Negative Miasms are flying

Submitted by youngmoonchild on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 12:22

It has been a strange week or so, I thought sharing information was good, but like a terrible version of the town crier, I offended a few doing so. I reflected on my trollness & decided I didn't do it so good. As I was the banisher, in 87's Harmonic Convergence, I should expect the target to be on my back, I realize that now, & as a human/starbabe, I over reacted & went haywire a while. just gave me a headache. I have learned to channel many years ago, but in the moment of the chaos, I forgot, oops my bad. I feel a need to counter act this, a lot's weighing on my being. I feel responsible,since i was there creating this , my part, on this end. I've waited so long for this, now it's here. I want to share my joy without pissing in others post toasties, so to speak, i hold sacred fire, so why do I charge out of the cosmic closet like a gunslinger? Impatience, I guess, any thoughts in this.. Thanks, Callie, for all...light-worker Peggi North, earthing

grailheart magi

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 13:06

Thank you for your commitment to ascension, over such a long time. 


I would like to offer you some things to consider:


Truly, we cannot make mistakes.... but in the meantime until we get that... allow ideas of mistakes to be truly a cause for celebration (from my Spiritual Warrior Training). I am not simply using a metaphor.... create a party... balloons, cake, etc. I know many think my ideas are ungrounded.... but they are founded in alternative ways than the "tell it to me from the couch" syndrome.  There are many ways to see differently and heal from a place of empowerment and joy. 


Also... so what if you offended..... it was your perception, anyway, probably not based on a real truth.... and even if it was... what others think of you is not your business!


I want you to visualize now... that when you come out, fire, that YOU are correct.... and that no one else is "getting" it.  I sense that there have been so many times that you gave of your heart while offering yourself to share joy and that you were rejected. So that filed a memory deeply.   Now when you try the same activity... because there is personal power in there that wants to come out in truth... that you are expecting the rejection and therefore receive that in your perception.


Practice being yourself, loving yourself, that if 10,000 show signs of rejecting you that you  are never more affected by them.   That you can relish in your own truth (god's truth) and that is truly all that you will ever need.  At that time you will find how easy it is to set the "trim tabs" (my blog) for a beautifully flown ascension.  You are needed in this great transition.


Thank you for your openness and allowing me to offer my love....


Much love,

grailheart magi

yee haw...  I'm in E texas near Tyler now, homeless, staying with friends, broke, car's broke down but I have the light in me!!


Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:51

In reply to by toonewewillreturn

I've often wondered why my economic life is so bleak... I guess it's better than being used to having a lot & lose it, or staying poor & managing to survive.. I'm down to a couple of bucks, & bills I owe are basic, but it's still needing a little to exist on..


Mon, 05/28/2012 - 20:22

In reply to by mayo31311

Dear Peggy North,

There is an energy that seems to come and go into our atmosphere

that feels absolutely  blissful. If you quiet down and tune into

it, it will  hit you in the chest first, then spreads out into the cellular

structures of the body. It has been coming on for a few months now.

See if you can catch it.

Just leave your miasms by the door.


I no longer imagine that I am offending somebody with my

statements.  I now say  words that may not be acceptable

to  some "lightworkers".   Whatever .

no, not offensive ,rude words but I use less  of the polite , genteel kinds.

It seems I ran out of patience. Like, if you know you are going to be out

of here in a couple of months, why not say what you really want to say..?

instead of going around the bushes..Or, maybe, just maybe these CMEs

are making my brain run in a in a different track

How about that...!





I know, I've been workng on it for 25 yrs now, I just have human needs that i feel have been left by the roadside.. not that I need that much, but less worry about what i do have to take care of matters to me. I have always trusted in the light, I won't stop now that i'm so poor & down.. i seem to offend some with my views & the light must be too bright for them lol

Madame Butterfly

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 14:13

I admire your courage in trying, and for me right now that is what I am lacking...since the eclipse I seem to be stymied and unable to write a single word, for some reason - I have a following who are asking me where did you go? I feel unable to express myself, stuck, overwhelmed with too much knowledge, unable to effectively share what I I say glad you tried at are brave!

I was braver to admit I was wrong saying it that way, I am re-editing my personal story in all this, & have been worried that no one would believe me. 

now I know it doesn't matter. I did get one message back from someone on that site, after the chaos died down, she said i wasn't a troll, & she found me refreshing, so if I can plant just one seed to grow, I'll take the flack for the rest of it. my job i guess... peace in

sometimes it takes courage to stand still.  Sometimes we want something so much we go overboard & that's ok.  Most people i know (inc. me) have run up against creative shutdowns.  However, just like real life, we'll get it back & those who love you will still love you & those that can't, you pray for.  Blessings.

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