them from evil, we must keep our eyes on Obama, i believe that he is a very dangerous man, only time will tell. I do not fear, i am always in the light and i do not judge, i only observe the deeds and take notice of them........wayne

Dear God, this is like tossing a coin into the air and waiting for it to come down on the (right) side, I guess.  Wheewwww!!!!  I am not anywhere near being one of these individuals whom call themselves 'Lightworkers'. Yes, I understand that the (light) is on the side of good. The DARK, is just that!  DARK & just plain EVIL.  I do NOT, above all else want to manifest dark thoughts regarding any one being, including Obama.  However, having said that, what I am, is a human being, with all the emotions inherent within. I can not help having those emotions, they come as natural as breathing in and out. For one thing, it seems to me that the Galactic's are trying to do their best to help us.  Note:  (trying).  But I can't help thinking, why, God why, if their technology is so 'Highly' advanced, didn't they STEP IN & help to put out the fires in CO.????  Instead, you see them following a helicopter carrying water.....doing NOTHING to help???   ***SHAKING MY HEAD***  I HATE this feeling of betrayal, I really do, but damnit!!!   I AM HUMAN!!  WE Humans have feelings that get hurt when we see injustices continue after we've been told that (HELP IS ON THE WAY). I have seen horrific images of the innocent women and children senselessly killed by Obama's drones. I even read an article that told of him secretly taking the video taps of the killings into a separate room, so he could watch those taps over and over again, alone.  As though the destruction was like a "High" for him. Sighhh, I just don't know. I did read on one of the blogs for the "Galactics" that IF.....BIG IF.....Obama turns out to be DARK, they said that they WILL STOP him. I'm counting on their word on it.  If he is a Lightworker, God let it be true!!


There's something else that has been eating at me. From what research I have done, supposedly the Galactics have what is known as a "Biosphere" that is entirely devoted to Medical ONLY. Why not come down and provide that "High Tech" Medical service to people who desperately need it NOW?????  There are people who are suffering terribly with Cancer, and other terminal illnesses..........why not help them NOW, so that they don't have to continue to suffer???  Sorry folks, I just needed to vent to someone, and this time I just want to blow!  NO ONE has provided us with a single thread of REAL evidence of anything we can believe!!!!   I want to have BLIND FAITH, because the things they talk about are very very desirable for someone who suffers, believe me.


"Lightworkers" hear me NOW. One of you, I don't care who, telegraph your buddies up there in space and ask them to come down here and begin the process of helping in the healing of the sick and dying!!!  I'm tried of hurting, I am tired of being lied to, misinformed, disinformed and promised things that have NEVER come true.  Sorry, it's just the unrelenting HEAT. Forget what I said, I'm sorry.


I happen to be a caring, loving human being, and God knows that I have made some real mistakes in my life. I'd love to have my youth back, and yet retain the wisdom that I have now.  It sounds too good to be true, and everyone knows the rest of that saying. Age, and CONSTANT PAIN have been eating away at the best of me. It is very hard to have a bright and shiny outlook when your world is so full of 24/7 Pain.

We Do Offer Sessions to answer these types of questions especially since many are now awakening at a quickening rate and do not have all the information. We can fill in the gaps as there is an entire History~ You can Email us at If you are Interested. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies PS, WE are HERE


Mon, 05/07/2012 - 00:25

Barack Obama is NOT a lightworker. I really wanted to be a part of this group. I truly wanted to believe in the coming of many miracles to Earth. But if I hear it said one more time that Barack Obama is some sort of Christed Saint hear to lead humanity into the New Earth, I will seriously vomit all over myself. 

