The Biggest Apology Of My Life

Submitted by d'tewa on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 06:52

     Yes, I apologize to you and everyone who reads this post.  I screwed up.  I failed the test.  Instead of going with the flow, I now run a course upstream against the current because I couldn't learn my lessons.  I was prompted over and over again to stop smoking and I didn't and more honestly, I couldn't.  I tried laying them down, but repeated failed. However, by the time I did manage to stop, it's now too late.  Something has gotten ahold of me that is quickly taking me down.  My health is failing fast, It hurts to breathe.  My body hurts in places I forgot about.  My cheery outlook has changed to one of depression.  I feel as though the Light that brought ascending miracles has stopped at my feet.  Darkness and the gloom of staying here in the 3D is breaking my heart, especially when I desparately wanted to ascend.  Actually, that's not even the whole truth of it all.  Though I've casted the "fear of the unknown" to the Universe many times, it remains still.  What can one do when the fear stays?  It's a blockage.  It's difficult to move forward. 

     What now?  Am I going to die now before I am able to physically ascend?  Do I have to die in order to ascend?  That's not what I wanted.  I came to see this thing through to the end.  I don't want to stop and stay here with the ones who harm each other.  I wanted a life full of love, light and peace.  I wanted to see the New Earth and her new inhabitants in all their glory. 

     Is this my crossroad?  The questions running in my mind are running deep.  I never thought about dying because actually, I never thought I would.  But now, even though I have a pretty good idea what happens when a person dies, still that "fear" is there, hounding me.  It's still that fear of the unknown, the fear of dying.  And, until one faces it, you can say all you want about not being afraid, yadda, yadda, yadda.

     Will I live to see Dec. 21, 2012?  Will I get a reprieve?  Will I die to ascend?   Will I ascend without dying?  Will I learn my lessons and be healed?  All good questions.  What happens when all of these questions are answered with a "NO"?  That's a place where I don't want my mind to go.  Because if I do, that fear will pop up again.  The unknown darkness of the 3D illusion.  Why can't I just wake up and see my truth?  I know I reside in an illusion.  Why is this so hard for me?  Others are waking up.  Why can't I?

     Being balanced is all that it's cracked up to be, everyone.  I've always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  I don't know the reasons why, and this is new territory I'm treading now.  I don't have any great advice on how to overcome fear, desires, habits or addictions.  All I know is that it's important you heed your own body's warning systems.  Because you know what happens when you don't?  You begin to realize that you walk backwards down a dark path within an illusion.  You can't see where you're going and never know what to expect.  That light at the end of the tunnel is gone, from our viewpoint.  Now, that's scarey!

     For now, I still want to apologize to all of you who I let down.  All of you who have not ascended yet.  I was weak and didn't try hard enough to overcome my fears.  Even though I forgive myself, I'm still disappointed.  So, please forgive me for not doing my job.  I let down Humanity and Gaia, and I will pay for my mistakes.  As far as I'm concerned, I deserve all I receive.

May you all live in Love and Peace.




Sat, 06/02/2012 - 10:45

The fact you realize your fears here, is to release them, To apologize for being a failure is a miasm, let it go. Ask us to assist you to release them, be strong divine one. You have it within you to do this, & much more. You have been a testament not to abuse yourselves, & die unhealthy, by your heart-felt post.

No, I don't think we have to die to ascend. I was expected to pass to ascend in 87' but chose not to. I too had to stay, work for me, the Banisher, had just begun, I wanted to see the results myself, I have family, children, now grandchildren, to see grow in light. You have the power within to work a miracle, ask in meditation for light & balance. All will be answered I know. Yes, being in body has been dense*, & hard to work with at times, but the conscious mind & emotion is the energy from the heart that succeeds, what the body holds back. let it pour. As we stay physical, a change must occur to become crystalline.. I want it to manifest in me soon, have for years.. I wanted I admit, to stay for approval & recognition, which was a motive at first.Ii did work hard, & sacrifice normalacy, lol  & I'm proud of my part, my becoming a new form, to have been a witness to this peaceful explosion, & to have been a part, the best feeling in the universial mind. Stay in touch I want to help, as I'm sure do others... love & light  release your darkness, to be replaced with pure sacred fire 5D Love soon..Callie, for all, galactic being

You didn't let any of us down d'tewa, and your willingness to confront all of these issues shows you are still moving forward. Know that you are forgiven, and please understand the most important forgiveness is the forgiveness you give yourself.


Sat, 06/02/2012 - 11:45

how could you reach such a conclusion? Did you read what you wrote? This is one of the greatest examples of OPEN HEART I've seen in some time. And the LOVE that comes out of it is astonishing! You glow your own Light d'tewa. 

