5 UFO Sighting over Hawaii Military base

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/09/2012 - 15:25

brothers and sisters.

these crafts were making FAST MOVES in the air and with INSTANT stopping to hover without drift or sway. this is no man made craft that can make those moves it, for it deifies all our laws we know of physics we humans can accomplish as far as i know. i feel we are not alone anymore and our space families are being loving by showing themselves slowly to us so as to not cause fear. i could feel the love in those crafts, i feel we are going to have MANY MORE events like these, with these crafts this close to us, and not way up in the sky and we can only see them at night like i do at times. times are near as was spoken about by many cultures for thousand of years of the photon belt arriving in 26000 years intervals and our sun turning on the DNA codes, and how did our past civilization know about the photon belt without having a s.o.h.o equipment to help them see it!!!!!!

blessings to us all for we are all one

My name is Dave Aaron, I created the UFO AUDIO VIDEO CLEARING HOUSE IN 1986, HOPING THAT SOME DAY THAT ONE VIDEOTAPE WOULD come in that would blow the UFO COVER UP WIDE OPEN> WE Have that videotape now. and soon hope to be able to post the entire story with a 2 hour video on the internet, including this site if they will upload it from our master DVD. The videotape AND the case that goes with it will blow your minds wide open, you cannot deney what we have on videotape.


Even to this day, from all out contacts the government knows very little about the beings or their craft. (If these manistifations of GREY beings sighted all around the world, and their craft our government knows very little about. {Sure stories about Area 51 and S4 bring out a lot of information that cannot be proved} However the final answer, or a portion of the answer to the UFO MYSTERY will come from either the Internet or television when one of these UFOS collides with a major airliner over the skys of the earth, and both are brought to the ground.


It's like handing a DVD to a family in the year 1910 and asking them what this is and how does it work and what does it do?


Way back in 1952, when many of your were not even born, UFOs swept the world, with most of the sightings in the United States. Our great goverments idea was to make people look stupid by reporting these strange disk shapped craft in Americas Skys that could out fly anything that mankind had manufactured to that date.


It has been common since 1952 when a CIA funded study called the ROBERTSON PANEL advised the United States Government to "Take Steps" to clamp down on the public's fascination with UFOs.[In other words, don't tell the public that the greatest story in history, that visitors from another solar system, have come to "visit" us. Welcome them? No orders were given at one time to SHOOT THEM DOWN, IS this any way to welcome interplanetary visitors? No wonder they don't want to make universial contact with us.


  As a result of the Robertson Panel, the United States Government undertook a public relations campaign to "DISREGARD" OR DEBUNK" UFOs and to reduce the public interests in the subject. Our own United States Government [You know the land of the free the home of the brave.] began joining groups like NICAP, APRO, MUFON, JCAUSE, And others so when UFO cases from these groups came to light, the powers that be in our government could call these cases, being sighted by 'KOOKS" WHILE IN REALITY our government was scaired to death that they could not do anything about the airspace taken over by "FLYING SAUCERS", today refered to as UFOs


How afraid was our government? extremely, and they still are. A law still exhists on the books from 1970s about our own military reporting a UFO to the press.


This came from the Robertson Panel, so a law was passed, which made it a violation of the ESPIONAGE ACT FOR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE MILITARY TO RELEASE UFO FILES TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Air Force Regulation 200-2 and JNAP* (* Joint Navy, Army, Air Force Personel) stated that all UFO reports were classified and thus could not be released to the public. By making the subject of UFO research "SCIENTIFICALLY UNRESPECTABLE" People would not talk about it, and it would go away!.



If you will download my video THE SECRETS OF UFO PROPULTION to as many video sites as possilbe I will send you a DVD for free. Your DVD on your computer should be able to play the American television NTSC format. BUT CAN BE seen all over the world once its burned onto the internet.


Yours Truly



PO BOX 432



*Thanks to Noe Torres and Ruben Urirate, Authors of  ALIENS IN THE FOREST, AVAILABLE AT AMAZON.COM for contributing to the above information. also www.roswellbooks.com



You should seriously balance this "I could feel their love" statement with some common sense. You have absolutely NO idea who or what they are, what they are after, what they are planning or how they plan to get it. NO ONE is here to save us from anything. We must save our planet and ourselves from demise on our own, alone. Whatever you believe the ill is in this world you must fix it, not outsiders. Dependence on outsiders who bring gifts from abroad is well documented throughout human history--and it ain't good. Why would you think that humanoid visitors would be any different? Perhaps their methods are, but the end results would not be so. They are after something. What it is, I don't know, but it's not about us. It's about them, their needs and their interests. Yes, they are here. But why? Begin asking seriously mature questions about their motives.

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