Let's review the facts, shall we. Obama cosigned the killings of tens of thousands of innocent Libyans for what reason? Hmm? At the moment I have no figures on the total numbers of innocents killed by drones in Iraq and Afghanistan, but let's not forget the thousands of cases of horrific genetic mutations/birth defects in all of those areas as a result of Depleted Uranium laden-drones and other munitions which Obama has never sought to have banned. Furthermore, US drones have killed over 700 innocent Pakistanis and 14 alleged militants so far. A ratio of 50 innocents, mostly children, to 1 target. And that's drone warfare that Barack Obama feels good about signing his name to!
Besides, George W. Bush did not order 241+ drone strikes, launch FBI raids on antiwar activists, expand the Patriot Act, authorize the assassination of US citizens abroad, appoint Monsanto executives to the FDA, and seal the fate for the future of an America under martial law via his enacting of the NDAA, HR 347, the NDRP, and most likely CISPA ~ you're thinking of Barack Obama. He is the one who has delivered us to the precipice of World War III, he is the one who is turning a blind eye to Israel's crimes against humanity in Palestine, he is the one who is completely ignoring the severity of the situation at Fukushima, lying by omission to the American people about the continuous increase of multiple radioactive isotopes inside the US, he is the one who has offered no known assistance to the Japanese government in *over a year's time* in efforts to stabilize the ongoing meltdown of fuel rods at Fukushima. Oh, and he is the one who promised to close the human rights disaster Guantanamo Bay, but guess what it is still very much open for torturing uncharged, untried innocent citizens of this world. And these are only some of Obama's crimes.

He is not a lightworker. Unless you believe that Middle Eastern children are worthy of excruciatingly gruesome deaths (for big OIL) and that they are therefore completely expendable.

SilverSpiff (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 03:00

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

I tatally agree with Medusafern.. There is just NO WAY! Obama is any lightworker and if youe Galactic federation truly belives this nonesense then I will have some serious doubts in the upcoming events taking place.. If you look into Obamas FULL histroy. His whole family are comunists. He was raised into cominuism and also raised a Muslim which means he is encouraged to LIE TO ANYONE WHO IS NOT MUSLIM. Which I'm prettty sure would also be the GFL.. The man is nothing but a complete LIAR who only wants power and control and worships himself as a god.. There is just no way in hell can he be "lightworker" when he surounds himself in such evil all day long and was raised into it since birth.. Sorry it just doesn;'t work that way.. For those of you who defened him.. You truly are misled or decieved or something because I'm sorry but your trul;y wrong on this one and if you are not. You and him will have a very difficult time proving otherwise.. Next your going to say Ron Paul is evil right?


Mon, 05/07/2012 - 13:32

In reply to by Soaring Shadow Hawk

The whole idea that Obama is a "muslim communist" is just ignorant propaganda. It's spread by those who want to create hatred and mistrust, so they can see their candidate win instead of Obama. I don't think anyone here is saying Ron Paul is "evil" either, don't know where that came from. People still have a habit of polarizing everything, which creates division and separation among Human Beings.


Mon, 05/07/2012 - 04:49

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

Voice of my heart says he is on the darkest side. Some people are able to see the true nature of human energy. What do they say about him?


I just spoke with one of them.

reply was: He is very very very dangerous. Top of the darkest side.


yes surely we will see the truth with our new higher counsciousness. 


We will keep sending LOVE to all sides and all beings.. So no difference if he is the lightworker or darkworker.


please dont feel sick my dear friend for what they say about him. becouse sickness is manifastation of our own negativity.


lots of love



ron riley (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 06:26

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

i too find it very hard to believe he is a "good guy" but since we have no other choice i suggest we wait and see? the light will reveal the TRUTH!!!

ron riley (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 06:26

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

i too find it very hard to believe he is a "good guy" but since we have no other choice i suggest we wait and see? the light will reveal the TRUTH!!!

Namaste Ron

The wonderful thing is we DO have a choice, and right now I choose not to buy into the "Obama is a closet lightworker" meme until I see convincing evidence. But for now, I'm sending reiki, light, healing energy, whatever you want to call it to humanity, our mother earth, and this situation. I have faith that the highest vibrations of light and love will sort things out perfectly for all concerned. In the meantime, I choose to unplug from the lamestream media fear porn and articles and channels that push the "Obama is a closet lightworker" meme.


Mon, 05/07/2012 - 08:54

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

You make a very good point, there is no arguement there.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 12:00

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

I too am a lightworker/healer who is wary of this 'Obama is a closet lightworker' meme that is perpetuating itself among a few members of lightbearer community. Whatever happened to critical thinking skills, 'you will know them by their fruits', discernment, etc? It reminds me of the saying 'who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?'. After millenia of being controlled and dumbed down sheep who have finally woken up, why are we still so quick to give up our critical thinking skills just to put our faith blindly into anything that appeals to our need for a happy ending! There were lightworkers and mediums in pre-world war II Germany who stated that Hitler was the chosen one and that his rise was the beginning of a thousand year reich. We all know how that turned out.


