Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 04:21

Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?



So many times we've said "hold your Focus on Love" as times will come when your ability to do so will be challenged. And times are coming when the truth starts coming to the surface and it won't be nice, and it is challenging, and even if many already know that some that were supposed to be "the good ones" in fact may not truly be "the good ones", probably not many have a real insight of how deep the rabbit hole goes. And if those at the forefront are not able to keep their focus on Forgivness and Unconditional Love... the urest will be quite challenging for all during the transition.



Some have acted as real "bad guys" on this Planet, regardless of Life, Freedom, and so much as you can think of. Though that's why we're all here Now. To bring True Balance back to the Planet and all life and Beings upon Her. To restore True Divine Law which is not based on punishment but on re-balancing and harmonising the power of thoughts/manifestation. To manifest true Freedom for all, and to do this out thoughts must be the highest possible. Always!

Even when you find out how regardless of life some have been.

We're not here to punish.

We're here to restore. Our task is not to judge, but to re-educate to Life. It's not our responsibility to force a being to accept this re-education, but it's our responsibility to give our Love freely and to land our hand undesrstanding that whatever has been done it has been done because they completely forgot Who They Are: One with US=All. And that when they thought they would not be affected by their acts... they were wrong, as all you do to One you do to All as All IS One. 

They will be removed, put in a condition of not harming life anymore, but the rest is up to Humanity. If Humanity chooses to focus on hate, punishment, judgment... these thoughts will manifest as energy again, and again, and again. 

Do not love thir actions, do not love their mistakes, simply do Love the true God Self that lies deeply asleep inside of them and send it as much Love as you're able to so that it might be able to wake up. May be not Now, but eventually it will, and the more Love all are able to send them the faster it will happen. It does not matter if their mind is aware of it or not. Their Self will feel and Love it.


This is HUmanities new challenge. Negative thought build your cage, positive thoughts give you the key to exit from it. 


Now you all have the key. Choose to use it. For you, for US, for Humanity, for Mother Earth=Heart. For Freedom.


Here's one of the last news from Italy: Catholic Priest Says A Schoolgirl Who Went Missing In 1983 Was Kidnapped For Vatican Sex Parties.

There are no nice words to tell the story, but you can look at it with your new eyes and understand what it means in the bigger picture: truth is coming out and can now start being cleaned and re-balanced. The wall is crumbling and showing what was hidden behind it, we're here to re-paint it with New Colors and bring the Light back into where it was missing.


A brilliant help to understand more about thought and the way they manifest: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/thought-forms#comment-13699


Thank you all for Being Love and for helping others be Free.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/catholic-churchs-chief-exorcist-priest-says-missing-girl-kidnapped-for-vatican-sex-parties-2012-5#ixzz1vgbx3DmO


All my Unconditional Love




Its realy amzing how things works sometimes,after my morning ritual,i watched a video,and oh boy it got the blood going for a few minutes,i had to bring my self back fast,i came here and your beautiful article or blog,really help at the right time,thank you very much.

Boo Walker (not verified)

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 07:23

"It does not matter if their mind is aware of it or not. Their Self will feel and Love it."

Powerful stuff my Love... powerful stuff...

dawn christine (not verified)

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 08:42

.. we can allow the emotion of this ... we can allow all memories to come out into the light. We can see and feel through the eyes of this little girl and give her PURE LOVE for what she and so many children have endured. In this, we give ourselves LOVE. We become LOVE. We see all these stories through our sparkling new Love Lens. Thank you for this poignant, timely post. 

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