The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~10~12 Love Energy is Gathering Behind the Scenes

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 18:15


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~10~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Love Energy is Gathering Behind the Scenes


Fractal Art By Earth Allie Will Harader Cleansing Waves of Energy


Greetings Love Beings, We are In Some Very calming Energies today, as we are all experiencing the Solar Wind Stream, hitting our Magnetosphere sending in cleansing waves. While this is occurring, The Love Energy is Calmly gathering behind the scenes, as we prepare for the upcoming events. All 12 million Ground Crew Members, are either moving into position or already are in position.




We have another day where earthquakes are calm.  However, Our Sun remains Active. We already have at least a series of 3 Strong Flares arriving to the Planet from the Sun. These are preparing Humanity for the Energy Portals opening. As of right Now they have updated our chance's of X Class Solar Flare's to 20% Chance. This would be Earth Directed.




Thailand is experiencing some unusual land movement


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:



Earth Allie Report:


Boo walker Report:


Council Meeting Update:



On May 20th, 2012 WE will have our First Eclipse of this Year coupled with a New Moon In Gemini and a Rare Alignment with the Pleidian Star System. This Alignment will assist us in opening the First Stargate which is between Mt Shasta and Mt Fugi. This will trigger and ignite A Planet Wide Portal opening.


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader Love Flowing through the Rivers


As this Energy releases, this will spread Like wild fire, across the Remaining Portals of the Planet. This Energy of Pure Consciousness=Spirit Energy, will be penetrating the Planet with an intense amount of Light. This Will Be The Official Opening of the Gates of Heaven.




One of the upcoming Events is WE will be Receiving Our Planet Back from the old controllers, to then give to Our Children of Humanity. The Giver's Have Won. This event is a Part of the Divine Plan, which we have shared many times now is in Full Activation.


Decreed by Heaven, Planet Earth =Heart will Now Begin the Process of the Opening of the Gates of Heaven. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.


We are 2200$ from Our Goal, Thank You for Sharing!


Our Last Update we received 0 Love Share's

Total Love shares for May 794.50$

 Total Funding Needs For May 3000$


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~


Your gifts will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE FAMILY. Thank you !


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing


Every Saturday from Now on , We will Hold a Love Party. This will begin Around 1pm Pacific Time Zone. We will Announce this On the Press with a Link to the Room. Join us on Bringing In More Love to Planet Earth=Heart to assist in a Smooth transition into the New Earth=Heart of Only Love and Joy!


 Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:




~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~





~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~


 ~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


 Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue~222 ~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.






Thanks to Ron Head:Jennifer Farley A Message from the Creator


The blessings of The Universe rain down upon you as you step into your new world. Be at peace knowing that you are loved and cared for more exquisitely than you ever imagined. Your angels and guides are beside you, offering assistance. You are being heard. Live in and from your heart my beloved, it is the New Time. ~ Creator


~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Blessed Stalwarts of Love’s Perfection,
You who enact the Law of
where the few do for the many,
I bow before your great Light of Love,
embodied here as Cosmic Suns.

In our Vision of Humanity’s Enlightenment
on Ascended Earth, the great Elohim,
which are the highest graded order of Elementals
and other Cosmic Beings,
are sounding the picture and feeling
of Love’s Power to be utilized at this moment.
Many of you, gentle readers,
already know this so well.

For ourselves who wish to:

Your Heart Flame is an exact replica
of Prime Creator’s creative Center,
often called Love (pink),
Wisdom (yellow-gold),
and Power (Blue).
Acknowledged in that order,
because Love is first.

The Blue is the “Electric Daddy,”
of Masculine.
It is energizing Power.

The Pink is the Mother’s nurturing river.
It is Magnetic Love.


The Yellow-Gold Flame and its Sun
is the Solar Christ, the mature Child.

Consider and contemplate
the Power aspect first, for the Now.

I Am the Power of Love’s Illumination,
forcing Humanity awake.

I Am the Power of Love, as the Solar Christ.
The miracle Magnet.


Last 2 Updates Video Form:




Guest (not verified)

Sat, 05/12/2012 - 13:59

In reply to by Will_

I am wondering why MotherFather or FatherMother God is posting all of this and you (as was I) are reading this.?  


You appear to all be looking up to the skies for these famous UFO objects, did not Jesus speak "the kingdom of God is within you" this means your heart.


PRESS NEWS.  I am actually the source code and AM God.  My heart is the vortex to Source.


So stop looking up and look inward.


Solar info is good, as this is the energy of God.....


Earth is doing fine.  Connected back to God now. Recreated.


The veil?  rather the mass mind control matrix that was schismed, and we fell from Gods Grace has been reconnected.


Changes of the Divine will take time, a lot more time than many think.  


My opinion is there will be no blink of an eye, or massive arrests or anything.  No disclosure either.  And at the end of the day............Free Will has been revoked.  Earth has full remit to do what the "heck" she you had all better start loving her as much as you do these UFO's.....


As to 5D earth it is already there, I ascended 2003, and I have returned (sometimes I wish I had continue these in totallity and unity consiousness)


We come in peace....we are here to help?  Oh really!



Unfortunately that timeline has now gone.  Earth will not suffer any more pillaging and raping thank you.

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