News from Earth Allies: The Secret of Secrets? Revealed! ~again~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 13:22


The Secret of Secrets? Revealed! ~again~




I’ve seen a meditation has been organised for Bill Wood, and that made me think... Nothing, and I repeat that cearly, N O T H I N G against sending Bill Wood all our Love and support, though... people of the Planet!

We’re facing the biggest changes in history right Now, and yes, this thanks to Bill and many others like him as well. Many have given their earth life for this, many might give it, many live on donations to be able to give themselves completely to the Truth for All, many move from one country to the other for the same reason, many are shouting and not been listened to, and ALL of this is happening for One and One reason only: let All Humanity Re-member The God Within. That they are all sovreign Beings and Free. That Humanity is made of LOVE and LOVE only, and all that is not LOVE is not true. That for millennia there has been a slavery program going on to make sure no one would wake up and remember.

All of US, from the mostly unknown Being to the most famous One are Aware of what we do. We do it out of LOVE, and only LOVE, to bring back the memories deeply buried inside of each and every Being on this Planet. That We Are God=Love.



Does anyone have a clue of what that means? Of what it means to BeCome what you are? It means the system failure! The system cannot work if you get out of it. And to get out of the system you simply need to Remember who you are. Surrender to the fact that no, you’re not a slave, no, you do not need a system to tell you your rights as once you Remember you Know The Law, and this is The Only Law of Creation. No, you’re not without a Soul and no, there are no sins to be forgiven. No, you don’t need to worry about what has to come as you’re the One that will create it. No, you’re not a name that has been given to you as you’re the Soul that uses this name, and no you do not own anything and anything can you loose.


It’s been a WonderFul plan. Yes, we have to admit that they did a job that in fact, only a Being with the same creational possibility as God could put in place. Thus, it’s over! The Company of Heaven is Here, Now, got down from Heaven to thrive with each and every Human Being. Why? Out of LOVE. As God asked “who wants to come?” ok, I will tell you the truth... not many wanted to come! Why? Well, because if someone comes here to help... to tell the Truth... humanity uses to crucify them, or burn them, or kill them in any known way... and that’s not nice! But then God asked again and said “Shall we destroy them?” Well, nope, no One could allow this eighter! Too many brave souls where here, thus not enought to accomplish a breackthrough. All of them One with Us... no way we would allow a Program to destroy such Beautiful Beings! So We All Came! 12'000'000 Beings!



What has Bill Wood to do with all this? It’s an example of where the focus goes!!! Wake Up! It’s Time, NOW. Why? Because! Once you wake up, and by this I do not mean you simply have the knowledge of having lived into a system or having been controlled or that UFOs exist ot anything like that... I mean WAKE UP! You Are God! There’s no difference among the amount of God in me and the amount of God in You! And as God is a Creator so are You, and if you WAKE UP to your true Being, it’s done! Then you’ll KNOW! And then the system... fails! It’s own purpose is to keep you asleep, and waking up is the only answer.


Accept the fact that YOU ARE LOVE. And nothing, nothing can ever change that. Not even your beliefs!!! You can act (yes, only act) as not being Love, that’s what they do. They act. You want to be in  the same play? Because, untill you don’t wake up you will!

And I’m also not talking about money or the finacial system, these are only parts of the play. God does not use money. For what? To buy? Own? Sell? You didn’t buy your Soul, it was given to you! And so God became more.



Why do you think the eclipse meditation was a success? Because you BELIVED! You BELIEVED that You could Do it. You Became God for a while. And You Created the outcome that was whitnessed by all Cration! That Light! Oh boy the Light that came into the Planet! Did you see it? And who did this? YOU! You Became the God=Love You Are and You Created this.

Now many are struggling! As we said, so much Light came in... be prepared... where Light=Love is, there can be no illusion, or dark, it has to come out. So why not relax and enJoy it? It’s leaving!!! YOU cicked it Out! You asked for it. Be what you are now and accept it.


