To Awakened and Ascending Souls ! Continued

Submitted by DrDougCole on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 12:12

...... I learned to shove down or sublimate my experiences.


  My contact with E.T.'s started in 1987 though many of those were fuzzy and strange , dream like. My experiences varied from uplifting and positive with benevolent types to battle with malevolent deceptive creatures. The latter always ended with me ultimately recognizing the deception and I would become aggressive and disrupt their studies.


After 2002 it seemed my nights were full of exciting adventures with vivid recall of being a light warrior fighting dark entities on behalf of the light my son Christian seemed to always be at my side and we would wake often with shared memories. This all seemed to be just fantastical dreams, daylight would come and my environment was such that household discussion of these events and experiences were not understood or warmly encouraged.


In the first week of November 2011, I woke in the morning with a vision of a bright lime green worm hole in front of me, I closed my eyes and focused on it and moved my consciousness into it. I found myself lying on my back on a mat in a large room. I was enjoying the sounds of intricate electric guitar that seemed to be everywhere. As I listened I realized that I was controlling and creating the music, seamlessly and effortlessly. I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and then the voice of a woman , she said " you finally made it " , " we have been waiting for you "  I said where am I ? she said " you have made a trans dimensional trip " and " you are here for training" .. I was told that the energies are different and a higher vibrational level, I would adapt quickly and I will be prepared for changes that are going to occur... I came back out of the worm hole into my bed fully awake.. the next night my education began.


I began being taken aboard large ships, being taught how to pass through solid objects without disruption, learning about new flight technology, approaching changes in the monetary system, government, Earth, solar system, galaxy, universe.

Because of my past experiences I was pretty sure I had not lost my mind, so my only alternative was to start doing research. I researched each and every piece of information I was given and giving the fact that 2012 was looming and there were so many shows in  your face about the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of the world for that matter, I wanted to know what was really happening . 


I think the most difficult part was discretion , there was so much information ! Many stories with different versions of what different people believe is taking place. I think my high point is when I received an email from a site that wanted to teach me how to build an unsinkable boat to survive 2012 !! I laughed until I cried ! :))... I journaled much of my nightly messages.. but one of the best was from a being who claimed to be my Guardian Angel..through time..she goes by the name Gabrielle, as in Arch Angel Gabrielle. ( I did not realized this was a female type being ).  She told me " Opinion is :what you think you know.." Wisdom is :Knowledge plus discretion "

 I was quite surprise to find a whole community that was basically reflecting back the very same information that I was being given through my Guides ! much more ! I was having messages ...Galactic...Galactic press.. I was like what the heck is that ??

I started looking up sites.. there were many sites ..galactic this and that ..I would read a bit but ,,nothing really struck me.


Then it happened . I saw .. The Galactic free Press.. I read a bit ..and I could tell , Information was being shared. Enlightenment was being promoted. Discretion was being used as well.  The types of information was diverse, but the message was there !

And it was in the light of Truth..


Prior to the eclipse on May 20 th I received a message I should go to Mt.Shasta and participate in the Global Meditation from that site. I grabbed 2 of my kids and we took a last minute road trip from L.A.. We arrived late evening on the 19 th.. as I drifted off to sleep I was told by my guide that the outlet known as the Galactic Free Press was a Unique avenue of truth and is being overseen by many ascended beings to maintain its purity... that was special !


I know consider myself to be a member of this family and this wonderful awakened community..together we will work to help humanity with the transition into a new ascended world.


In Love and Light,


Douglas Cole D.C.






ETbabe (not verified)

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 02:30

dear dr.doug,
thank you sooo very much for sharing your experience. i am so grateful tht there is someone out there who has the same experience as i did. i have no one to talk to and feel completely alone because no one around me seem to understand what i have experienced.

to make a long story short, i 'awakened' on early 2011. ever since i awakened i begin to have nightly astral travel to other dimension. i had 'flying dream' every once in a month and also dream of fighting dark entities which i did not understand back then. since 2012 my flying dream has been more frequent. i noticed tht i didnt just flying without a purpose. it is more like a 'training' session and lately the training become more hectic and more advanced. recently, i have been trained to walk through a solid wall like what u had. i still dont understand fully why i have all this 'nightly training' but im glad i found ur blog and know that im not the only one who is having this experience. thank u once again!

sending you lots of love and light. :)

I truly hope to hear fom many who will share their experience ! I honor and thank anyone with the courage to stand up and say.. This is who I am !

Madame Butterfly

Sun, 06/03/2012 - 23:50

wow - fascinating account of your experiences - I also wanted to go to Mt Shasta that night but was too far away up here in Canada so we had a bonfire under the stars and pulled an all nighter...we saw five or six orbs up high travelling purposefully in random directions through the night and when the morning light started coming up the sky was full of energy coming from the South...the clouds were like long trailing wisps and I felt that they came from here all the way from Mt Shasta - we couldn't see the eclipse from up here but felt the energy!  I am new to here also but have written stories years ago that are now playing out  - I so relate to your feeling like there is so much information to share! it is a bit overwhelming at times!


 my kids were thinking I am going crazy but then my 8 yr old son and I had a ufo sighting close up afew weeks ago and now he is a believer!


anyway, just wanted to say hello 

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