They Don’t Have the Power (Listen to Me)

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/07/2012 - 14:38

They Don’t Have the Power (Listen to Me)

by on May 7, 2012


They don’t have the power. God has the power. We are God. We are the power.


They don’t have the power. The Power is inside. God is the Power. I am God. You are too.


They don’t have the power. I am the power. I am god. I am the power. You are god. You are the power.


Listen to me. We are the power. They are not the power. They don’t have the authority. They don’t have the jurisdiction. Fictitious law. F*** the paperwork. God has the power. This bullshit is a facade. God is the power. I am god. You are god.


Petty Governments parading around as if they had power. They have no power. We are god. We are the power.


F*** the paperwork. Fictitious noise. That is not power. I am the power. You are the power. Do you believe in miracles? Start.


This is power. I am power. I am god. I am power. You are god. You are power. F*** this paperwork. That’s not power.


Let’s articulate ourselves, shall we? Laws trying to recount the powers that be. There are only internal powers. Power does not exist outside of us. We are power. Understand? We are power.


Stop listening to the Government. They’ll never have power if they do not obey the holy. Holy is power. We are holy. God is holy. I am Holy.


I am power because I am holy. Government is not holy, so it cannot be powerful. Do you understand? This is how it is. If you are holy, you are powerful. The ethers will obey you. The divine beings will follow you. If you do not understand holiness, you shall never have power. Governments do not understand holiness. Therefore, it is by divine decree that their power is fictitious, temporary, and lame.


I am power. We are power. Holy is power. Divine is power. If a government can step up like america once did and side with the righteous holy spirit, then it will be powerful. America was the hopeful. America still is. America the great. America, has been powerful.


God is powerful. Holy is powerful. I am god so I am powerful. I do right, therefore I have power. Doing right grants power. Doing wrong detracts from power. There are those who do wrong everyday, they HAVE NO POWER. They claim power with paper and a pen. This is bullshit power. That is not power. Holy is power. I am holy, therefore I have the power.


F*** the paperwork noise. That is not power. Holy is power. You can’t print holy. I’m trying. Holy is something you can’t describe. You can attempt. I’m attempting. Do you understand? I am holy. We are holy. Paperwork is not holy. Silly laws peddling fictitious scripts are not holy.


Laws written by men and women with a lack of holy spirit are not powerful. They are attempting to be powerful. Do not listen to them. You are holy. You are the revolution. The revolution is today. Too much injustice. Bring the revolution on.


You are holy. You are power. I am god. I am power. We are all god. We are all power.


God doesn’t live in paper and a pencil.

In the White Light of the Divine

Gregory Matthew von Haesler




Guest (not verified)

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 15:35

Well let me just say that you will get lots of respect and belivers with that kind of language----NOT!!! Way to go! The people you/we are trying to reach are those who have truly been blinded and have not yet awakened and I can tell you with the negativity I feel from this you will not reach them as even I couldn't stand reading it! RESPECT FOR ALL IS THE WAY OF THE LIGHT and we can see that you do not have it! For no one of the Light speaks this way and projects this kind of energy into the faces of anyone! Blessings to you is all I can say:( 

that if you did not undesrtand it noone else will?


I not only DID understand it I even think it's actually BRILLIANT!


It simply states the Truth!


If you can't stand the Truth because there's Passion in it I guess you should go out of your unconsciousness as it has been hitten by a meteor. And if you stand in the middle of it it might hit you in the face. 


What's actually wrong in saying You're Holy and you're God and You're the Power? Too much responsability? You prefer to live as an unpowered being that keeps needing for a governemnt to look after your (illusionary) needs? For someone to tell you how to think, feel, behave? 


Nope, you're Holy, and Spirit and GOD! Start LIVING IT and Feel what Freedom Feels like!



This person is right. The people here will only pay attentention to what you are saying if it makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. They doen't use critical thinging to disern weather they agree with you or not, they just think "well how many times did they call me dearest one?" or "omg is that a naughty word? There point is automaticly invalid!"

I dunno. . . I wasn't offended by the . . .'s The vibration was strong and resonated with me. I would love to have more people just being themselves. We are not ALL perfect, yet we do speak truth. Sometimes I like to read others experiences which are at a level I have experienced. Sometimes we learn that we can have compassion and understanding even when the feeling is strongly worded. I'm not sure that anyone can deliver a generic message which will grasp every level at the same time. If it is not resonating with you, click another topic. We all have choices. . .Right?

Well let me just say that I loved it!

But I do understand what the other poster was saying and on another day I would agree 100% with the comment, but for some reason today, at this moment it made me feel a surge.

I guess we forget (atleast I do) that GOD very SIMPLY IS THE POWER, as we get caught up all the details of the hows, whats and whens of all this. The language to me brought 2 levels together (perhaps in a bridging way); the world we are transforming from, and the one we're creating now.  I know I go through many moments of rage of what we're still "seeing" and say 'F*** this' but then come back to what is being created in the process.

Like right now I have a low flying 'official' helicopter flying way too low over my house AGAIN and have chemtrails killing plants and trees, as the 'city' is cutting down even more trees down as I type. I admit, after that has gone on for months and months now, every day and every night, knowing some of the airports housing or assisting chemtrails are blocks away but I still can't stop it, and when I know the city is getting/wasting many multiple millions of $$ to cut majestic trees, wiping out a forest behind me,  to build yet another needless building...YES, I DO SAY 'F***'. So while in process of learning or re-learning  ways to do the new, or remembering our true power I sometimes forget the simple message that says GOD IS THE POWER and that, mixed with the other ***** word makes it more real right now.....for me anyway.

We're all Learning Together - Love to You

Blessings of Compassionate Understanding


I have been working consciously aware as Ground Crew since 2007, after a 6year enlistment in the US Airforce and then further Galactic Training in Las Vegas Nv and elsewhere.  When I walked the streets of Sin City anchoring Light in every foot step, on every side walk, in every casino, in almost every detentioncenter/Jailhouse in Vegas for a good many of years, minor F***'n words of delivery are just that, minor! Becaue I know every Warrior of Light understands to a Greater Degree of the Power of the WORD.  Bless it f'n UP in Vibration, Higher and Higher we.  Many of us Ungrounded any moment now    0:)


Galactic Ambassador of Love and Light,

RainBow Warrior, Universal Horse Nation Agency

                                IAN MICHAEL DRAKE

Las Vegas is a beautiful place, and I too call it home...for now, until that day I can truely return HOME. Highest Love my Neighbor.

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