The Portals Are Coming, The Portals Are Coming!

Submitted by grailheart magi on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 21:43


For those of you who are newly participating here on the Press, thank you for your reaching out. Greater number of caring light beings of service are greatly needed now. And thanks to everyone who has been posting. 


Let's remember that every moment is brand new. Our mother's ascension is not certain. I keep rereading Ashtar Command Message 5/16/12 by Greg Giles. Can you feel what they are saying?  The number of lightworkers is exceeding what is required, but not enough action has been taken.  


I am offering another suggestion... why don't we focus on the problem and not the pretty pictures, now. We know where on the net to find out about chakras, ascended masters, and how beautiful it was to walk in the park today. WE ARE IT and our ACTION matters, now.  


Every day, every hour we get closer to those advancing portals is less time to imagine and then DO what has to be done.  And that is we have to prepare as much of the populace to understand about our star brothers and sisters.  THAT IS THE SINGULAR JOB NOWL. In this service, old patterns which haven't been released yet within memory banks can be cleared away. Each step you take now will obliterate fear and hesitancies. 


To state again what is in the Command's message.... they can do it all to help us.... BUT it is not safe yet for them to land!  If they landed now, it would be so chaotic, and danger in the streets.  Panic would ensue.   


The job is to talk to people through the internet or any how else. The Egyptians collectively managed through making viral on the net the crafting of a very successful revolution.  Most of you are on facebook.  Please transform the daily deliverance of how you woke up with a headache to one of critical message of the cabal and "ufo's".  After coming so far.. don't give it all up now.  How many of you have young children? 


Facebook, emails = ufo's, cabal


Get the videos even from today's Press. Send them viral. 


There is a time and a season as the phrase goes... The portals won't wait for everyone to get this act together.  You have already missed one, and this isn't hard.  Forget the house cleaning, bed making, clothes washing, bathing the dog.  VIRAL!

grailheart magi

Wed, 05/16/2012 - 22:05

AnaShyNa placed pertinent videos and verbage on the Earth Allies Report tonight. Copy and Paste onto your facebook.  I know some of the banking terminology is difficult, especially to us women... so send it anyway on facebook and ask your women friends to talk about it with their husbands, friends, coffee shop buddies. We know how to play dumb. If they are strong minded, just ask about the terminology and they will probably get interested.  And, "oh, my GOODNESS if we only had some HELP"  might be a good phrase with those flasing lashes!  lol.


Don't forget to everyday send the ufo videos, too!



Guest (not verified)

Wed, 05/16/2012 - 23:43

Your statement "Our mother's ascension is not certain" does not agree with what so many other sources are saying which is that Gaia's ascension most certainly is assured and destined to take place on schedule at the divine right time.

I only trust the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command, first of all. There is no set future to anything. For instance, the zetas had predicted with extensive details that the earth would have shifted the poles already, etc. 

It doesn't matter what you believe.... 


Sometimes it is easy to identify with those messages which suit our personal desires.


Did you read the message I referred to?  Are you willing to risk it all to be right?



Vendo (not verified)

Thu, 05/17/2012 - 06:30

How can you take a channeling from Gregg Giles so seriously when in early Nov. last he was saying his farewells repeatedly on his blog telling people that he would disappear on 11-11-11 being physically relocated to a starship.


And then several days after 11-11, he just kept pushing out the same old messages saying things like: I know you all have great concern now about the authenticity of channeled material, but we assure you that our scribe Gregg has a great connection, ..... something like that.


If a 5th dimensional being said that I will eat my hat!

Greg is awesome!!!!!! He is here like all of us under the same conditions of 3D amnesia and limitations and is advancing & awakening in his own time & journey according to the blueprints in his soul. I have been following him since Jan/Feb- can't remember now, and i have grown more in this time in knowledge, wisdom & most of all in the frequency of Love than ever and i have been on the path a very long time. I have only the deepest love & gratitude for him and always will.Thank you Greg! i love you!

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