You’ve been lied to. YES! You’ve been deceived, YES. Deception has been deep. YES. And it goes on, in many, many sites taht claim to be of the Light... it still tries to confuse you. YES.
Make it simple HU-Man: YOU’RE LOVE! What you’ve been in past lifes, what your Royal Angel name is, what you’ve done... it does not matter. Once you WAKE UP. You Know. Once you’re LOVE, you Know. There’s nothing else you need to Know to get there. Simply BE there. And all you wish to Know, you’ll Know.



Did you understand where to Focus has to BE Now? IN YOU! Cause this will fix ALL. It will fix any distorted belief system, any dis-information, any unreal system out there.

You Are The One.

Stop complaining, Stop waiting for other to take care. Discover who you ARE, this is THE ONLY TRUE MISSION on the Planet NOW. This will CHANGE the PLANET.

One Mission: One LOVE: One God.




And if you want to focus to send LOVE to somone, anyone, do it NOW! If you want to gather together, DO IT. As One and One makes ALL. Thus if you gather witout Knowing Who You Are... you’ll loose it!



The laws Humanity has followed so far are a scam! There’s only One Law and it’s The Divine Law of Love. Focus on it and you’ll accomplish ALL that has to BE accomplished.

Focus on the rest, and you’ll keep it going. Look at the dark and the illusion and kiss it goodbye, nothing to do with You. That’s why it cannot affect You. Stop bothering for nonsense, and bother for what’s Real. It’s your Right! Your Divine Right.

Your Love opens the Door, to Your Heart, and Your Heart, is God!



And once you find out Who You Are, go out, go among people and  see the Divine Flame lighting up in their Hearts. See it, and you’ll make them the biggest Gift God can do. You’re telling them they=you=God=Love=All.


And stop Being humble, Love’s NOT humble. Love IS. And You Are!

YourSelf is Here, it wants to take charge and tell you Who You Are. The gates Are Open and all Selves are ready to Jump In as soon as You allow them! As soon as You allow YourSelf to BE.

Don’t talk, walk your talk and BE.


You’re the Greatest Being you’ll ever meet... guess why?




So do whatever brings You JOY, meditate, sing, send Love, gather, sleep, eat, drink, walk, be outside and once you find out Who You Are... you’ll also find out that you no more need guidance and Your guide Is Already There. And NO ONE can tell you what makes you Feel True Joy, thus, if you don’t know what JOY means, do take a few days to find out for yourself. As No One can tell you what brings you JOY but You. And That, That Is The Path To Love.


All my Blessings to You All

call me however you prefer, in this life, I’ve choosen ANdReA.  (Greek: courageous, vital force)






Very powerful. *goosebumps* Thank you, Sister.



Yesterday, I had the most profound and transformative visit from the Creator Himself!  And he told me the same words:  "YOU ARE LOVE!  Every part of you, every cell, every space within each cell is LOVE.  You cannot escape MY LOVE no matter what you do or how far down you are still LOVE and you will always BE LOVE!"  WOW!!!  The tears, omg the tears of JOY and RELIEF and GRATITUDE that fell!  Now I have confirmation of what I believed and what you all have been telling us all along!  Bless you and it's true - everything and all of you are LOVE!  So, just BE the LOVE that you are and ENJOY BEING that LOVE!  <3 

Yes, and I guess you'll never forget it again! ;-)

Thank you for shring. It is indeed the most WONDERFUL experience and, is it not, that when it happens you start laughing? Tears and laughter...




Exactly! :)  I could literally FEEL every word He said and could 'see' it with my own eyes - and still can...tears and laughter indeed!


Mon, 05/28/2012 - 05:53

I AM NOT A SLAVE.. and NEVER will I EVER GO through THIS AGAIN..  



                              I   A M    G O D 





                      B A M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I AM *** L O V E*** nothing MORE and nothing "LESS"



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