Between Dimensions ~ Activation of the Super Quantum Fields, Higher Self and the Lightbody

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:50

Between Dimensions ~ Activation of the Super Quantum Fields, Higher Self and the Lightbody



By Judith Kusel - May 29, 2012

Originally posted via Judith’s Facebook page


Dimensions are FREQUENCY BANDS, which all life vibrates on.

It is tube-like and with each link one goes up higher and higher on the evolutionary scale – yet with every 7th level, there is a pause – so that one has to gather momentum to step past that portal, and then straight into the 8th and 9th dimensions.


The higher the dimension, the higher the frequency band – so if one would be in the 3rd dimensional world and one would come into contact with someone from the 7th dimensional world, one would be able to see through them – literally, for their bodies spin at such high frequency, that they are invisible to the eyes of those who live in the 3rd dimensional world.


Sometimes, before a massive portal opens, or a dramatic shift occurs, one steps BETWEEN dimensions… So you would be like hovering between the 4th and the 5th dimension, and then wonder why you have certain aspects coming to the fore – there, but not quite there…. Like a long-distance runner, sees the end of race, but still has to gather his or her last reserve strength to make it over the finishing line. 


The higher one steps up on the dimensional scale, the lighter one’s PHYSICAL body becomes…. What happens is that each cell is filled with high frequency waves or light, if you prefer, and the chakras (which are really energy wheels) spin faster. The faster they spin, the lighter you become. (One of the reasons why yogis have been able to levitate or fly). You are also able to teleport yourself quite easily – simply by dissembling your body light particles and then projecting yourself to wherever you wish to be.


A lot of us are in the BETWEEN dimensional state at the moment – and this includes the planet. Those who have awakened to some extent, are hovering between the 4th and 5th dimensional state, some between the 3rd and 4th, while others have stepped past all of these and are hovering between the 5th and 7th, and some even higher than this, between the 7th and 9th.


The higher states of consciousness go with the KNOWING of ATONENESS. This means they step into the state where the I AM is empowered and where they lose their ego attachments to always be right, separate from, or in a dualistic state. It is not that dualism does not exist – it is simply that BALANCE has been found – the balance between the light and dark, negative/positive, and that then this balance is constantly retained. That mostly happens when the ego steps aside to allow the I AM to reconnect with AT-ONE-NESS. The 9th dimensional state is HARMONY and PEACE. Yet, to get to that, the 7th dimensional portal has to be stepped through; this is where the I AM which still has ego is then left behind.


Hovering between dimensions, can sometimes, act as being in a state where one KNOWS, or SEES or SENSES with the third eye, what one has to regain from other lives, which were lived in that state. An example here would be – you KNOW you once had the ability to teleport for instance. You know more or less what it entails, but you are not quite there yet to DO this. So you are hovering on the brink.

A lot of us are re-connecting to our Higher Selves as they were in Atlantis, or Lemuria, or Mu, or Elysium. Some were involved with the Crystal Skulls, Crystal Keys, etc. and they SEE them and know they are there – but they are still in the ethereal form. (By the way, the MAYAN Skulls and others floating around on the planet ARE REPLICAS OF THE FIRST ONES – THE REAL ONES WILL ONLY BE RETURNED AFTER THE SHIFT AND MANKIND’S EVOLUTION INTO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS.)


I am just using this as an example and will not elaborate on this. It is merely to show that some memory banks are opening up.

We can help ourselves at this time, to step up in consciousness, and activate our Light bodies and innate abilities, via reconnecting to our SOULS, and then tapping into our inherent pool of knowledge and that of the SOUL GROUP.


After the eclipse, immensely powerful energies were released.

We are asked to learn to assimilate them into our cells, and DNA structures. (They will automatically do this, but it can lead to some symptoms, like pain, dizziness, disorientation, back pain, throat (hoarseness or loss of voice), headaches, stomach upsets, pancreas, and in the sexual areas). Some people who use drugs, alchohol and other addictive substances, can totally go off kilter – (also those under psychiatric treatment) for these rays will bring to the fore the UNBALANCE and exasperate this. (Note: imbalance here, means the inability to bring love into ALL aspects of self. Most drugs are a form of escapism, of running away from reality, or not taking responsibility etc.)


When we pull in the Light via our Stellar Gateway, and then through our crown chakra, then through our base chakra, feet chakras and then through the EARTH STAR and reconnecting with the Crystal Pyramid Temple INSIDE the Earth, and then pull up that energy once more, (like the roots of a tree) and then spread that light energy into every single cell, DNA structure and GLAND in our body, we are assisting our body to assimilate these higher Rays. (You will automatically hone into the COLOUR ray you are meant to assimilate: Blinding White light, Cobalt to Royal Blue, Magenta, Emerald Green, Gold, Platinum, etc.)


When you do this whole process, and use the MER-KA-BAH, the six to 9-pointed stars, to surround yourself with, and within a circle, this process is amplified. The more light you bring into your cells, and glands, DNA structure the more your cell memory banks get activated.


By bringing in the Light via your Stellar Gateway and then into your Crown Chakra, you are bringing light into the DORMANT brain cells, that mankind has not used for thousands of years (children are going to born with larger brains now), and this in turn will bring to fore abilities that you did not even know you had. (With Soul Readings a lot of these talents and abilities are highlighted).

If you know something about Quantum Physics, then this process can be termed as the SUPER QUANTUM SHIFT – within our planet and ourselves. We are being forced now UP the evolutionary scale and into the state of SUPER BEING.


We are now adapting a CRYSTALLINE BODY and thus will be able to SUPER SHIFT ourselves – which basically means, we will be able to tap into energy fields at will, and then change the format of elements and liquids into any form we wish them to be, simply by WORKING with the energy fields of these and then (working in tandem) create something extraordinary. (I don’t quite know how to put this in language that you will be able to understand).


What really is happening, is that when we start understanding ENERGY fields, and we start to consciously work with them (and not against them), and then learning to realign with the Earth’s energy centres (which are now being released once more, as portal by portal opens up), we can create things beyond the normal scope of what we now THINK we are capable of.


Yet, first of all it is most important that we truly step up our own frequencies by assimilating the Cosmic Energies and then learning to step more and more into OUR SOUL potential, and heal the soul wounds which are keeping us from stepping into our own greatness.

What is also necessary is to open our heart chakras – and then let our hearts rule our minds, and not vice versa. For when the mind is fed by the heart – balance is created, and then, through the heart centre energies, one start to act as CO-CREATOR – and then into SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS.


What an amazing time to be alive and well, and on Planet Earth!

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 19:14

love love love ............Yes ...this is magnificent !!! ........ty    ty    ty  S

Alina (not verified)

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 07:05

What a nice time, but it seams to be quite difficult to reach?

What, if one has the feeling of having past all of this in other times and came to earth to help mankinde and the planet in to higher dimention ?


How do I go on apart of helping others, ore transforming light etc . ? What happens to my physikal body at the end ( I meen, when he runs out of engergie himself) ? Do I die (body) and go back to where I came from? I have someting to do with the violett and green ray, this colors are with me since about 20 years. 


Would be nice to have some info about it.


Love & Light


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