A lifetime walking alone

Submitted by Bunnywillow16 on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 11:53


I sat down and read a blog from a lighted gentleman yesterday who shared a part of his story and thought maybe I could share a small bit of my own, but immediately upon beginning my blog, huge amounts of emotion flooded my perceptions until I gave up, there was simply to much water under the bridge. I spent years speaking to other people as a child and teenager about the extraordinary gifts, beings,dimensions the lighted brotherhood, and eventually stopped because of the judgements, sometimes angrily directed at me. One example would be when I was about 12.


My parents wanted us to be able to choose for ourselves what religion ment to us so they took us to different church's to try on. One in particular I joined a bible youth group, hoping to meet and make some friends, (not an easy task for the light workers), but found when question and answer time came it appeared that my sort of questions were not welcome at all, for instance, "my own father would not throw me into a fire pit just because I did something wrong, why would God, who is above such things?"


Well, you can imagine how that went over and they never did answer my question. I was asked not to come back because I caused trouble, and that's the work of the devil. Needless to say, by the time I was twenty, I'd had enough. My childhood enthusiasm had vanished, when my boyfriend at the age of 18, having finished a fascinating conversation on how all matter is conscious, with him responding, "so what you're saying is that a stop sign has consciousness ?", and I say "of course, atoms that make it up are conscious!". When the conversation was at an end(frustratingly so), he pulled a tape recorder from under the table and rewound it, playing our conversation back to me for a minute then said, "now see how stupid you sound?".


All I have ever wanted,was for the world to know but I found the world did not want to know. My older sister, at the age of 17, tried to kill herself because the isolation experienced at school was to much for her to live with. She is still with us, thank God, and is a lovely human being who shares her gifts,(master vegan chef, yoga instructor, and highly talented artist, among many other interests,) with the world. I too am an artist who's desire to create has been shut down because of the lack of gratitude and appreciation from society. My own inlaws, when I was around 25 and a mother of two, commissioned a painting from me.


My husband and I were struggling financially so I excepted, I had a sixteen month old baby to take care of as well as a six year old, but managed to complete a fine work (landscape), in a month working about 5 hours a day on it. When the day came to present it, my mother-in-law nearly dropped over at the ridiculous price of 500.00 dollars we asked for the piece, but my father-in-law said, "Never mind, I'll just wait till she dies and sell it for a million bucks! He was a wealthy man at the time, now deceased. This is a story I know many light workers have experienced but it doesn't make life any easier knowing this. My entire journey in this lifetime I have never met another human being who was raised the way I was, ...until now. So glad to meet you all again! Time to go for awhile, to emotional to continue..... But perhaps I'll share again. Thank you for listening, Great Love and Peace to you all! Regie


Fri, 06/01/2012 - 13:43

Yes, No way you'll ever walk alone again! We're togehter, We're Family, We're One Love!


Deep understanding of your path... it's over now, Love Gathers as One!


Love You

This is the way of the starseed it seems. Even Gifted Healers, like Jerry Wills(maybe he just doesnt talk much online) has this experience. He is on Facebook if you want to look him up.


I feel your pain. Mystics, visionaries, (think Minority Report) those with gifts of 'seeing'... we all are in the same boat as it were here.


Telepath, PK(telekinesis), and Remote Viewers(have not delved into this, but I could, different method used than telepathy or bilocation) have it equally harsh.


'talks to animals'...


...it simply is not in the human standard vocabulary to injest such thoughts or ideas.

Imagine the damage after several psych wards....I dont need to tell or show any of you, it needs to be said. Archangels, Moraney, some of you others, please take heed.


Very important.


Much much pain here. Water...whatever you call it. Under a bridge.

I call it pain and suffering and its not much different from PTS(D) in the military from war zone deployments. The depression hits the same.


Thing is, I have a DoD security clearance and can PROVE some of this, some of what is promoted here,some of the stellar activity.(Not trying to boast)


Naval Officers see me as one of their own, as an advisor(this is Captains, INTEL officers..etc.). Im not crazy, this stuff is just classified A.T.S. Everyone not in the service, especially family, thinks Im a nut  and they have this 'record' of medical abuses of them taking advantage...yet legally I have no rights due to this and the records are mine, not thiers to do as they will with.They cannot(yet they do often) arbitrarily call the cops on me to have me arrested without cause.


Restraing order is already in place. I cant do anything but shun them now.

