Thought Forms

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 07:04


So many messages from our Star Family speak of certain events occurring "...when sufficient numbers of you are ready..."
Have you wondered why? If it's for the good of Gaia (and humanity) then why not just let the event happen?
It comes back to that "invisible" world I wrote about yesterday.

Thought Forms, the Grid, the Matrix, the Force Field, the Ether Realms -we have many words to describe the very real and extremely powerful layer of energy that WE create.
I call them Thought Forms, and they are the energy signatures from every thought that any being (human, animal, plant, Gaia, Star family, etc.) has ever had. It is a living library. Like attracts like so angry thought forms band together, fearful thought forms collect, joyful, blissful.. all the emotions find each other and form groups with other energies that match their vibration.
Ideas, inventions, artistic creations, life passions -all these too find one another and form a bigger entity.

It has been called the power of intention, group prayer or meditation, a company motto, a sports' team rally cry. These are Thought Forms in action. We have all been both creators and participants in activating thought forms and keeping them alive.

This is what lies behind the need for having sufficient numbers of us ready for an event. "Ready" means we are thinking about it, talking about it, feeding the growing Being that is a particular Thought Form. It is a Being, it is living, it is our creation. It needs to become large enough that it's swirling mass of energy (which many of you are now beginning to feel as the humming, tingling sensations) can be detected by our Star Family.

The aura of Gaia (just like our aura / energy body) contains energies from every vibrating atom. When viewed from the universe, this pulsating energy body tells the general story of Gaia; how she is feeling, her state of health, and the many Thought Forms that are living there. As you can imagine, it's a very busy place! Ocean creatures collectively asking for cleaner waters, the Rain Forest crying in agony. Volcanoes releasing joyful bursts of pent-up energy, and humans with their immense variety of needs.
So it all comes back to "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." If you want disclosure or freedom or a new global government system, there has to be a sufficient number of others who want this same thing.

You have to create a Thought Form strong enough to be seen and heard from far outside our atmosphere; creating a flag on the planet signalling "Come here! This is what we desire (_____)."

At this point, our Star Family, utilizing the law of attraction, is able to help us. When a particular Thought Form is large and powerful enough it becomes a docking station if you will. Matching energies from ourside our world can "plug in" to the thought Form and help feed it. They cannot DO it for us, but they are certainly willing to lend a few ba-zillion helping hands!

This is also how the cabal and all dark energies will leave us.
Thought Forms only exist if they are fed. They require a continual influx of energies that support it. There used to be a Thought Form called the Hitler Regime. It was vigorously fed and kept alive by the people who lived and breathed those ideals. Then small groups began to take the food source away from that idea. They talked about it to other small groups and as their Thought Form began to grow, more people were pulled towards the idea that this Hitler-thing is not really what they wanted after all. When their numbers became larger than the numbers still left feeding the "negative" Thought Form, the Hitler Regime began to die.
When a Thought Form is void of it's food source (supporting energies) it dies.

So I hope you now have a better understanding of how Thought Forms are created, kept alive, interpreted from beyond Gaia, and how they can ultimately be reduced to an ineffective level and left to die.

It's not only what you focus on and feed, but what you choose to stop feeding and ignore.
This is why even re-posting "7 Signs the World Will End Today" or such things feeds the very beast we are trying to starve. Even if you don't agree with the post but you pass it along for its sensational value, it becomes a frustrating step backwards for you.

This is why your Star Family is trying to teach you to be conscious of your every word and deed. Thought Forms are so much more powerful than you realize - they are living entities.

Here's one of my Thought Forms: This Friday (25 March) the new movie MIB 3 (Men In Black) comes out. I believe this will be a large catalyst to speeding up Disclosure. MTV has been very creative in promoting this movie by using commercials as "news" broadcasts about various celebrities who are in fact, Aliens. You can watch it here:


Yes, it's promotional fodder for the movie, but I think it's a golden opportunity. People will go see the movie, laugh and have a good time; they will also talk about the movie and entertain all kinds of "what if" scenarios. A Thought Form will be created and it will seek out other compatible Thought Forms through the laws of attraction. And it will grow... so as they say in TV, "Stay tuned." I believe that this movie event will catapult our desires for a global, formal, visual Disclosure event to happen much sooner rather than later.

~All my Love, Boo



Tue, 05/22/2012 - 15:32

brilliantly say, exposed, shared, LOVED!


Love you Great One. All my thoughts of LOVE & JOY for you=All=God=me=One


Thu, 05/24/2012 - 07:58

Very well put, thank you for the clear images you gave us!  I "knew" a lot of this, but the perspective you gave us really helped clarify.  Good job!

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