Jamye Price ~ Crystalline Soul Healing ~ June 2012 Newsletter ~ The Energies Of June ~ 3 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 21:21

Jamye Price ~ Crystalline Soul Healing ~ June 2012 Newsletter ~ The Energies Of June ~ 3 June 2012

June is a month of transformation.  Expect it, balance yourself and be prepared to go with the flow.  It’s an exciting time, and excitement is always just a perspective away from fear!  In June, we will feel the curtain beginning to pull back more.  We will begin to experience more change going on around us. 


Our creative/manifestation abilities will be tested.  Our balance will be tested.  If you flow easily with Love, you will experience easy flow.  This is the way of life.  We are relearning how to flow with the natural progress of life.  You relearn this through your spiritual path of remembering and implementing the creative flow of Love.  You teach and effect others through the example of your beingness.  You apply the teachings into the practical aspects of life, finding your mastery in each moment of boredom, confusion, disappointment or loss.  Of course all of these are a perspective away from realizing that they, too, are experiences of Love in the broad scale of Life.  This is the unconditionality of God.  Love is all things, all things are Love, so All is Well.  A moment of boredom is a moment stretching your creativity, a moment of confusion is a moment stretching your acuity, a moment of disappointment is a moment asking you to take a step in another direction, one that is more suited for your glory though it may not seem like it right then.  A moment of loss is a moment of allowing a new cycle to birth, honoring all that has come before.  This is your flow of balance, your flow of creativity, your God Self shining through your human suit.  June will begin a culling of dross and a refining of substance that we always knew was our Truth.  Focus, flow and fun!


The Astrology

So much going on!  First there’s a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on 6/4.  The fire goddess that ignites us all is born within.  What is within you?  Passion?  Anger?  Glutton?  Excitement?  Honest appraisal is how we refine to become our most masterful self (sometimes it is helpful to have a supportive outside eye that will tell you like it is!).  On June 6 Venus transits in front of the sun.  This is momentous and potent for this time of change.  The Goddess in all her forms is to be honorored – it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, we all not only have masculine/feminine energy within.  For Wholeness in the Self, it requires full honoring of both as equals.  Our work now is to raise the feminine up as equal, since it has been suppressed by most societies for thousands of years.


Pluto remains retrograde in Capricorn (4/10-9/18) realigning our collective structures and our personal foundation.  Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces from 6/4 (eclipse day!) through 11/11 (11/11 day!;o)  Chiron also goes retrograde in Pisces (6/12-11/14) during this period, so utilize this opportunity to heal your personal wounds that block empowerment and multidimensional consciousness. This will be a powerful time for releasing blocks to unity and the subtle realms with these two retrograde in Pisces.  Saturn turns direct in Libra on 6/25 (equality) and Venus goes direct in Gemini on 6/17 (generating connection from within).


The new moon in Gemini on 6/19 resets our mental and emotional balance within just prior to the Summer Soltice as we experience the day of the most light of the year.  Soak it in after a dark moon and allow your balance to prepare you for the cycle of summer growth.  At the end of June we have some challenging squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn that will initiate a lot of change.  Remember that the breakdown of the old is a natural progression and your focus as a Lightworker is to build the new.  Focusing on the old, as interesting or exciting as it may be, is a distraction to the creation of the new.  Focus, flow and fun!


The Venus Transit

6 is a month of balance.  In numerology it represents a balance point, the spiral moving to a new ring, connecting opposites.  Within all life on earth there is a balance of masculine and feminine energy.  This balance is your creative input/output and part of your easy flow with creation on earth.  As you release the wounds of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, you are creating a balance within your physicality that magnetizes Full Flow.


The wounds of the Divine Feminine come in many forms.  Though we can separate them as if they have no meaning to the wounds of the Masculine, they are just a reflection of the same.  A controlling mother, a subservient mother, a manipulative, passive/aggressive mother, a conniving sister, a friend that betrayed you, a girlfriend or wife that cheated or lied, Mother Earth that starved you, that drowned you, etc.  All of these have their direct correlation to the Divine Masculine and you could plug in ‘father/brother/husband’ or even God for Mother Earth.   Looking at the emotional charges on all these scenarios (and more) helps to clear your own internal Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine wounds.  Personally, I found that as a female I had learned that it was safer to interact more in alignment with masculine energy and after much healing with both energies, I finally accepted my Divine Feminine energy within (and continue to do so).  It will be different for each person and it will differ per moment.  As soon as you feel you’ve fully accepted one, additional healing can still occur.


The power of the Venus Transit is the magnetic pull of the beauty, healing and Love of Venus/The Goddess actively beamed directly at us from our sun, creating a parabolic magnetic that culls disruption from your energetic field.  Know that much of the ‘work’ is done for you when you just open to flow, allow and receive the beauty.  That takes more courage and focus than many will acknowledge.


In Summary

June will be edging you toward more transformation.  It’s the midpoint of our exciting year 2012!  What new level of mastery are you spiraling into this month?  What new growth of Love within are you willing to cultivate into manifestation?  What must you release in order to allow new possibility to form?  Focus on creating your life of Love, flow with the information that life/the field gives you and have as much fun as possible with the progress.  Focus, flow and fun!

Have a fabulous June!


www.crystallinesoulhealing.com Link to original article / also see shiftfrequency.com  by Gillian – link to article

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