That "female" thing!

Submitted by grailheart magi on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 17:06

What I see holding us back ladies is JEALOUSY! Come on, girls you ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!  It has been bad enough when women were unawakened.   But now, it is really a disgrace!  You know what I mean, that sorority thing.... that side of the female which men don't understand and has been a hidden force even now... in our own circles!  I am so tired of that energy swirling around where the light is trying to come in.... it does and then there is this female fear thing... that ever so cunningly snakes through what light is trying to do.


It doesn't surprise me that more action has not been taken toward the arrests and with the landings.  It is a reflection of exactly where we are!!  As someone here joins in in a loving way... a new piece of news is delivered.   When we become stagnant, so does the outside world.  We are it's reflection!!


Some of us had to learn jealousy.  I had to learn it even when it was my own mother... I am healed of it... but ye women are destroying one another in the name of ascension.  I am sick of that energy. I can hear it and I can feel it and so if I am I am sure others are too. 


The only way it affects me is that it is the UNSPOKEN KILLER of life that has existed for so long. And maybe our helpers of love can't imagine just how destructive it is. 


Men now want us to lead.   I have listened to my men friends who actually often give me very basic 3D challenges... which I love.   But then one day they take me aside and from the bottom of their hearts, say PLEASE HELP THE WOMEN HELP US!!! Ladies can you believe that?? 

We now are the ones at the helm... what are you going to do bring in that old crap and destroy the ship??? That's what it feels like to me.  

I also know you think you can hide it.... it never was hidden, it has been that STICKY substance that totally destroyed the connection of love, but now especially it is!!  That jealousy thing is screaming!


Why are you hiding behind it?  Why are you giving the other women you are jealous of your power?  Well, guess what ... they don't want it!!! 


Some of you don't even answer when someone reaches out with love.... that stinks, you know... that pain you are trying to inflict instantly goes back to you and is keeping all of us from advancing.


It has been said that people who are jealous are afraid of their own power... and so instead of looking within and cleaning that up, they attack others. In other words, as an example, if I am spending my time and energy on stupid ideas of  what clothes one is  wearing, etc. then I don't have to be responsible for me, my thoughts, my growth, my ascension, my ANYTHING.    THIS STUFF IS SO OLD!!!!!  




What I want is for those of you who understand or who are instantly cleaning this up to talk to other women.... friends, strangers, any woman... and say, 


"Hi, My name is such and such and I am wanting a new harmony between women and am saying to you that I just want love.... I am tired of that old jealousy thing and I want you to know who I am.  I am trying to make a difference in the world and I thought you would understand that's why I am reaching out to you.  It is time we connected with each other in harmony, right?.  I just want you to know that I am doing my best from now on to be at peace with myself and all other women.... and all life!  Please help me make a difference."


I am doing this... and it works!!


Please stop being so destructive!!

dawn christine (not verified)

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 19:18

I'm tired of it too ... we all are. I love the day that all of us women can be in one room, with our imperfections and beauties and insane insecurities, and love one another completely. I wish for my own jealousy to be gone forever ... so that we together can Love as Goddesses as intended. I wish to look at every sister in the highest of light and intentions - and know together she and I can walk in the woods and laugh about anything and it's okay. That we'll love one another without fear. Thank you for this conversation beloved Grailheart ... It's time!

Ladies, you are PERFECT! No need for insecurities, or anything less than total self-acceptance. I want my experience of flying to be with all of you... I don't want to soar alone!  Life has been pretty lonely.  I have so much love in my heart, and want to swim in a sea of goddess energy that - that magic we remember... that heaven just to be with each other!  And then each and together we create new songs for new planets to dance on!  


I want that shared love experience, too, Dawn... it's going to happen, we know!

Hi Ladies, I am new here but so glad to see this article written. I've worked around it and excepted it from my whole life. But when it came in double fisted arrows last week from my best friend of 22yrs, WOW was I knocked backwards. I'm not even sure what to do with it at this point. All the years I've been on my journey and healthy living. Now because she's come to see the wisdom of it, as she stated, I've now surpassed you. I didn't know this was a competition. I thought we were loving and supporting each other. How many of you have had this happen in the most private of friendships? I am gobsmacked! But breathing, praying and working on forgiveness. Maybe these are the most intense lessons as we grow and our goddesses around us are assisting us in that!

In love and light, Bridget


Tue, 05/15/2012 - 09:57

Hi Ladies, I am new here but so glad to see this article written. I've worked around it and accepted it from my whole life. But when it came in double fisted arrows last week from my best friend of 22yrs, WOW was I knocked backwards. I'm not even sure what to do with it at this point. All the years I've been on my journey and healthy living. Now because she's come to see the wisdom of it, as she stated, I've now surpassed you. I didn't know this was a competition. I thought we were loving and supporting each other. How many of you have had this happen in the most private of friendships? I am gobsmacked! But breathing, praying and working on forgiveness. Maybe these are the most intense lessons as we grow and our goddesses around us are assisting us in that!

In love and light, Bridget

Thank you for bringing this one up. What you have said is so true and has inspired me to tackle someone whose jealousy draws me into negativity myself and it spreads! Women have come so far and we deserve better - from ourselves first by dealing with it in a higher vibrational way and replacing it with love and harmony as you suggest. From a sister downunder.

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