(This is family...breaking the law legally to have me thrown out of the house when I did nothing wrong but protect other family members. If the 12 dogs in the house want to run amok, well..GET RID OF THEM. STOP LETTING THEM BREED UNCONTROLLED.)


I digress a bit.


Both sides....(lest I strike up a match with the evil witch I have of a stepmother, tearing me from my father. ) I have to let go of and shun.


We live a very lonely life, often growing up at the age of 12 or sooner. In a war condition like back home, that can be expected, especially when invaded from above(I dont believe I am talking about Lyrae here, but you know what happened there, its similar..)...but here, on THIS planet? This isnt right.


They call this in programming computers a 'FIXME: '

[This needs fixing but I havent time to get to it yet.]


I am here. You are not alone in this. We walk as one. Much Love. Yes, very very painful.

(IM At Odds how to approach this.)


Fri, 06/01/2012 - 18:21

In reply to by James Douglas …

So very gracious of you to comment, I sense a life of serious lack of support for you and I'm so very sorry about that but I also know that I am not a victim of life, that each and every seemingly distressful event that occurred in my life, (including the death of my husband and best friend, one in the same person,) was apart of my plan and that of my over soul to bring me to this moment in time. I am an empath, and acknowledging this fact has been a rough road indeed, but I am now close to being able to approach humanity without collapsing from their collective pain and that of our dear mother Earth because of my own trauma i have lived and survived through. There is no better teacher for compassion than the rocky road of your own life.

Peace be with you always,

I will look for future blogs from you. Dream happy!


Fri, 06/01/2012 - 23:55

In reply to by James Douglas …

growing up and living as an awakened being (as far a a child might know what it is in fact) among deeply asleep ones is not comfortable at all.

Labels over labels of being different, not adaptable (what a LUCK!), silly, crazy, mad...

ending somehow up being lonely... feeling very lonely... and thus KNOWING that we're not crazy, mad, bipolar or whatever name we've received. 


And for long long time we've tried to fix ourselves into the deam, we've tried to adapt... that's simply not possible. And that was not our task. That's why it never worked as we have never been supposed to go back to sleep but, on the contrary, fo get others out of it. 

That's why all out efforts to adapt ourselves to the dream-reality did not work and caused suffering. And much more discomfort than this in some!


We knew, and more than often we didn't even know What We Knew. We simply Lived on another scale of BEing, thus our experieces also brought us to shut up, stop sharing with others, and so often we missed the other One just there next to us that Knew as we did, but out of shame of expressing our feelings we never really met, playing the role of masks. 


Yes, it's been a though ride, we knew it would be and we came nontheless. Now let's do ALL a big big favour starseeds & co... lets Stop trying to fit into the 3d world and Start bringing this amazing Planet ALL toghether into our Higher and True Reality, where we Know Reality Is, where we Know Love Is, where we Know all this will be over and the bubble of phantasies will brake and show Real Life.  If we don't do it, all our lifes, all our experiences, all our loneliness and suffering go down the rubbish. Loneliness makes us suffer as We Know We're One with Love=God. Lets stop it. We're Home, We're together, We're One. Lets Bring HUmanity Into Oneness=Love as we came to do/be. Lets finish our Mission and stop separation... lets laugh at it as we Know it's not real, then take all the hands you see and ask them if they want to Join... if they want to, we have many hands! If they don't, it's ok, whatever they choose still a dream it is and nothig Real can happen. 


Thank you to ALL for taking your Place into this amazing Ascension Process, the inner elevator that goes Home=One=God=Love. 


Love you ALL

grailheart magi

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 13:59

In reply to by James Douglas …

Kicked out of Safeway!!  Recently.

Yes, I was kicked out of Safeway... of course they lied about the reason... they lied and said I was harassing one of the employees (I was giving her a compliment!)


At first it felt pukky... you know the old rejection thing.


After a day sulking I said to myself WAIT A MINUTE!  This means I am doing things the right way!  Then I thought of all the really brave souls who are in house arrest, in prison for 30 years unfairly, etc.  I got over my drama quickly, then!  I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THE PAIN!!!


So I had to look up how big Safeway is (just to see how far they are up to the top) .... it goes by various names and is the 2nd largest grocery after Walmart!   The store manager seems nervous actually he is complaining to many that they aren't making enough money!


So, brave ones... we are IT now.... whatever rejection we receive is a compliment.... time to heal releases quickly and stay connected and give each other support!  





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