The Divine Feminine Awakens ~ The Venus Transit coming up on June 6th, 2012

Submitted by Denize on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 19:56

The Divine Feminine Awakens 



The Venus Transit coming up on June 6th, 2012
By Govinda
Brilliant Post Worth the Read Again if You have Already Read this!! Very Exiting, The Divine Feminane Energy is Here and Ready to Assist In Unconditional Love for ALL, This is The Reality~


Venus passed between the Earth and our Sun on June 8th, 2004, and initiated an eight-year cycle known as the “Venus Transits”. The Venus Transits cycle is a rare celestial event that occurs every 113 – 130 years, when Venus eclipses the Sun two times – at the beginning and at the end of an eight-year period. The second Venus eclipse will occur on June 6th, 2012. Astrologically, Venus represents our relationships with others. Communication is a major factor in all of our relationships. Whenever Venus eclipsed the Sun in past recorded history, there was a major breakthrough in communications. For example, at the time of the last Venus eclipse in 1874, the Transatlantic Telegraph Cable was completed that created the first intercontinental communications by wire between the East and the West. In 1761, another year of a Venus eclipse, there was a collaboration of astronomers at 77 observation points from all over the world to determine the distance from Earth to the Sun.

Today, we have expanded global communications for the masses through the Internet and satellite systems. Our ability to communicate with each other worldwide is continually expanding. The questions now become: What are we communicating to our world – love or fear? and, How is our media (the Internet, computer games, the movie industry, cell phones, etc.), affecting society as a whole?

A successful relationship is created through good communication, mutual respect and consideration for one another. This happens best when we recognize and honor the Oneness in all of us. When we are able to do this, we will create peace between each other, our organizations, our governments and countries. A good way to resolve conflicts with others is to recognize how we are the same, not how we are different. This creates a foundation from which we can build a positive, peaceful relationship. For example, when a mother loses a child in war, regardless of her color or faith, the pain is the same. When someone is shown respect and love, the joy is the same. If you realize that you and your perceived enemy both want peace so that suffering may end, then you can begin to talk from a place of mutual understanding, rather than from aggravation.

The Divine Feminine Awakens

Venus eclipsing the Sun represents an awakening of the Divine Feminine energies in our world. For thousands of years, the world has been ruled by patriarchal societies. These masculine rulers have created wars, power struggles, destruction, pollution, fear, pain, separation and famine. They have shown little or no respect for feminine wisdom or our Mother Earth.

The patriarchal organizations of the world have repressed most knowledge of women’s roles in world history. Recently, information has begun to be revealed that recognizes the truth of how women have affected our history. The books, The DiVinci Code, by Dan Brown and The Expected One, by Kathleen McGowan, both reveal the truth about Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus, are good examples of such information. It is time for the pendulum to swing back towards the Divine Feminine and rest comfortably in the middle. To become whole, we need both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energies, equally in our lives.

As the Divine Feminine energy interfaces with human consciousness, it awakens and expands compassion within our hearts, and emotional healing can occur for all of Humanity. Compassion awakens the ability to feel and express unconditional love. To be able to love without attachments or expectations is the highest form of love that a human being can express. This kind of love supports the healing of others and our personal evolution/ascension.

One of the keys to accessing Divine Feminine healing energy is through forgiveness. Only when all is forgiven will total love be available to us. We must forgive others and ourselves for all of the perceived wrongs that have ever been done. We can heal ourselves if we are willing to feel and express all of our emotions, and then to forgive ourselves and others for all that we have perceived as wrong. This process will liberate us from the bondage of our emotional pain. Forgiveness is the key to releasing ourselves from our past. When we are liberated from our past and live fully in the “now” our true happiness may be realized and our power to create is maximized.

A Question Of Balance

Venus is the planet of love. The world needs creative solutions, feminine guidance and love in order to heal. These energies will continue to increase during this period, in spite of the attempts of the fear tactics of male dominance.

Venus represents the heart and the feminine side of our being. The Sun represents our individuality and the masculine side of our being. Venus aligning with the Sun is symbolic of our Feminine (Anima) and Masculine (Animus) energies coming into unity and balance. Venus eclipsing (in front of) the Sun symbolizes our need to consider the feminine expression first, before the masculine, and to allow the feminine energies to guide and balance masculine expression.

Creativity Awakens!

Venus also represents the creative and artistic sides of our natures. The Venus Transit will catalyze previously hidden, latent, artistic talent and creative abilities. People who have never expressed an art form before will awaken their hidden talents. Artists will discover new modalities through which they can express themselves more deeply. For example, many people who have never played a musical instrument will suddenly feel a desire to learn and express themselves through music. Some will want to join the local acting clubs, and so on.

