To Awakened and Ascending Souls !

Submitted by DrDougCole on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 18:00

   Warm greetings to all awakened and ascending souls !


  Although we may have not met here in this life experience , I am reasonably sure that we are one family and have shared a joint mission through eons of evolution.


It may be odd but when I read or hear about other like beings I become curious. I don't  want to know the usual stuff , What do you do for a living?.. I want to know what is your experience? When did you become aware? How do you function in your daily life? How many people do you share your truth with? How do they respond to you ?? And how did you find your way to a place like the Galactic Free Press !


 I really want to know this about each and every one of you that are reading my words..that have made it this far.

 I am going to share with you a brief synopsis of who I am and how I arrived here.

 I was born in 61 and as I recall I remember being a baby ( I was probably about 6 months old ) and seeing this very big face of my mom holding a diaper pin in her mouth as she tightened that cloth around me. From my earliest memories I was fascinated with my " New Body ". By the time I was speaking I recall frequently referencing my other life. My first out of body experience memory I was about 3 and floating around my house watching my brother , father and mother sleeping. Seeing spirits was a nightly experience and playfully chasing a Fairy type light being around my bedroom at age 4.


  I knew I was different from others, I felt like I was from somewhere else and yet had a strong emotional connection with the small amount of my bloodline that was Blackfoot Indian. Particularly the music and sound of the language however I learned quickly to stay quiet about my truth.

 I began studying the Bible, books on ESP ( as it was called then ) books on reincarnation, Life after death By authors such as Ruth Montgomery The series of Edgar Cayce's collection and medical books by the time I was nine years old. 


  To be continued...

grailheart magi

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 18:56

Greetings, Dr. Cole,

I am delighted to see you are willing to share much of your self. It would be such a grand step for everyone to be willing to do this... and we do see more here telling their personal stories. In that way it is easier to identify with each other, learn new insights from another and create the cohesion and alliance to love that we deserve and will more so align the frequencies and WAVE that is so longed for.


My intention is not to push a button here, but perhaps I can offer another perspective.... and I know since you are a qualified in your profession that taking a good look is always a good idea, ya?


Curiosity is a really good thing... it draws us into a mental arena of new substance and minute details that otherwise might go unnoticed. It is the inquisitiveness of the intellectual. A very Western adverb to say the least. 


Let me propose a couple of personal hypotheses here. 


If you and I were to meet and I was in a state of mind of "needing attention" - I would respond quickly to your being curious about me - you having said so in conversation.  It would open me up and I would share with you things like where I went to school, why I like music, the latest film I saw - "surface" things like that. The "real" part of me I know I would protect automatically.  Subjects like my emotional pain, fear of trusting another, how I felt I suffered from judgments due to my abilities being a woman. Again, I am simply being hypothetical now. Not my truths :'). 


Curiosity also erects a very palpable barrier in sacred ceremony. Gatherings such as sweat lodge, sun dance, vision quest, shamanic soul retrievals are such to invite participants to completely open minds and hearts. That is the purpose of such activities, perhaps. 


Sometimes a beginner or visitor will be curious about such things and find themselves invited to attend as an assistant. They are usually curious, so there is a level of apprehension on the part of the "regular" participants. So it is.  Anyway, if and when the curiousity level is dropped;  when trust of the process is achieved, and more over a true appreciation of the sacred ceremony, true heart level sharing and the genuine feeling of one-ness is achieved. 


My intention is not to discourage you from your interest and participation. If you remember in response to one of my posts when you said you were "curious", I answered and said, "about what?"  


When one is centered and doesn't have a need for attention and is secure on their path, you will find difficulty receiving information that you might be looking for, because they have learned to "hold their power" and the wisdom in that.  On the other hand, when one is sincerely wanting to share love at the heart level it is very easily to perceive.


Here's an example, to perhaps note the difference:


"I am curious...."   compared to something like,

"I am tired of feeling alone, and I trust you here on the Press, that if I reach out I will find love, so would someone please reach out to me?"


So, we are shifting from mental "distant" information about another to heart centered willingness to really be one's self and have no fear about it. 


Love is here, knowledge is here, heart is here, problems are here, angels are here.... at whatever level you wish to receive.... and we honor how, when and where you greet us!


Nothing wrong with testing the water!  And of course, use discernment, always!


Much love,


grailheart magi

Thank you for sharing your story. I think that takes some courage and confidence. As one who is very reticent to share their early experinces I respect your courage in this. I too am curious about how other lightworkers and awakened ones got to where they are. I always wonder if they started having these metaphysical experiences as a child or did they have some sort of epiphany as an adult, and does if effect the perceptions of your experiences and how you process them.

Mine started as a small child like yours so I have "grown up" with them and knowing I was a bit different from most others. Like you I also learned to keep quiet about it as it was not understood by my family and friends. So I thank you again for your sharing as it brings me comfort to hear others "stories" and know there are others who have had experiences similar to mine.

Blessings and Peace dear Brother.

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