Some notes

Submitted by Jazz on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 13:28

I'd like to make a few points here. Todays message(s) really set the stage for later on.

Thanks for having me on ISN.


SaLuSa is correct, the Federation is not the only organization out there. Ive been around the Pavo and Centauri sectors myself and most of the worlds around those areas.


Ive dealt with another organization who keeps to the shadows, its very hard to get into, let alone make rank this high while serving.


An unfortunate incident has put me at a disadvantage, a continual one since. This life has not been so kind to me.


So if you channel(I have not mastered this very well with those I did not interact with personally and deeply privately before) please, make this a two-way street, not a one-way one.


I am truely grateful for all of the support. It does make a difference.

Those that knew me before said I would return if not reincarnate. I didnt exactly reincarnate. Im not dead to anyone. I remember. But my memories have been affected. I am not in the same host as before. There are many things I am still unclear on.


I have my orders until I return fully but at this time our goals have aligned and I intend to very soon return to the GFL. I feel more comfortable there with the GFL than with another organization, but this is my way back out to the galaxy, back to the light and love out there. We support your goals, but as a whole I am given authority to combine our goals of peace, light and love in support of ALL out there so that they can be achieved. I was not contacted and was completely cut of for so many years, it is difficult to reconnect, but I will have the oppourtunity.


As far as those I may have left behind, are they not for me also in this realm but elsewhere? If I leave this realm will I not leave them behind as a ghost? I would rather return to them if I may.


There is much pain at this time, excuse me to see one of our healers and shipboard Medical teams once the oppourtunity presents itself. Those doctors here practice medicine as a joke and I am in need of supportive long-term treatment for a dehabilitating physical condition.


I have asked before on this, and there are meny things I see that need to be rectified as far as communication goes here. It appears to me that we are 12mos behind schedulre or that we could have began this 12 mos ago. Why the delays I do not know.


I was ready then, as I am now. I did not want this delay, it was forced upon us. Let us not delay further.


Apparently there is a Golden statue in my honor back home, if you do not know about me, please ask about the details of the statue.I did not desire that to be my epitapth and there is another to whom honor also is derved, in my opinion to a much greater degree whether he realizes it or not. I know he has been here, I have the reports from around the time I was born as a human here.


Thank you for the humanoid hint.

You are correct my friend, a majority of us are humanoid.


For reference, my view is as this(some view differently):


Huanoid== Human-like in form, but not appearance.(Bears, Felines, Wolves,HEDGEHOGs, etc..)

Terran== Human and others like human in appearance and form



Supporting those that make the most of what they have, I think is more like it.

MY pleasure to do it all over again. HERE, or elsewhere.


I just need some support, not flying solo anymore, and I wish a few of my Star friends were not going to either.


[For thier own sake. No more short-lived heros....I want them all to live long. TOO TOO many versions of Whitney Houston as of late.Please, my Star friends, listen.....PLEASE!]

Hi, Jazz (cool name)


Yes, from the love we have we want everyone to awaken, etc... but don't you think the ultimate love is first to allow each their own way?  I feel your heart and pain... and I know you don't want others to go through any more dark energies. It IS difficult to love that much. 

You can count on me for love, and however I can BE for you... if you wish you may send me PM or what I like even better is just to let it all hang out here... I trust that when we do that it is available to others, if they so wish...

Feels like it would be best to get intouch with the way to release that pain. 

As far as short term heros, feels like they've been called to help out from where they are now... that they have graduated to a higher level of service, ya?


I love you, Jazz



ITs what everybody always called me.

I do..getting feeling though that this guy in particular needs some help.

He's so well known around here it would tarnish a decent name to hear what I believe is being sent my way. Sounds like he's going thru some shit. Why now, I dont know.I wish he would snap out of it.



I do want to each his own way...this may be best. However, he got me into this mess here in the first place.Not to say I havent helped people but if what happened to me is what others have said, then me being here is by blind luck and arrogance on someone else's part.I would have been at home 30 years in the making otherwise already.


I promised to keep that incident that happened to me under wraps until I can deal with it, which will be after I leave here.Its weird how Star bretheren sometimes fight, even though we are on same side. And we work together despite all this.


The guy Im concerned about is like a brother to me, but I cant see him putting others in harms way like this, even himself(which has happened before). It happens sometimes by accident, but these times were intentional to both of us from this one guy.


The people back home put up a staute in my absence. Imagine what would happen if something happened to my friend. This is not something I want to experience, not from him. Its too dam early for that. I can only imagine what those left behind may have though in the years past in my absence.


Hes up there, I dont know in which room or exactly which lead ship..but he is there. He never misses his callsign.

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