Wishful thinking is not the same as observing the evidence and letting the evidence speak for itself. Would I like to believe the "Obama is a closet lightworker" meme? Yes I would. I love a good plot twist and masquerade, but right now the evidence doesn't support or justify me putting my faith blindly into this meme. If the only evidence you have is channeled messages from dubious sources, then I say look at the track record of these sources. These are the same sources responsible for  hypes and let downs.  


So a minority of channelers perpetuate this meme. That's not enough for me to buy into it. There are plenty of others who say 'don't fall for it'. I know plenty of others who believe Ron Paul is meant to be the leader for our country after the mass arrests. Drake has even hinted at such. And Ron Paul is a man of his word, and doesn't just make false promises  to stay in power.


If this meme turns out to be true, and Obama is 'one of us', then I say that after his role is finished, step down and turn your role over to someone who doesn't have the past controversy so we can be free of this 'deceiver in chief' intrigue roleplay. After the housecleaning is done, we will want leaders that we can trust, leaders that don't have the baggage of being doubleagents, deceivers, and tricksters despite their motives. Maybe it has its place now, but the world I envision is free from secrecy, deception, and people who appear to be something they are not, regardless of their motives.


So only time will tell how this plays out. In the meantime, please don't give your power away. If you choose to, at least choose wisely who is worthy of your faith and who isn't.



and I mean ALL the truth, be ready for it, as you'll find out things you would have never believed even in your dreams... and I'm not talking about Obama here.


We keep ALL into the Light as Lightworker we're called and that is our task. Inthe no matter what.



Guest (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 13:13

In reply to by Tedmund (not verified)

I also feel it is true what you are saying! The truth is we do not actually know who is or is not behind all of the illuminati trickory! Obama is not doing things that seem of the light. I do believe the illuminati could be behind some of this false info telling us to think obama is of the light! Please I hope people do not fall for this. He is one of illuminati and were trying to be tricked by otherwise to think he is of the light. Dont believe everything you hear people.

Focus on The Light.


EveryOne is Light.


And EveryOne has to do it's own part in the Change.


If you simply Focus on the Light In the Moment of Now, you'll see that everything unfolds at its Best Outcome for All. And once you Focus on Love and Light Everywhere Present, you simply cannot make mistakes, no matter what one tries to tell you or to sell you.


Love You

dawn christine (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 06:56

... imagine just for a moment if we all let go of every negative thought we have about OBAMA and welcomed him completely, sincerely into the light. Imagine the power we have together as ONE to transmute all darkness around him. If we are true lightworkers ourselves, this is something we can do so easily. Thank you.


Tue, 05/08/2012 - 17:13

I am very positive and know how everyone has pure light inside of them. Everyone is a light worker in his own way once they have encounter their trueself. BUT Obama is far from being a light worker and living his true path. He is just a puppet that the illuminati control and tell him what to do. Obama has signed the NDAA, the NDRP and much more, that do not help the earth in anyways.

I know that even the illuminati are just sick people who need our help. But i am sorry this article/blog is completely BS saying he is a lightworker and helping the earth and human civilization... If he really wanted to help, he could have done alot more good action during his term.  This is the worst blog/article i have seen on this website so far.

dawn christine (not verified)

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 17:18

Why is this so difficult for us to as ONE collectively transmute all darkness around the President into light. Why are we continuing to question his light when each of us here have studied, or have some natural insights ... into the law of attraction. Who does not YET GET that we are the ones we have been waiting for! Why is there still so much F'N resistant. LOVE LIGHT TRUTH! IN OR IN THE WAY! Be Brave ... super courageous! I mean it - show what you got ! ! !

Patty (not verified)

Tue, 07/03/2012 - 11:33

IMHO, if Obama is a Lightworker, he has hidden his Light under a bushel.  From the time I first heard this man speak, his words sent chills through my entire body.  I have such a feeling of dread and darkness every time I see him.  To me he is the scariest person I have ever encountered.  He has lived up to my intuition about him throughout his entire time in office.  I feel no Light from him at all.  I hope I am proven wrong in these feelings.  I am all about Love and Light, but if he is of the Light, why does he want to make us his prisoners? Why does he want to rule over us and take all that we have?   It just doesn't make any sense to me.  "By their fruits ye shall know them."



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