~The Next Galactic Free Press Update~ and Meeting Accomplishment

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 18:20


~Greetings Love Beings... We Again had another Victory for the Light today. We accomplished bringing in an Intense amount of Light~ Love Energy. More Success for the Light~ YEEHAW! These Will Only Continue. Love Has Truly WON and Has Now Reached a Very Contagious Level on the Planet, and this Energy will Spread Quickly!! Way to Go Humanity. We are Well On Our way to Many Manifested Events.


So, everyone can Process this Incoming Energy, We will take a Pause this evening and Post our Next Full Update Thursday May 24th, 2012.


If Any of You reading were at the Council Meeting we would Love to Hear Your Personal Experience's.


Also, Join us Via Live In Our Soundofheart Chat room On Saturday around 1:30pm Pacific for the Weekly Love Party!!! The Link will Be Posted Here to The Press. We will Have Music, Laughter, Answer any Questions and Just Be Togther in Unity as The Family We all Truly are to Each Other. We are One Love, Thank you for standing Up In Love With US! See you There!




Doreen Smith

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 00:19

I was at the meeting today...oh, how I enjoyed the whole Love Party!! Even the attempts from the trolls...I'm happy they were cut off at the pass and finally gave up trying to interrupt this Divine meeting...The energy was fun and enlightening...I even enjoyed Dawn's cat...and Willow for a second...I totally enjoyed MotherGod's updates and all the words of wisdom and Love...


I was going to leave after a few hours to spend some time down at the boardwalk by the channel to feed the ducks with my daughter, granddaughter and great grandchildren who are here visiting from Florida..I said goodbye to everyone in chat and wrote that I'd be back in an hour. I felt torn about leaving the chat room though...I mean really torn...I sadly closed my computer down, but somehow I still heard the live conversation.. Especially MotherGod..How could it be that I was still hearing the chatroom conversation??? I checked my computer to make sure it was off...My screen was black and everything looked to be off. I didn't hear anyone talking anymore..everything was quiet.. good, I thought....it was time to leave.....Just as I was about to open the door to leave, I heard MotherGod say, "She's not brave enough.."My ears perked up ...What??? Was MotherGod talking to/about me? I was startled because I thought MotherGod was talking about me not being brave enough to tell my family about the importance of this meeting...Don't get me wrong, my family is important to me and I love them dearly, but, I know it is up to each one of us personally to learn about our Ascension and everything that is shared about why we're here and the importance of every meeting to help in the Ascension process for all and Gaia. I started wondering again how could I be hearing MotherGod when my computer was down??...I heard her loud and clear...I couldn't leave..I felt like I was being called back....I ran outside to tell my daughter I wasn't going with them and I needed to stay home and connected. It was important.. Everyone was a little disappointed, and to my surprise, understood that I felt I needed to be where I could still hear and be present in the Divine Company and Love Energy in the chatroom..I stayed home and restarted my computer..The chatroom popped up immediately....It was like I didn't miss a thing...How amazing (to me, anyway)!


It turned out that my family was only gone for about a half an hour because one of my granddaughters had to work..there weren't any ducks to throw popcorn to...and very little time to truly enjoy being at the channel....the trip  was a bust.. a wild duck chase so to speak..LOL...they all came back, starving hungry as they were saying...After the meeting was over and we ate, I was able to take the little ones to the park to play...It was delightful to run and play with these two new little starseeds..my great grandchildren. I was filled  with great Joy and Love from this day's lessons of Divine LOVE.


I am so thankful MotherGod for you and your sweet voice calling me back into the Light and Company of Divine Love BEings...This has been a Divine Day indeed... :) May we always be attentive to Divine Will and hear loud and clear every message from Spirit we need so we may continue on the DIVINE PATH to our destination...which we all know is Source...our Heavenly HOME...


Hmmm... MotherFatherGod sure do work in mysterious ways sometimes...Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3 


ryan_just_ryan (not verified)

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 03:40

longtime member of the movement and new arrival to the expression that is this group of energy.

i wrote a comment in response to tim_potter regrding the nature of words being intentions first and originally stemming from the Source. After that comment my crown chakra and abov radiated intensely and i focused on the video panelists in open eye meditation watching the Divine Light. All video frames kept moving except MotherGod. Hers was frozen smiling, beaming and feeling like staring right back at me. It was very fun as the Divine Light and Divine Sound augmented. Since i saw the other videos moving i went back once to check on the streaming chat and my chat stream was frozen.

Thanks for sharing in such a great multi-dimensional way. I love being around spiritual kin. Love and Light to us all.

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