What's this lesson? You just opened one of the most difficult doors to open... you came here, in front of all, not ashamed of your difficulties standing tall and, no matter what, saying I WANT TO ASCEND! 

Great One this is nothing to be ashamed of, this is Real Courage. 

Remember, before the sun shines comes the darkest part of the night. 

WE LOVE YOU. WE STAND WITH YOU HOLDING YOUR HANDS. Fiction cannot enter Heaven, Truth can, Here's truth in front of US ALL, and that's You Dear d'tewa. You're still Here Now with All of Us, no forgivenes needed for illusion. Look back... it's bright!!!! The Sun's rising. Lets rise together!




Sat, 06/02/2012 - 14:33

My dear, I have so much to say to you, however it is perhaps challenging for my energy to be calibrated by you in your state of concern.


That said, I will speak to your inner-knowing.


I have been through many such situtations in my life-travels.  


Fear NOT, fear NOT.


No punishment is yours, nor guilt is NOT to be owned by you.


Embrace the fear, and let it go through the embrace that will 'blow the charge' around it.


There is NO punishing except what 'we' in the 3D make it so.


Dark Night's come and go.


The energies now on this plane are intense, work with them even though they may seem to take one down to ones' knees.  The purpose of the 'now energies' are to and will LIFT.


Deeper learning.  So many levels to get to and there you are presented with the new deeper KNOWing.







TruthFreedom09 (not verified)

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 14:49

and even if you are on the other side, you will not miss anything - do not forget the veil between this side and the other is starting to be removed. and also there are so  many miracles happening just right now - just have Faith. here or there, being with God it's what it counts.

I hope this helps a little bit :-) and do not be afraid of anything! 


Sat, 06/02/2012 - 15:43



Dear d'tewa,

I've been through what you are going through and am not supposed to be here. But I am, we are in this world and it doesn't rule not let the system tell you how your experience is going to pan out....there's more then meets the eye.  My journey through cancer, was the most rewarding lifechanging experience...yes there was darkness...but oh, the gifts in the darkness....feel and really go into your feelings and observe, don't judge them or yourself....give the fear to your angels...and keep on giving it...there is a way path through this, keep on going within, breath, breath, breath, spend time in nature, and trust.....the following link is one of the most encouraging true stories.....


you are loved, your are loved, you are loved, start blessing and loving your body.....xoxo love and light....Kim


P.S. Look at nature, how peaceful it is....that is how we naturally's our mind that spoils the view......:)

Michael Sunfire (not verified)

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 19:52


Do not just sit there feeling sorry for yourself: fight back like the good light warrior that you are.  First of all you make your own reality so you don't have to speculate if you are going to make it orto 2012 so-called ascension or not. Convince yourself that good only can and will happen, visualize and use positive thinking you can create a reality and a future timeline of success and victory.  


Do not listen or watch pessimistic videos or DVDS , neither read negative material  nor talk to naysayers or skeptics, surround yourself with decent, positive, helpful people.    


The ascension thing happens every day, it is a gradual process and it is mostly personal; it is a transformation from negativity to a positive attitude, so with that cancer you have the opportunity to turn your life around.   




Stand up and claim your rights, be strong and postive in your affirmations:  I am perfection, immortality, I am the Universe, I  am all, I AM infinity, I am God, I  am light. Get some positive thinking tapes or CDs and listen to them daily.


Get in contact with nature; hike or jog in a forest or large park,  take sun baths, walk barefooted in contact with dirt, grass or sand, drop the toxic commercial so-called food and tap water, change your diet by  eating organic fruits and raw vegetables and drink distilled water only, and if possible join a laughter club


Expect always the best, work for it, your life is your hands, and it is up to you.

grailheart magi

Sat, 06/02/2012 - 20:07

Idea from Greg's post today:


Look at all your options,

Decide what you want,

Be clear and focused about it,

Imagine every detail, 

And think about it night and day.

Don't let go of it. 

You will know it,

And you will have it.


These are the type of days we are in.... truly we are each the creator of our existance, our real inheritance.   Imagine


Dear d'tewa, as far as I'm aware, this is the first time that I've visited your site, so I do apologise if I'm unaware of any background details or history. Synchronicity led me here, so I feel compelled to leave a comment :)


Please have faith. Not in anyone or anything else, but in yourself. Perhaps this experience was created by you for reasons personal to your spiritual growth. Maybe you could have chosen this as a strong message for others to choose for their own bodies, love for themselves. I don't know what the reason is, but I do know that whatever you do, don't give up!


Sending you lots of love, light and healling energies, Grace

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