I am the Light in the mountain

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 13:47

This post is a first part of several parts and a tribute to Archeia Mary of the 5th Ray and beloved twin flame of Arc angel Rafael. Mary,who is most well known for her earthly incarnation as mother Mary. This same Mary  was also the incarnation of  Isis in Ancient Egypt. Mary is an Arc angel (archeia, feminine divine counterpart of Arc angel) of the green ray, she and AA Rafael have been with me throughout the whole month of May, helping my heart expand, clearing remnants of old self so that my Light body integrates fully the new DNA crystalline codes beeing downloaded.





I woke up yesterday to the presence of Archangel Michael whilst the song Ave Maria by Barbara Bonney played in the background of the spiritual realms.


I am Michael he said repeatedly

Good morning, Michael, I am Lumina I replied lovingly and jokingly.

He smiled and said what large wings you have grown, I smiled back and i knew the day would be overflowing and overglowing with angelic energies.


It was a hot, sunny day and I climbed up the mountain to bury one of my white quartz crystals up there. This land will be restored to its purity and balance and I am co manifesting this by seeding Love, Light, Joy and Compassion for ALL. I am now returning to mother Earth what belongs to Her so that she can be whole again: Her crystals. I’ll be charging these with Love, Light and with the precious gift Saint Germain left us with: the powerful and healing transmuting energy of the violet flame. I’ll charge these crystals with decrees of the violet flame for All hearts, All nations, All places, ALL everything, and then seed them in different parts of the world so that the land activates and more nations awaken to their true essence of Love, God and Goddess embodied they are.


Weeks ago, the federation of light had come to me and asked that i work with white crystals (clear quartz namely), they asked i charge them and return them to mother Earth once charged, this is part of my lightwork for the All at this stage of my highest purpose.



My connection with Mother Earth, Gaia, Goddess has strenghtened and deepened dramatically in my heart over the past few months. Lately, I find myself in a state of pure bliss, i lose track of time and space, it doesn’t matter where I am or with who I am at the time. I cry of Joy and am absolutely overwhelmed by Love when I am connected with Her. It’s pure emotion, it cannot be worded or expressed any other way other than through colour, tears of joy or laughter and music. I hear Her every day now. Can you begin to imagine the amount of Love, infinite Love, she feels for us all by manifesting Herself into form that is our planet and allow herself to be affected over the so many centuries by our collective frequency of fears and imbalances? No words can convey the LOVE she feels for us all children and no words will convey the LOVE i feel for Her…


On my way up to the mountain, i took my time to look around and drink the beauty of Gaia into my cells. I tapped into her energy , the energy of her children the trees and the flowers, and let them all charge me, nurture me, heal me, transmute me and purify me, i opened my heart and allowed myself to lose awareness of “self” and be one with Her, soaring freely as the two crows who now appear to me everywhere in pairs, there they were again yesterday!


I took notice of the abundant green around me and recalled i’d been seeing Archangel Rafael’s green healing energy ray for the past few days, surrounding me and others. I smiled at this and thought of his divine counterpart Mary and called them both to me and i asked them to help me seed the Light here in a small village in the valleys where Yamyah, human incarnated for now, currently lives.

Once I reached the top of the mountain I layed out a small crystal grid, lit a candle and spoke a prayer


…and the words came and flew from my heart into Earth and all dimensions

Beloved Mother Goddess

Mary Isis

I remember Love and Love I am

Water is your pure, crystaline Spirit,

it bathes me.

Air is your breath,

it cleanses me.

Earth is your luminous will in action,

it sustains and anchors me.

Fire is your light, the pranic Lifeforce residing in All,

it recharges me.

Help me anchor the Light in All dimensions and Earth

I am your eyes

I am your heart

I am your sound

I am your Light

I am your cells

I am part of you

I am your Love

Mother of All, Mother Goddess

i welcome you in my heart, let thy will be mine



I AM Lumina






then i circled around singing decrees and mantras and i called the angels and the elementals to be with me. I faced the sun, drank His, God’s pranic sun energy and danced on the top of the mountain, free from time and space, free from all…i unbecame all thoughts, i surrendered and by unbecoming thoughts and identities, i reunited with my divine essence that is pure LIGHT.


i danced without knowing the end or the begining for a circle turns into a spiral always and that spiral is Bliss. there are no words to describe the freedom i felt while dancing up there, arms wide open pointing upwards and welcoming the pouring light from above! Or perhaps i found a word that comes close to describe the merging of LOVE and LIGHT: BLISS.


I’ve been told i’ve reached another Spiritual level. I had to let go of expectations, of wanting to see, wanting to understand, of wanting for connections of a spiritual nature to happen. Wanting so much of anything is doubting and disbelieving and creates an imbalance. All the time i was seeking, i was missing what was already happening right there in front of my eyes. When you want so much, you miss living in the now and live according to the illusion of linear time that all times (past,present, future) are separated, when you want and seek outside, you live in the future. when you stop “moving” so much and find more and more inner stillness, you finally remember that all times and spaces co exist together and you come to remember the design of your soul plan….emotion, intution, inner guidance is remembering this design too. when you stop “moving” and still, you will remember.


At some point i placed my left hand on my heart and my right hand on the ground and I lowered my head to kiss Gaia “thank you for anchoring my human experience and form on Earth, I love you mother”


on my way back down, this wonderful thing happened: my eyes caught a sparkly white gem among countless of rocks and stones, and it was a tinny rock quartz! i could not believe my eyes as not ever had i seen a crystal up those mountains (except coal, lol) before and there it was, a gift from Mother Earth! I was now beeing gifted this precious quartz gem from her right after giving back to her a piece of herself! My eyes filled with tears and my heart sang a song of gratitude and Love to her and as I thanked her, a white butterfly flew around me and continued to fly up to the mountain and skies! Yes….i know, these synchronicities feel surreal almost!


(if you zoom the photo, you’ll notice the violet flame outlining my hand)


I AM Goddess’s eyes

I AM Goddess’s heart

I AM Goddess’s Love

I AM  Goddess’s cells

I AM One with Goddess Gaia, Mother of All

I AM Transcending, I AM Ascending

Beloved I AM

Beloved YOU ARE

Beloved ALL IS

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