Uncovering Secrets In Relationships

Again, communication is a key factor in all of our personal, business and international relationships. This Venus Transit is calling for a deeper honesty in relationships. Since the Venus transit from 2004 – 2012 coincides with the Uranus in Pisces cycle, communications between humans will develop on intuitive levels. The combined energies of these two cycles will catalyze heightened intuitive awareness of our hidden emotions and desires, as well as awareness of our partners’ hidden emotions and desires. Eventually, we will no longer be able to, or need to, hide our true feelings from each other. In time, we will develop total trust and love for each other.

Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

The world needs a higher, altruistic, spiritual love to manifest and prevail over the lower, more selfish emotions. A world where unconditional, spiritual love prevails is our potential as human beings. Conscious and unconscious fear-based emotions are obstacles to this higher love. To discover and express this kind of love, Humanity must first expose and purge the fear-based emotions in our collective consciousness.

From an astrological perspective, Venus represents the emotional energies in our relationships with others. When Venus eclipsed the Sun, it blocked some of the Sun’s light and exposed the dark side of Venus, which represents the shadow side of our emotional natures. This began an eight-year process of uncovering the shadows in our emotional relationships. These shadows are the unresolved, repressed, fear-based psychological energies that unconsciously cause dysfunctionality and unhappiness in our relationships. They cause us to behave in ways that undermine our relationships, block intimacy, and cause breakdowns in communications. Essentially, these shadows block our ability to truly love another person. These repressed emotions usually begin during our early childhoods and/or may be carried over from past lives.

We must take responsibility for how we show up in our relationships with others. It is important to observe our feelings and our behavior with the important people in our lives, and to come to terms with our dysfunctional emotional patterns. It may be helpful and revealing for each of us to ask these questions: “Where am I not able to be truly open, honest and real in my relationships with others?”, “At what point do I shut down emotionally?”, “Where are my boundaries?” and “Are these boundaries healthy or are they blocking my intimacy?”

It is up to each of us to allow intimacy into our heart to expand our relationship with others. Intimacy can only happen when we allow others to “Into me see.” This develops when we let down our barriers and allow others to see into our hearts. To the best of our abilities, we must be honest with ourselves. We must allow ourselves to be vulnerable and expose our true feelings (even if they are negative emotions) to those whom we are in relationships with. This will endear ourselves to others and deepen our intimacy with them.

Expanding Love

Another result of the Venus Transit is an increase of our capacity to love others more completely, deeply and intensely. This will include heightened feelings of love and appreciation for our partners and other people in our lives. Our emotional natures are melding with our spiritual natures, which is expanding our capacity for unconditional love.

The opposite will also be true. We will become more clear and sensitive to the truth about all of our relationships. If a person is not in alignment with our higher good, we will become increasingly disillusioned with this person. Our dysfunctional relationships will become increasingly apparent, and we may feel a need to change the structure or boundaries of these relationships. We may need to end some of our relationships that are no longer serving our personal evolution.

What you Appreciate, Appreciates

In our relationships with others, it is good to let them know how much we appreciate their being in our lives. Let’s be thankful for all of the qualities that we enjoy in others and let them know how much we appreciate them. Remember that what we appreciate, appreciates.

The most effective way to accomplish self-understanding and personal mastery is through our relationships. We can monitor our process of personal mastery of our egos by observing our interrelations with others – are we experiencing conditional or unconditional love?

Compassion opens the door to unconditional love. Unconditional love is supported by seeing the Divine in others and acting in integrity with love. Our relationships with others are our greatest gifts, and integrity is vital for each relationship to work. Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. It helps to ask, “What is the highest good for all concerned?” The higher good for all can be perceived in your heart from a feeling of love.

No Man is an Island

We should never underestimate our power to influence the evolution of the world. Each of us is an integral part of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. When one person evolves spiritually, the Collective Consciousness evolves as well. Whenever even one person increases compassion and opens their heart to unconditional love, he/she raises the vibrational frequency of the World. As the Collective Consciousness evolves, so too shall each individual. A quote from Bette Reese says it all: “If you think you’re too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”

Integrating Sacred Love

By the time of the second eclipse of the Sun by Venus, on June 6, 2012, Humanity will have evolved to a place of greater readiness for a higher love. Hopefully, after eight years of processing the shadows of our emotions, awakening intuition and developing compassion, we will have cleared the psychological obstacles to unconditional love. Then, Peace on Earth, and Goodwill towards all people will be possible. Sacred love expands when the Divine in one person appreciates and honors the Divine in another. Thus, the sacred wheel of love is created and Heaven on Earth will manifest for those individuals. As this happens for everyone, Peace on Earth will become a reality.



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